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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The tests for the exception classes.
- This is undertested. HTML is never checked
:copyright: (c) 2014 by Armin Ronacher.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import pytest
from werkzeug import exceptions
from werkzeug.wrappers import Response
from werkzeug._compat import text_type
def test_proxy_exception():
orig_resp = Response('Hello World')
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HTTPException) as excinfo:
resp = excinfo.value.get_response({})
assert resp is orig_resp
assert resp.get_data() == b'Hello World'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('test', [
(exceptions.BadRequest, 400),
(exceptions.Unauthorized, 401),
(exceptions.Forbidden, 403),
(exceptions.NotFound, 404),
(exceptions.MethodNotAllowed, 405, ['GET', 'HEAD']),
(exceptions.NotAcceptable, 406),
(exceptions.RequestTimeout, 408),
(exceptions.Gone, 410),
(exceptions.LengthRequired, 411),
(exceptions.PreconditionFailed, 412),
(exceptions.RequestEntityTooLarge, 413),
(exceptions.RequestURITooLarge, 414),
(exceptions.UnsupportedMediaType, 415),
(exceptions.UnprocessableEntity, 422),
(exceptions.Locked, 423),
(exceptions.InternalServerError, 500),
(exceptions.NotImplemented, 501),
(exceptions.BadGateway, 502),
(exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, 503)
def test_aborter_general(test):
exc_type = test[0]
args = test[1:]
with pytest.raises(exc_type) as exc_info:
assert type(exc_info.value) is exc_type
def test_aborter_custom():
myabort = exceptions.Aborter({1: exceptions.NotFound})
pytest.raises(LookupError, myabort, 404)
pytest.raises(exceptions.NotFound, myabort, 1)
myabort = exceptions.Aborter(extra={1: exceptions.NotFound})
pytest.raises(exceptions.NotFound, myabort, 404)
pytest.raises(exceptions.NotFound, myabort, 1)
def test_exception_repr():
exc = exceptions.NotFound()
assert text_type(exc) == (
'404 Not Found: The requested URL was not found '
'on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your '
'spelling and try again.')
assert repr(exc) == "<NotFound '404: Not Found'>"
exc = exceptions.NotFound('Not There')
assert text_type(exc) == '404 Not Found: Not There'
assert repr(exc) == "<NotFound '404: Not Found'>"
exc = exceptions.HTTPException('An error message')
assert text_type(exc) == '??? Unknown Error: An error message'
assert repr(exc) == "<HTTPException '???: Unknown Error'>"
def test_special_exceptions():
exc = exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST'])
h = dict(exc.get_headers({}))
assert h['Allow'] == 'GET, HEAD, POST'
assert 'The method is not allowed' in exc.get_description()