492 lines
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492 lines
20 KiB
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# BasinCrossingCyclone
# April 17, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Original Verison
# April 19, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Mostly works. A few bugs left.
# April 20, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Added more features. StormNum locks
# for non-NHC domain. Changed GUI layout.
# April 20, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Removed dead code and documented.
# April 20, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Better error handling.
# April 21, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Fixed a bug introduced with last clean
# April 21, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Enforce that stormNumber mod 5 equals
# bin number for NHC storms only.
# May 04, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Added smarter default button settings.
# May 06, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Code cleanup and Python3 mods.
# Fixed issue when running on HPA.
# May 12, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Added EP->CP basin buttons. Fixed a
# couple of bugs. Fixed update issue
# when changing basins.
# May 13, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Fixed storm number scale that was not
# updating when changing basins. Advisory
# number clean up.
# May 14, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Modified to use ***Sites methods in WWUTils
# Fixed an issue with the bin buttons.
# May 21, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Addressed code review comments.
# May 28, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Bin button were not set to the proper state.
# Cast .keys() to list for Python3.
# May 29, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Removed StormNum slider for non NHC sites.
# Author: lefebvre
MenuItems = ["Populate"]
import TropicalUtility
import WindWWUtils
import copy
import sys
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
import Tkinter as tk
import tkinter as tk
class Procedure (TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility):
def __init__(self, dbss):
TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility.__init__(self, dbss)
self._dbss = dbss
self._WindWWUtils = WindWWUtils.WindWWUtils(self._dbss)
def saveStormInfo(self, pil):
Saves the specified stormInfo to the JSON files under pil.
# Make a copy to ensure no funny business.
stormInfo = copy.copy(self._stormInfoDict[self._sourceBin])
stormInfo["pil"] = pil
advisoryNumber = self._advisoryTextBox.get("1.0", tk.END)
advisoryNumber = advisoryNumber.replace("\n", "")
advisoryNumber = advisoryNumber.replace(" ", "")
stormInfo["advisoryNumber"] = advisoryNumber
# Save the changes locally
self._stormInfoDict[pil] = stormInfo
if self._NHCBasinRules:
stormNumber = int(self._stormNumScale.get())
stormInfo["stormNumber"] = stormNumber
stormInfo["stormID"] = self._WindWWUtils.makeStormID(pil, stormNumber)
# Use TropicalUtility to save advisories.
self._saveAdvisory(self._targetBin, stormInfo)
def validStormNumber(self, bin):
See if the selected stormNumber is correct based on the bin.
The stormNumber MOD 5 should match the number of the bin.
if not self._NHCBasinRules:
return True
stormNumber = int(self._stormNumScale.get())
binDigit = int(bin[-1])
return stormNumber % 5 == binDigit
def saveStorm(self, bin):
Checks the selected stormNumber against the bin number and
saves if they match, if NHC. If not, puts a message to the user and
doesn't save. For other sited it just saves.
if self._NHCBasinRules:
if self.validStormNumber(bin):
return True
self.statusBarMsg("The Storm Number MOD 5 must match the bin number.", "S")
return False
return True
def cancelCommand(self):
Called when the cancel button is clicked
def runCommand(self):
""" Called when run is selected. Just saves the stormInfo for the current pil.
return self.saveStorm(self._targetBin)
def runDismissCommand(self):
Called when Run/Dismiss button is clicked.
if self.runCommand():
def makeBottomButtons(self, frame):
Create the Execute and Cancel buttons.
# Cancel button
saveColor = "green"
self._saveButton = tk.Button(frame, text="Save",
command=self.runCommand, bg=saveColor)
self._saveButton.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=20)
# Cancel button
runDismissColor = "lightgreen"
self._saveDismissButton = tk.Button(frame, text="Save/Dismiss",
command=self.runDismissCommand, bg=runDismissColor)
self._saveDismissButton.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=20)
# Cancel button
cancelColor = "red"
self._cancelButton = tk.Button(frame, text="Cancel",
command=self.cancelCommand, bg=cancelColor)
self._cancelButton.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=20)
def binButtonSelected(self, buttonLabel):
Called when any bin button (advisory) button is selected. Updates the
currently selected bin. If it was a source button update the info widgets.
buttonBasin = buttonLabel[0:2]
if buttonBasin == self._sourceBasin:
if buttonLabel != self._sourceBin:
self._sourceBin = buttonLabel
elif buttonBasin == self._targetBasin:
if buttonLabel != self._targetBasin:
if self._targetBin is not None:
self._targetBin = buttonLabel
def basinButtonSelected(self, basin):
Called when a basin button is selected. Updates the currently selected
basin and makes new bin buttons.
if basin == self._currentBasinCombo:
# Show previous as unselected.
# Show current as selected.
self._currentBasinCombo = basin
# Redraw the bin buttons
def setDefaultBin(self, basin):
Figures out the bin to select based on the basiList. Selects the
first bin found for that basin.
filteredList = [bin for bin in self._stormInfoDict if bin.startswith(basin[0:2])]
if len(filteredList) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No active storms for basin:" + basin, "S")
return None
return filteredList[0]
def makeBinButton(self, frame, label, row, column, select, disable):
Makes a single storm button. This is implemented as a separate method
so the lambda method works properly.
# Set the button state
state = tk.NORMAL
if disable:
state = tk.DISABLED
# Set the background color
bgColor = self._unselectedColor
if select:
bgColor = self._selectedColor
button = tk.Button(frame, text=label, command=lambda: self.binButtonSelected(label),
font=self._font14Bold, state=state, bg=bgColor, activebackground=bgColor)
button.grid(row=row, column=column, padx=10, pady=5)
return button
def makeBinButtons(self):
Makes the bin buttons based on the currently selected basin.
# Make the frame or recycle the widgets within
if self._binFrame:
for child in self._binFrame.winfo_children():
self._binFrame = tk.Frame(self._master, relief=tk.GROOVE, bd=3)
self._binFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=20, pady=5)
self._binButtons = {}
self._targetBin = None
basinList = self._currentBasinCombo.split(" -> ")
self._sourceBasin = basinList[0]
self._targetBasin = basinList[1]
self._defaultBin = self.setDefaultBin(self._sourceBasin)
if self._defaultBin is None:
self.statusBarMsg("No JSON files found. Please run StormInfo first.", "S")
self._sourceBin = self._defaultBin
for column, basin in enumerate(basinList):
basinName = self._basinDict[basin]
buttonLabels = self._binDict.get(basinName, None)
if not buttonLabels:
self.statusBarMsg("Error, invalid basin: " + basin, "S")
for row, label in enumerate(buttonLabels):
if basin == self._sourceBasin:
disable = label not in self._stormInfoDict
select = label == self._defaultBin
disable = label in self._stormInfoDict
select = False
self._binButtons[label] = self.makeBinButton(self._binFrame, label,
row, column, select, disable)
def makeBasinButton(self, frame, label, row, select, disable):
Makes a single basin button. This is implemented as a separate method
so the lambda method works properly.
# Set the button state
state = tk.NORMAL
if disable:
state = tk.DISABLED
# Set the background color
bgColor = self._unselectedColor
if select:
bgColor = self._selectedColor
button = tk.Button(frame, text=label, command=lambda: self.basinButtonSelected(label),
font=self._font14Bold, state=state, bg=bgColor)
button.grid(row=row, padx=10, pady=10)
return button
def makeBasinButtons(self, frame):
Makes the basin buttons based on the keys in the stormInfo dict.
label = tk.Label(frame, text="From -> To", font=self._font14Bold, fg="blue")
label.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=10)
self._basinButtons = {}
for i, label in enumerate(self._basinButtonList):
# Filter out bins other basins
basinBins = [bin for bin in self._stormInfoDict if label.startswith(bin[0:2])]
disable = False
active = False
if len(basinBins) == 0: # There are no active storms for this basin.
disable = True
if label == self._currentBasinCombo:
active = True
row = i + 1
button = self.makeBasinButton(frame, label, row, active, disable)
self._basinButtons[label] = button
def getStormNumLabel(self, stormNum):
Make a label for the stormNumber. This can vary depending on the
particular office and its set of rules.
labelText = " Storm \n Number "
if not self._NHCBasinRules: # Add the stormNumber as it is immutable
labelText += "\n" + str(stormNum)
return labelText
def getStormIDLabel(self, stormID):
return "StormID:\n" + str(stormID)
def updateInfoWidgets(self):
Updates the info widgets based on the currently selected source bin.
Fetches the info out of the stormInfo and re-displays on the GUI.
stormName = self._stormInfoDict[self._sourceBin]["stormName"]
advisoryNum = self._stormInfoDict[self._sourceBin]["advisoryNumber"]
stormNum = self._stormInfoDict[self._sourceBin]["stormNumber"]
stormID = self._stormInfoDict[self._sourceBin]["stormID"]
labelText = self.getStormNumLabel(stormNum)
if self._NHCBasinRules:
labelText = self.getStormIDLabel(stormID)
self._advisoryTextBox.delete("1.0", tk.END)
self._advisoryTextBox.insert("1.0", advisoryNum)
def makeInfoWidgets(self, frame):
Makes the info widgets on the GUI including the stormName,
advisoryNumber and stormNumber.
# Fetch info from current bin
stormName = self._stormInfoDict[self._sourceBin]["stormName"]
advisoryNum = self._stormInfoDict[self._sourceBin]["advisoryNumber"]
stormNum = self._stormInfoDict[self._sourceBin]["stormNumber"]
stormID = self._stormInfoDict[self._sourceBin]["stormID"]
labelFrame = tk.Frame(frame, relief=tk.GROOVE)
labelFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=5)
self._stormNameLabel = tk.Label(labelFrame, text = stormName, font=self._font16Bold,
self._stormNameLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=5)
# Make the text box for the advisory number
textFrame = tk.Frame(frame, relief=tk.GROOVE, bd=3)
textFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=20, pady=10)
self._advisoryTextBox = tk.Text(textFrame, width=10, height=1, font=self._font14Bold)
self._advisoryTextBox.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=10)
self._advisoryTextBox.insert("1.0", advisoryNum)
label = tk.Label(textFrame, text=" Advisory \n Number ", font=self._font14Bold)
label.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=20, sticky=tk.W+tk.E+tk.S+tk.N)
# Make the scale for the storm number
scaleFrame = tk.Frame(frame, relief=tk.GROOVE, bd=3)
scaleFrame.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=20, pady=10)
if self._NHCBasinRules:
self._stormNumScale = tk.Scale(scaleFrame, from_=0, to=self._maxStorms, resolution=1,
orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, font=self._font14Normal)
self._stormNumScale.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=10)
labelText = self.getStormNumLabel(stormNum)
self._stormNumLabel = tk.Label(scaleFrame, text=labelText, font=self._font14Bold)
self._stormNumLabel.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=10)
labelText = self.getStormIDLabel(stormID)
self._stormIDLabel = tk.Label(scaleFrame, text=labelText, font=self._font14Bold)
self._stormIDLabel.grid(row=2, column=0, pady=10)
def setDefaultBasinCombo(self, basinButtonList, stormInfoDict):
Figures out a preferred default basin button based on the active storms in
the stormInfoDict
for stormInfoKey in stormInfoDict:
for basin in basinButtonList:
if basin[0:2] in stormInfoKey:
return basin
# Nothing found so return the first button
return basinButtonList[0]
def displayWindowOnCursor(self, master):
Moves the specified window to the cursor location.
wh= master.winfo_height()
ww= master.winfo_width()
px, py = master.winfo_pointerxy()
master.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (ww, wh, px - (ww //2 ),py - (wh // 2)))
def setUpUI(self):
Makes the tk calls to set up the GUI.
self._tkmaster = tk.Tk()
self._master = tk.Toplevel(self._tkmaster)
self._dialogMaster = None
self._master.title("Basin Crossing Cyclone")
self._master.attributes("-topmost", True)
# Capture the "x" click to close the GUI
self._master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.cancelCommand)
self._topFrame = tk.Frame(self._master)
self._tkmaster.withdraw() # remove the master from the display
self._basinFrame = tk.Frame(self._master, relief=tk.GROOVE, bd=3)
self._basinFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=20, pady=5)
self._binFrame = None
self._binButtons = {}
self._infoFrame = tk.Frame(self._master, relief=tk.GROOVE, bd=3)
self._infoFrame.grid(row=0, column=1, rowspan=2, padx=20, pady=20)
# Make the Run, Run/Dismiss, Cancel buttons
bottomButtonFrame = tk.Frame(self._master, relief=tk.GROOVE, bd=3)
bottomButtonFrame.grid(row=2, columnspan=3, pady=20)
def execute(self, editArea, timeRange, varDict):
# set up some constants for this tool
self._font12Normal = "Helvetica 12 normal"
self._font14Normal = "Helvetica 14 normal"
self._font14Bold = "Helvetica 14 bold"
self._font16Bold = "Helvetica 16 bold"
self._bgColor = "#d9d9d9"
self._selectedColor = "green"
self._unselectedColor = "gray80"
self._fullHazList = ["<None>", "HU.W", "HU.A", "TR.W", "TR.A", "TR.W^HU.A"]
# Used to translate basin nick names (AT) to basinNames
self._basinDict = {
"AT" : "Atlantic",
"EP" : "Eastern Pacific",
"CP" : "Central Pacific",
"WP" : "Western Pacific",
self._binDict = self._WindWWUtils._basinBins
# Fetch the storm information from the JSON files.
self._stormInfoDict = self._WindWWUtils.fetchStormInfo(self._fullHazList)
advisoryNames = list(self._stormInfoDict.keys())
if not advisoryNames:
self.statusBarMsg("No Advisory files found. Please run StormInfo first.", "U")
siteID = self.getSiteID()
self._NHCBasinRules = False
if siteID in self._WindWWUtils.NHCSites():
self._NHCBasinRules = True
self._basinButtonList = ["AT -> EP", "EP -> AT"]
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.HFOSites():
self._basinButtonList = ["EP -> CP", "WP -> CP"]
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.GUMSites():
self._basinButtonList = ["CP -> WP"]
self.statusBarMsg("This tool is not configured for this site.", "S")
self._maxStorms = self._WindWWUtils.maxStorms()
self._defaultBasinCombo = self.setDefaultBasinCombo(self._basinButtonList,
self._currentBasinCombo = self._defaultBasinCombo
self._sourceBin = advisoryNames[0]