178 lines
5.3 KiB
178 lines
5.3 KiB
import BaseRequest
from com.raytheon.uf.common.message.response import ResponseMessageGeneric
from com.raytheon.edex.plugin.radar.dao import RadarDao
# Perform a radar request for data of interest
rr = BaseRequest.BaseRequest("radar")
hedfmt = "FFF"
result = rr.execute()
size = result.size()
if size == 0:
return ResponseMessageGeneric("Data not available")
# ResponseMessageGeneric. Payload is RadarRecord
rmg = result.get(0)
# return rmg
# RadarRecord
rrec = rmg.getContents()
# From here to the end is the part we know how to do for radar but not
# for radar.
mytime = rrec.getDataURI().split('/',4)[2]
# RadarDao. Inherits from PluginDao, which has a getHDF5Data method,
# which takes a PluginDataObject as an arg.
raddao = RadarDao("radar")
# returns IDataRecord[]. IDataRecord is implemented by only one class --
# AbstractStorageRecord. ASR is extended by a few *DataRecord classes; one
# of them is ByteDataRecord
idra = raddao.getHDF5Data(rrec,-1)
msg = "No data."
if len(idra) > 0:
# pick radar Data record
# record 0 contains Angles getFloatData
# record 1 contains Data getByteData
# record 2 contains DependentValues getShortData
# record 3 contains ProductVals getByteData
# record 4 contains RecordVals getByteData
# record 5 contains StormIds getByteData
# record 6 contains Symbology getByteData
# record 7 contains SymbologyData getByteData
# record 8 contains Thresholds getShortData
dattyp = "raster"
for ii in range(len(idra)):
if idra[ii].getName() == "Data":
rdat = idra[ii]
elif idra[ii].getName() == "Angles":
azdat = idra[ii]
dattyp = "radial"
elif idra[ii].getName() == "DependentValues":
depVals = idra[ii].getShortData()
# elif idra[ii].getName() == "ProductVals":
# prodVals = idra[ii].getByteData()
# elif idra[ii].getName() == "RecordVals":
# recVals = idra[ii].getByteData()
# elif idra[ii].getName() == "StormIds":
# stormVals = idra[ii].getByteData()
# elif idra[ii].getName() == "Symbology":
# symVals = idra[ii].getByteData()
# elif idra[ii].getName() == "SymbologyData":
# symData = idra[ii].getByteData()
elif idra[ii].getName() == "Thresholds":
threshVals = idra[ii].getShortData()
# this hints at the IDR's concrete class: ByteDataRecord
#print "true type of IDataRecord:", idr.getDataObject().toString()
dim = rdat.getDimension()
if dim != 2:
return ResponseMessageGeneric(msg)
yLen = rdat.getSizes()[0]
xLen = rdat.getSizes()[1]
# byte[] -- the raw data
array = rdat.getByteData()
arraySize = len(array)
if xLen * yLen != arraySize:
return ResponseMessageGeneric(msg)
# get data for azimuth angles if we have them.
if dattyp == "radial" :
azVals = azdat.getFloatData()
azValsLen = len(azVals)
if yLen != azValsLen:
return ResponseMessageGeneric(msg)
description = "DDDDD"
# Encode dimensions, time, mapping, description, tilt, and VCP
if hedfmt == "x" :
msg = "\n"+ str(xLen) + " " + str(yLen) + " " + mytime + " " + \
dattyp + " " + str(rrec.getLatitude()) + " " + \
str(rrec.getLongitude()) + " " + \
str(rrec.getElevation()) + " " + \
str(rrec.getElevationNumber()) + " " + \
description + " " + str(rrec.getTrueElevationAngle()) + " " + \
str(rrec.getVolumeCoveragePattern()) + "\n"
else :
msg = "\n"+ str(xLen) + " " + str(yLen) + " " + mytime + " " + \
dattyp + " " + description + " " + \
str(rrec.getTrueElevationAngle()) + " " + \
str(rrec.getVolumeCoveragePattern()) + "\n"
# Encode level labels
spec = [".", "TH", "ND", "RF", "BI", "GC", "IC", "GR", "WS", "DS",
"RA", "HR", "BD", "HA", "UK"]
nnn = len(threshVals)
j = 0
while j<nnn :
lo = threshVals[j] % 256
hi = threshVals[j] / 256
msg += " "
j += 1
if hi < 0 :
if lo > 14 :
msg += "."
else :
msg += spec[lo]
if hi % 16 >= 8 :
msg += ">"
elif hi % 8 >= 4 :
msg += "<"
if hi % 4 >= 2 :
msg += "+"
elif hi % 2 >= 1 :
msg += "-"
if hi >= 64 :
msg += "%.2f"%(lo*0.01)
elif hi % 64 >= 32 :
msg += "%.2f"%(lo*0.05)
elif hi % 32 >= 16 :
msg += "%.1f"%(lo*0.1)
else :
msg += str(lo)
msg += "\n"
# Encode product dependent parameters 17 through 26
nnn = len(depVals)
j = 0
while j<nnn :
msg += " " + str(depVals[j])
j += 1
msg += "\n"
if dattyp == "radial" :
j = 0
while j<azValsLen :
msg += "%.1f"%azVals[j] + " "
j += 1
msg += "\n"
nxy = yLen*xLen
j = 0
while j<nxy :
i = 0
while i<xLen :
if array[i+j]<0 :
msg += str(256+array[i+j]) + " "
else :
msg += str(array[i+j]) + " "
i += 1
msg += "\n"
j += xLen
return ResponseMessageGeneric(msg)