
220 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

AWIPS uses regular expressions for data filtering at two steps in the ingest process:
1. the [LDM](../edex/ldm) uses regular expressions to determine which data to write to **/awips2/data_store**/.
An example for radars products defined in **/awips2/ldm/etc/pqact.conf**
NEXRAD3 ^(SDUS[23578].) .... (......) /p(...)(...)
FILE -overwrite -close -edex /awips2/data_store/radar/\4/\3/\1_\4_\3_\2_(seq).rad
The `FILE` option determines the actions on the product, in this case the name of the file (using `\n` numeration) as determined by the values captured inside of parentheses ([read more about LDM pattern actions...](
2. EDEX Ingest uses regular expressions to determine routing of raw data to decoder plug-ins based on WMO header and file name ([Read more about WMO headers...](
An example for products defined in **/awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/base/distribution/radar.xml**
<requestPatterns >
<regex>^SDUS[234578]. .*</regex>
Standard LDM regular expressions from **/awips2/ldm/etc/pqact.conf**
# Level 3 Radar (All)
NEXRAD3 ^(SDUS[23578].) .... (......) /p(...)(...)
FILE -overwrite -close -edex /awips2/data_store/radar/\4/\3/\1_\4_\3_\2_(seq).rad
# Level 3 Radar (Subset)
NEXRAD3 ^(SDUS[23578].) .... (......) /p(DHR|DPR|DSP|DTA|DAA|DU3|DU6|DVL|EET|HHC|N3P|N0C|N0K|N0Q|N0S|N0U|N0X|N0Z|NCR|NMD|OHA)(...)
FILE -overwrite -close -edex /awips2/data_store/radar/\4/\3/\1_\4_\3_\2_(seq).rad
# FNEXRAD Composites
FNEXRAD ^rad/NEXRCOMP/(...)/(...)_(........)_(....)
FILE -close -edex
# Satellite Imagery
NIMAGE ^satz/ch[0-9]/.*/(.*)/([12][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([01][0-9])([0-3][0-9]) ([0-2][0-9])([0-5][0-9])/(.*)/(.*km)/
FILE -close -overwrite -edex /awips2/data_store/sat/\8/\9/\1_\2\3\4\5_\6\7
# -------- GOES-East/West Northern Hemisphere Composites --------
# GOES-East/West VIS composites
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (CV) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# GOES-East/West 3.9 um composites
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (CS) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# GOES-East/West WV composites
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (CW) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# GOES-East/West IR composites
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (CI) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# GOES-East/West 13.3 um composites
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (CL) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# ------------------- SSEC Global Composites -------------------
# Global WV composite
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (GW) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# Global IR composites
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (GI) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# ----------------- Mollweide Global Composites -----------------
# Mollweide Global Water Vapor
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (UY) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# Mollweide Global IR
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (UX) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# These work
# GOES Visible (UV 4km VIS disabled)
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (EV|U9) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# GOES Water Vapor
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (UW|UB) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# GOES Thermal Infrared
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (UI|U5) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# GOES other
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (UD|UE|U7|U8|) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# Arctic
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (U[LNGHO]) (.*) (.*) (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# Antarctic VIS Composite
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (UJ) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# Antarctic PCOL Composite
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (UK) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# Antarctic WV Composite
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (UF) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# Antarctic Composite IR
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (U1) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# GOES Sounder Derived Image Products from University of Wisconsin CIMSS
# CIMSS CAPE - McIDAS product code CE
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q0 CE .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# CIMSS Cloud Top Pressure - McIDAS product code CA
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q0 CA .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# CIMSS Lifted Index - McIDAS product code CD
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q0 CD .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# CIMSS Ozone - McIDAS product code CF
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q0 CF .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# CIMSS Total Column Precipitable Water - McIDAS product code CB
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q0 CB .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# CIMSS Sea Surface Temperature - McIDAS product code CC
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q0 CC .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# CIMSS Northern Hemisphere Wildfire ABBA - McIDAS product code CG (inactive)
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q0 CG (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# CIMSS Southern Hemisphere Wildfire ABBA - McIDAS product code CH (inactive)
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q0 CH (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
# Gridded Model Data
# GFS 0.5 deg (gfs.tCCz.pgrb2.0p50.fFFF) all hours out to F384
CONDUIT ^data/nccf/com/.*gfs.t[0-9][0-9]z.(pgrb2.0p50).*!(grib2)/[^/]*/(SSIGFS|GFS)/#([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{4})(F[0-9]..)/([^/]*)/.*! (......)
FILE -overwrite -log -close -edex /awips2/data_store/grib2/conduit/GFS/\5_\6Z_\7_\8-(seq).\1.grib2
# NAM-40km (awip3d) - exclude awip12 = NAM12 since it is on NGRID (exclude NAM 90km)
CONDUIT ^data/nccf/com/nam/.*nam.*(awip3d).*!(grib2)/ncep/(NAM_84)/#([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{4})(F[0-1]..)/([^/]*)/.*! (......)
FILE -overwrite -log -close -edex /awips2/data_store/grib2/conduit/\3/\5_\6Z_\7_\8-(seq).\1.grib2
NGRID Y.C.[0-9][0-9] KWBY ...... !grib2/[^/]*/[^/]*/#[^/]*/([0-9]{12})F(...)/(.*)/.*
FILE -overwrite -log -close -edex /awips2/data_store/grib2/noaaport/HRRR/\1_F\2_\3_(seq).grib2
# GFS40 40km
NGRID ^[LM].R... KWBC ...... !grib2/[^/]*/([^/]*)/#(212)/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{4})(F[0-9]{3})/([^/]*)
FILE -overwrite -log -close -edex /awips2/data_store/grib2/noaaport/GRID\2/\1_\3_\4Z_\5_\6-(seq).grib2
# RAP-13km
NGRID ^[LM].D... KWBG ...... !grib2/[^/]*/([^/]*)/#([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{4})(F[0-9]{3})/([^/]*)
FILE -overwrite -log -close -edex /awips2/data_store/grib2/noaaport/GRID\2/\1_\3_\4Z_\5_\6-(seq).grib2
# RTMA 197 (5km)
NGRID ^[LM].M... KWBR ...... !grib2/[^/]*/([^/]*)/#([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{4})(F[0-9]{3})/([^/]*)
FILE -overwrite -log -close -edex /awips2/data_store/grib2/noaaport/GRID\2/\1_\3_\4Z_\5_\6-(seq).grib2
# RTMA-Mosaic 2.5km (I) and URMA2.5 (Q)
NGRID ^[LM].[IQ]... KWBR ...... !grib2/[^/]*/([^/]*)/#([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{4})(F[0-9]{3})/([^/]*)
FILE -overwrite -log -close -edex /awips2/data_store/grib2/noaaport/GRID\2/\1_\3_\4Z_\5_\6-(seq).grib2
# NamDNG 2.5 and 5km
NGRID ^[LM].[IM]... KWBE ...... !grib2/[^/]*/([^/]*)/#([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{4})(F[0-9]{3})/([^/]*)
FILE -overwrite -log -close -edex /awips2/data_store/grib2/noaaport/GRID\2/\1_\3_\4Z_\5_\6-(seq).grib2
# NAM12 (#218)
NGRID ^[LM].B... KWBE ...... !grib2/[^/]*/([^/]*)/#([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{4})(F[0-9]{3})/([^/]*)
FILE -overwrite -log -close -edex /awips2/data_store/grib2/noaaport/GRID\2/\1_\3_\4Z_\5_\6-(seq).grib2
# GEM 000 CMC_reg_USWRF_NTAT_0_ps15km_2015042818_P003.grib2
CMC CMC_reg_(.*)km_(..........)_P(...).grib2
FILE -overwrite -log -close -edex /awips2/data_store/grib2/cmc/cmc_reg_\1km_\2_P\3.grib2
FNMOC ^US058.*(0018_0056|0022_0179|0027_0186|0060_0188|0063_0187|0110_0240|0111_0179|0135_0240|0078_0200)_(.*)_(.*)_(.*)-.*
FILE -log -overwrite -close -edex /awips2/data_store/grib2/fnmoc/US_058_\1_\2_\3_\4-(seq).grib