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# EDEX Data Decoder Plugins
| acars | Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System observations |
| acarssounding | Vertical profiles derived from ACARS data |
| airep | Automated Aircraft Reports |
| airmet | “Airmen’s Meteorological Information”: aviation weather advisories for potentially hazardous, but non-severe weather |
| arealffgGenerator | Creates a mosaic of gridded ffg fields generated by RFCs for a WFO's area |
| arealQpeGen | Creates a mosaic of gridded QPE for a WFO's area |
| atcf | Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecast |
| aww | Airport Weather Warning |
| binlightning | Lightning data from the National Lightning Detection Network |
| bufrascat | Advanced Scatterometer wind data |
| bufrhdw | GOES High Density Winds |
| bufrmos | Model Output Statistics |
| bufrmthdw | MTSAT (Japanese Multi-Functional Transport Satellite) High Density Winds |
| bufrncwf | National Convective Weather Forecast for Aviation |
| bufrobs | BUFR formatted surface and sea obs |
| bufrquikscat | NASA QuikSCAT (Quick Scatterometer) satellite carrying the SeaWinds scatterometer (OOS 2009) |
| bufrsigwx | Aviation Significant Weather |
| bufrssmi | Special Sensor Microwave/Imager data from DMSP (Defesne Meteorological Satellite Program) satellites |
| bufrua | Upper air radiosonde data |
| ccfp | Aviation Collaborative Convective Forecast Product |
| climate-hmdb | Climate text products |
| convectprob | NOAA/CIMSS Prob Severe Model |
| convsigmet | Aviation Significant Meteorological Information for convective weather |
| crimss | NPP/NPOESS CrIMSS (Cross Track Infrared and Microwave Sounding Suite) soundings |
| cwa | Aviation Center Weather Advisory, issued by CWSUs (Center Weather Service Units) |
| cwat | County Warning Area Threat produced by SCAN. CWAT was formerly called SCAN Convective Threat Index (SCTI). Raw data inputs include radar, cloud-to-ground lightning from the NLDN, and a few RAP13 fields. Radar data [with WSR-88D product mnemonics and numbers] needed for CWAT are 1 km Composite Reflectivity [CZ, 37]; 4 km Vertically Integrated Liquid [VIL, 57]; Storm Track [STI, 58]; Mesocyclone Detections [MD, 141]; and Tornadic Vortex Signatures [TVS, 61]. RAP13 fields include 700 mb Wind, Freezing Level, 1000-500 mb Thickness and 500 mb Wind as specified in the SCANRunSiteConfig.xml file.) |
| dmw | GOES-R Derived Motion Winds |
| ffg | Flash flood guidance metadata (countybased ffg from RFCs) |
| ffmp | Flash Flood Monitoring and Prediction data. Raw data inputs: radar, gridded flash flood guidance from River Forecast Centers, highresolution precipitation estimates [HPE] and nowcasts [HPN], QPF from SCAN and gage data from the IHFS [Integrated Hydrologic Forecast System] database. Radar data [with WSR-88D product mnemonics and numbers] needed for FFMP are Digital Hybrid Reflectivity [DHR, 32] and Digital Precipitation Rate [DPR, 176]. The raw GRIB files containing RFC Flash Flood Guidance are identified in the tables in Part 2 of this document as NWS_151 or FFG-XXX, where XXX is an RFC identifier such as TUA, KRF, or ALR. |
| fog | Fog Monitor. Raw data inputs: METAR, Mesonet, maritime, buoys, MAROBs, and satellite [visible, 3.9 µm, and 10.7 µm]) |
| freezingLevel | MPE Rapid Refresh Freezing Level scheduled process (MpeRUCFreezingLevel) |
| fssobs | Observations for the Fog monitor, SNOW, and SAFESEAS. Raw data inputs: METAR, Mesonet, maritime, buoys, MAROBs. |
| gaff | Generate Areal Flash Flood Guidance |
| geomag | NCEP SWPC Geomagnetic Data |
| gfe | Graphical Forecast Editor grids |
| ghcd | NCEP Generic High Cadence Data |
| goesr | Plugins to decode and display GOES-R products |
| goessounding | GOES Satellite Soundings |
| gpd | NCEP Generic Point Data |
| grid | Binary gridded data grib1/grib2 |
| idft | Ice Drift Forecasts |
| intlsigmet | International Significant Meteorological Information for Aviation |
| ldad | Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination |
| ldadhydro | Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination Hydro data files |
| ldadmanual | Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination Manual Ingest |
| ldadmesonet | Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination Mesonet data files |
| ldadprofiler | Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination Profiler data files |
| lma | Lightning Mapping Array |
| loctables | Location Tables Ingest |
| lsr | Local Storm Reports |
| madis | Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System |
| manualIngest | Manual data ingest plugin |
| mcidas | NCEP decoder for McIDAS AREA files |
| metartohmdb | Adds metar records to the Verification and Climate database |
| modelsounding | Individual grid point soundings from the GFS and NAM models |
| modis | NASA Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer |
| mosaic | NCEP Radar mosaic data files |
| mping | mPING Crowdsourced weather reports (http://mping.nssl.noaa.gov/) |
| ncpafm | NCEP Point/Area Forecast Matrices data |
| ncscat | NCEP ASCAT/Quikscat records |
| nctaf | NCEP Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts |
| nctext | NCEP Text decoders |
| ncuair | NCEP Upper Air decoder |
| ndm | National Dataset Maintenance ingester |
| nonconvsigmet | Aviation Significant Meteorological Information for non-convective weather |
| ntrans | NCCEP Ntrans Metafiles |
| nucaps | Soundings from NOAA Unique CrIS/ATMS Processing System from NPP (National Polar-Orbiting Partnership) Satellites |
| obs | Surface observations from METARs |
| pgen | NCEP NAWIPS PGEN decoder |
| pirep | Pilot Reports |
| poessounding | Polar Operational Environmental Satellite soundings |
| preciprate | Precipitation Rate from SCAN. Raw data input: radar data [with WSR-88D product mnemonic and number] needed for preciprate are Digital Hybrid Reflectivity [DHR, 32]) |
| profiler | Wind Profiler data |
| q2FileProcessor | Q2 Verification System gzipped files |
| qc | QC mesonet data |
| qpf | Quantitative Precipitation Forecast from SCAN (raw data inputs: radar and some RAP13 fields. Radar data [with WSR-88D product mnemonics and numbers] needed for SCAN’s QPF are 0.5 degree Base Reflectivity [Z, 19], 4 km Vertically Integrated Liquid [VIL, 57], and Storm Track [STI, 58]. The RAP13 field needed is 700 mb Wind, as defined in the SCANRunSiteConfig.xml file.) |
| radar | WSR-88D and TDWR data |
| redbook | “Redbook” graphics |
| regionalsat | Decoder implementation for netcdf3 files generated by the Alaska Region and GOES-R Proving Ground |
| satellite-gini | GINI-formatted satellite imagery (GOES, POES, VIIRS, FNEXRAD) |
| satellite-mcidas | McIDAS area files (Raytheon/D2D-developed) |
| satpre | Satellite-estimated Pecipiration (hydroApps) |
| scan | SCAN (System for Convection Analysis and Nowcasting) (Inputs for the SCAN Table include radar, cloud-toground lightning from the NLDN, fields from RAP13, and CWAT. Specific radar products [with WSR-88D product mnemonics and numbers] are: 1 km Composite Reflectivity [CZ, 37]; 0.5 degree Base Reflectivity [Z, 19]; 4 km Vertically Integrated Liquid [VIL, 57]; Storm Track [STI, 58]; Mesocyclone Detections [MD, 141]; and Tornadic Vortex Signature [TVS, 61]. The SCAN Digital Mesocyclone Detection Table uses the WSR-88D DMD product [number 149]. RAP13 fields used for SCAN include CAPE, 0-3 km Storm Relative Helicity, 700 mb Wind, Freezing Level, 1000-500 mb Thickness, and 500 mb Wind.) |
| sfcobs | Surface observations other than METAR format including buoys |
| sgwh | NCEP BUFR Significant Wave Height data - SGWH (Jason-1), SGWHA (Altika), SGWHC (CryoSat), SGWHE (Envisat), SGWHG (GFO), or SGWH2 (Jason-2) |
| shef | Standard Hydrometeorological Exchange Format data. |
| solarimage | NCEP SWPC Solar imagery |
| ssha | NCEP Sea Surface Height Anomaly BUFR data |
| stormtrack | NCEP StormTrack Plug-In (Automatic Tropical Cyclone Forecast & Ensemble cyclones) |
| svrwx | SPC Local Storm Report Summaries |
| taf | Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts |
| tcg | Tropical Cyclone Guidance |
| tcm | Tropical Cyclone Forecast/Advisory |
| tcs | Tropical Cyclone Forecast/Advisory |
| text | Various Text Products |
| textlightning | Text lightning data |
| vaa | Volcanic ash advisories |
| viirs | Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite data |
| vil | Cell-based Vertically Integrated Liquid from SCAN (System for Convection Analysis and Nowcasting) |
| warning | Watches, Warnings, and Advisories |
| wcp | SPC Convective Watches |