
135 lines
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Raw Normal View History

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More updates to Models menu (updating bundles, colormaps, menus, and styleRules) GFS 1.00 Global/GFS ----------------------- -Updated model names in derivedParameters/definitions/msl-P.xml -Total Precip is in mm not inches -Add TP-GFS and CP-GFS parameters to gridImageryStyleRules.xml -Add TP-GFS and CP-GFS parameters to d2dContourStyleRules.xml -Change default Colormap to Radar/UPC On Hour Precip -Add colormap Radar/UPC One Hour Precip -Add colormap Temperature F.cmap -Add colormap Relative Humidity.xml In grid/bundles: sed -i ‘s/Gridded Data/gridded data/’ *xml -In menus/gridIndex.xml - change the GFS 1.00 frame count to 41 -Add colormap NDFD Min Max Temp.cmap -Remove Potential Vorticity for all models -Add colormap Isentropic.cmap GFS LAMP ------------ -Surface Temp - uses the SurfaceTempWind.xml bundle file which loads 10FHAG Wind also but LAMP doesn’t have that, only 0FHAG and surface (both V18 and V20) -Surface Temp Error -Legend wasn’t correct, removed the max/min from styleRules -Changed Winds to FHAG 0.0 instead of 10.0 -Missing MSL-P (both V18 and V20) -DewpointTempError -Removed whole colormap/ranges in styleRules -Visibility - no min/max on legend -Fix Visibility styleRules, change to LINEAR, add ranges, add labeling -Remove colormap settings in bundle -Categorical Lightning & Convection -Remove colormap settings in bundle -Add new styleRules -Lightning & Convection Probability -Remove colormap settings in bundle -Add new styleRules HRRR ------- -Need to add a new menu (HRRRFamilies.xml) that removes some products we don’t have for HRRR Comparison Families --------------------- -MSLP -Updated bundle to set HRRR and RAP13 to true for visibility when plotting -Updated bundle to use “RAP13” instead of “RAP-13km” National Blend ---------------- -2m Temp and 10m Wind -No 10m Wind so changing to surface wind HFR - Ocean Sfc Wind ---------------------- -Removed colormap info from HFR.xml bundle -Added colormap info to gridImageryStyleRules.xml WW3 Models (FNMOC, NOAA, NCEP) ------------------------------ No data (both V18 and V20) Remove from menus (comment out) ESTOFS ----------- -Tidal Height -Remove colormap info from ETSRG.xml -Added rest of colormap info to styleRules General: ------------ -gridIndex.xml -Commented out WW3 products since we’re not receiving that data -Removed the bottom NDFD submenu since already in the menu -allFamilies.xml -Remove potential vorticity To Do: -Fix Vorticity for GFS20, GFS1p0, NAM12, NAM40, and RAP13 (only works for HRRR) -GFS models - fix surface precip -GFS models - fix missing MSL-P product
2022-12-21 20:40:57 +00:00
<constraint constraintValue="SFC" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<mapping key="info.level.levelonevalue">
More updates to Models menu (updating bundles, colormaps, menus, and styleRules) GFS 1.00 Global/GFS ----------------------- -Updated model names in derivedParameters/definitions/msl-P.xml -Total Precip is in mm not inches -Add TP-GFS and CP-GFS parameters to gridImageryStyleRules.xml -Add TP-GFS and CP-GFS parameters to d2dContourStyleRules.xml -Change default Colormap to Radar/UPC On Hour Precip -Add colormap Radar/UPC One Hour Precip -Add colormap Temperature F.cmap -Add colormap Relative Humidity.xml In grid/bundles: sed -i ‘s/Gridded Data/gridded data/’ *xml -In menus/gridIndex.xml - change the GFS 1.00 frame count to 41 -Add colormap NDFD Min Max Temp.cmap -Remove Potential Vorticity for all models -Add colormap Isentropic.cmap GFS LAMP ------------ -Surface Temp - uses the SurfaceTempWind.xml bundle file which loads 10FHAG Wind also but LAMP doesn’t have that, only 0FHAG and surface (both V18 and V20) -Surface Temp Error -Legend wasn’t correct, removed the max/min from styleRules -Changed Winds to FHAG 0.0 instead of 10.0 -Missing MSL-P (both V18 and V20) -DewpointTempError -Removed whole colormap/ranges in styleRules -Visibility - no min/max on legend -Fix Visibility styleRules, change to LINEAR, add ranges, add labeling -Remove colormap settings in bundle -Categorical Lightning & Convection -Remove colormap settings in bundle -Add new styleRules -Lightning & Convection Probability -Remove colormap settings in bundle -Add new styleRules HRRR ------- -Need to add a new menu (HRRRFamilies.xml) that removes some products we don’t have for HRRR Comparison Families --------------------- -MSLP -Updated bundle to set HRRR and RAP13 to true for visibility when plotting -Updated bundle to use “RAP13” instead of “RAP-13km” National Blend ---------------- -2m Temp and 10m Wind -No 10m Wind so changing to surface wind HFR - Ocean Sfc Wind ---------------------- -Removed colormap info from HFR.xml bundle -Added colormap info to gridImageryStyleRules.xml WW3 Models (FNMOC, NOAA, NCEP) ------------------------------ No data (both V18 and V20) Remove from menus (comment out) ESTOFS ----------- -Tidal Height -Remove colormap info from ETSRG.xml -Added rest of colormap info to styleRules General: ------------ -gridIndex.xml -Commented out WW3 products since we’re not receiving that data -Removed the bottom NDFD submenu since already in the menu -allFamilies.xml -Remove potential vorticity To Do: -Fix Vorticity for GFS20, GFS1p0, NAM12, NAM40, and RAP13 (only works for HRRR) -GFS models - fix surface precip -GFS models - fix missing MSL-P product
2022-12-21 20:40:57 +00:00
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<mapping key="info.datasetId">
<constraint constraintValue="${modelName}" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<mapping key="info.level.leveltwovalue">
<constraint constraintValue="-999999" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="grid" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<mapping key="">
<constraint constraintValue="FHAG" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<mapping key="info.level.levelonevalue">
<constraint constraintValue="2.0" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
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More updates to Models menu (updating bundles, colormaps, menus, and styleRules) GFS 1.00 Global/GFS ----------------------- -Updated model names in derivedParameters/definitions/msl-P.xml -Total Precip is in mm not inches -Add TP-GFS and CP-GFS parameters to gridImageryStyleRules.xml -Add TP-GFS and CP-GFS parameters to d2dContourStyleRules.xml -Change default Colormap to Radar/UPC On Hour Precip -Add colormap Radar/UPC One Hour Precip -Add colormap Temperature F.cmap -Add colormap Relative Humidity.xml In grid/bundles: sed -i ‘s/Gridded Data/gridded data/’ *xml -In menus/gridIndex.xml - change the GFS 1.00 frame count to 41 -Add colormap NDFD Min Max Temp.cmap -Remove Potential Vorticity for all models -Add colormap Isentropic.cmap GFS LAMP ------------ -Surface Temp - uses the SurfaceTempWind.xml bundle file which loads 10FHAG Wind also but LAMP doesn’t have that, only 0FHAG and surface (both V18 and V20) -Surface Temp Error -Legend wasn’t correct, removed the max/min from styleRules -Changed Winds to FHAG 0.0 instead of 10.0 -Missing MSL-P (both V18 and V20) -DewpointTempError -Removed whole colormap/ranges in styleRules -Visibility - no min/max on legend -Fix Visibility styleRules, change to LINEAR, add ranges, add labeling -Remove colormap settings in bundle -Categorical Lightning & Convection -Remove colormap settings in bundle -Add new styleRules -Lightning & Convection Probability -Remove colormap settings in bundle -Add new styleRules HRRR ------- -Need to add a new menu (HRRRFamilies.xml) that removes some products we don’t have for HRRR Comparison Families --------------------- -MSLP -Updated bundle to set HRRR and RAP13 to true for visibility when plotting -Updated bundle to use “RAP13” instead of “RAP-13km” National Blend ---------------- -2m Temp and 10m Wind -No 10m Wind so changing to surface wind HFR - Ocean Sfc Wind ---------------------- -Removed colormap info from HFR.xml bundle -Added colormap info to gridImageryStyleRules.xml WW3 Models (FNMOC, NOAA, NCEP) ------------------------------ No data (both V18 and V20) Remove from menus (comment out) ESTOFS ----------- -Tidal Height -Remove colormap info from ETSRG.xml -Added rest of colormap info to styleRules General: ------------ -gridIndex.xml -Commented out WW3 products since we’re not receiving that data -Removed the bottom NDFD submenu since already in the menu -allFamilies.xml -Remove potential vorticity To Do: -Fix Vorticity for GFS20, GFS1p0, NAM12, NAM40, and RAP13 (only works for HRRR) -GFS models - fix surface precip -GFS models - fix missing MSL-P product
2022-12-21 20:40:57 +00:00
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<mapping key="info.parameter.abbreviation">
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<mapping key="info.datasetId">
<constraint constraintValue="${modelName}" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<mapping key="info.level.leveltwovalue">
<constraint constraintValue="-999999" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="grid" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<mapping key="">
<constraint constraintValue="FHAG" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<mapping key="info.level.levelonevalue">
<constraint constraintValue="2.0" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<alertParser xsi:type="dataCubeAlertMessageParser"/>
<timeMatcher xsi:type="d2DTimeMatcher" deltaFilter="0" forecastFilter="0"/>