Along with closing and restarting CAVE, one of the first things user's should turn to for resolving weird or unexpected behavior is *flushing their local cache*. The cache lives in a folder called **caveData**, so this process is also referred to as removing or deleting caveData.
### Linux
For Linux users, the easiest way is to open a new terminal and run the following command:
rm -rf ~/caveData
### Windows
For Windows users, simply delete the caveData folder in your home user directory:
Since the pandemic began, many users have asked if they can use X11 forwarding or ssh tunneling to remotely connect to CAVE machines. **This is not recommended or supported**, and CAVE crashes in many different ways and expresses strange behavior as well.
We highly recommend you [download the appropriate CAVE installer]( on your local machine, if that is an option.
If that is not an option, then the only remote access we recommend is using some type of VNC.
[**RealVNC**]( and [**nomachine**]( are two options that are in use with positive outcomes. [**UltraVNC**]( may be another option, but may have quite a delay. There *may* also be other free or paid software available that we are not aware of.
!!! warning "It is likely that any VNC option you choose will also require some software or configuration to be set on the remote machine, and this will likely require administrative privileges."