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2017-04-21 18:33:55 -06:00
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSIdent - time series identifier class
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notes: (1) A time series is identified by five parts:
// Location[_sub].Source[_sub].Type.Interval.Scenario
// Where location is typically a station or basin
// identifier, source is typically some type of
// abbreviation, type is the NWS data type, interval
// is the number of hours or "month" or "year" and
// scenario is a scenario identifier (the rest of the
// identifier). The Location and Source can each have
// subsources.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// History:
// Apr 96 Steven A. Malers, RTi Start developing the class based on
// lots of previous work.
// 11 Nov 1996 Matthew J. Rutherford, Changed to dynamic allocation.
// RTi
// 21 May 1997 MJR, RTi Added getBaseMultInterval.
// 16 Sep 1997 SAM, RTi Did a substantial overhaul in order to
// get the code ready for a Java port.
// This involved adding new functions for
// the sub/main location and source and
// carrying around integer and string
// versions of data, where appropriate.
// 07 Jan 1998 SAM, RTi Add _alias so time series can be used
// in expressions without having to use
// the entire identifier. Move
// parseInterval to the TSInterval class.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef TSIdent_INCLUDED
#define TSIdent_INCLUDED
// The following are coordinated because they can be passed into a top-level
// function (like a constructor) as well as the individual set functions.
#define NO_SUB_LOCATION 0x1 // Mask for setLocation()
// Do not use a sub-location.
#define NO_SUB_SOURCE 0x2 // Mask for setSource()
// Do not use a sub-source.
#define SEPARATOR "." // Separator for identifier
// parts
#define LOCATION_SEPARATOR "_" // Separator character for the
// location information.
#define SOURCE_SEPARATOR "_" // Separator character for the
// source information.
#include <string.h>
#include "ResJ.h"
class TSIdent
// Static functions...
static int getIdentifierFromParts ( char *, char *, char *, char *,
char *, char * );
// Get an identifier from its.
static TSIdent parseIdentifier ( char * );
// Parse an identifier into parts.
static TSIdent parseIdentifier ( char *, unsigned int );
// Parse an identifier into parts using
// flags.
// The basic member functions...
TSIdent ( void ); // Standard constructor.
TSIdent ( unsigned int ); // Construct using behavior mask;
TSIdent ( char * ); // Construct using the 5-part
// identifier.
TSIdent ( char *, unsigned int );
// Construct using the 5-part identifier
// and the behavior mask.
TSIdent ( char *, char *, char *, char *, char * );
// Construct using the 5-parts
// separately.
TSIdent ( char *, char *, char *, char *, char *, unsigned int );
// Construct using the 5-parts
// separately and the behavior mask.
TSIdent ( const TSIdent& ); // Copy Constructor.
~TSIdent ( void ); // Destructor.
TSIdent& operator= ( const TSIdent& ); // Overload = operator.
int operator== ( const TSIdent& ); // Overload == operator.
int equals ( const TSIdent& ); // Named version of ==.
int operator!= ( const TSIdent& ); // Overload != operator.
int notEquals ( const TSIdent& ); // Named version of !=.
int operator= ( char* ); // Overload =.
operator char *(); // a (char*) cast.
// Member functions specific to this class...
// Member functions to return data members...
char *getAlias ( void ); // Get the alias.
unsigned int getBehaviorMask ( void );
// Getthe behavior mask.
char *getIdentifier( void ); // Get the whole identifier.
char *getLocation ( void ); // Get the location.
char *getMainLocation( void ); // Get the main location.
char *getSubLocation( void ); // Get the sub-location.
char *getSource( void ); // Get the source.
char *getMainSource( void ); // Get the main source.
char *getSubSource( void ); // Get the sub-source.
char *getType( void ); // Get the Type
char *getInterval( void ); // Get the interval as a string.
int getIntervalBase ( void ); // Get the interval base as integer.
int getIntervalMult ( void ); // Get the interval multiplier as
// integer.
char *getScenario( void ); // Get the scenario
// Member functions to set data members...
int setAlias ( char * ); // Set the alias.
int setBehaviorMask ( unsigned int );
// Set the behavior mask.
int setIdentifier( char * ); // Set the whole identifier.
int setIdentifier ( char *, char *, char *, char *, char * );
// Set the whole identifier using the
// component parts.
int setIdentifier ( void ); // Reset the identifier based on the
// current identifier components.
int setLocation ( void ); // Reset the location using the main and
// sub-locations.
int setLocation ( char * ); // Set the location.
int setLocation ( char *, char * );
// Set the location using the main and
// sub-location.
int setMainLocation( char* ); // Set the main location.
int setSubLocation( char* ); // Set the sub-location.
int setSource ( void ); // Reset the source using the main and
// sub-source.
int setSource( char* ); // Set the source.
int setSource ( char *, char * );
// Set the source using the main and
// sub-source.
int setMainSource( char* ); // Set the main source.
int setSubSource( char* ); // Set the sub-source.
int setType( char* ); // Set the data type.
int setInterval( char* ); // Set the interval.
int setInterval( int, int ); // Set the interval using the base and
// the multiplier.
int setScenario( char* ); // Set the scenario.
char *toString ( void ); // Return a string representation of
// the TSIdent.
// Private member functions for object house-keeping...
int init ( void ); // Initialize the data members
int setFullIdentifier( char* ); // Set the full identifier.
int setFullLocation( char* ); // Set the full location.
int setFullSource( char* ); // Set the full source.
int setIntervalString ( char * );
// Set the interval string.
// Data members...
char *_identifier; // The whole identifier.
char *_alias; // A short alias for the time series
// identifier.
char *_full_location; // The location (combining the main
// location and the sub-location).
char *_main_location; // The main location.
char *_sub_location; // The sub-location.
char *_full_source; // The time series source (combining
// the main source and the sub-source).
char *_main_source; // The main source.
char *_sub_source; // The sub-source.
char *_type; // The time series data type.
char *_interval_string; // The time series interval as a
// string.
int _interval_base; // The base data interval.
int _interval_mult; // The data interval multiplier.
char *_scenario; // The time series scenario.
unsigned int _behavior_mask; // Mask that controls behavior (e.g.,
// how sub-fields are handled).
}; // End of TSIdent class definition
#endif // TSIdent_INCLUDED