
341 lines
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2018-06-19 15:32:00 -06:00
<import file="deploy-web.xml" />
<macrodef name="processPlugins">
<attribute name="includes.file" />
<attribute name="plugin.type" />
<attribute name="plugin.directories" />
<attribute name="" />
<loadfile property="includefile.@{plugin.type}" srcfile="@{includes.file}" />
<var name="index" value="1" />
<for param="line" list="${includefile.@{plugin.type}}" delimiter="${line.separator}">
<!-- skip the first line -->
<equals arg1="${index}" arg2="1" />
<deployPlugins"@{line}" original.pattern="@{line}" plugin.type="@{plugin.type}" plugin.directories="@{plugin.directories}""@{}" />
<math result="index" operand1="${index}" operation="+" operand2="1" datatype="int" />
<macrodef name="deployPlugins">
<attribute name="" />
<attribute name="original.pattern" />
<attribute name="plugin.type" />
<attribute name="plugin.directories" />
<attribute name="" />
<var name="plugin.path" value="" />
<!-- first we need to find the plugin -->
<for list="@{plugin.directories}" param="directory" delimiter=";">
<available file="@{directory}/@{}" />
<var name="plugin.path" value="@{directory}" />
<equals arg1="${plugin.path}" arg2="" />
<fail message="Failed to find plugin: @{}" />
<var name="plugin.base" value="${plugin.path}/@{}" />
<var name="plugin.bin" value="${plugin.base}/bin" />
<var name="jar.destfile" value="${}/@{}.jar" />
<!-- deploy the plugin - cots plugins are deployed differently -->
<equals arg1="@{plugin.type}" arg2="cots" />
<!-- copy the cots jars to the destination -->
<copyFOSS plugin.directory323="${plugin.base}" jar.file323="${jar.destfile}" destination.directory323="${}/@{}" />
<!-- jar any compiled cots source -->
<available file="${plugin.bin}" type="dir" />
<jar destfile="${jar.destfile}">
<fileset dir="${plugin.bin}" includes="**/*.class" />
<jarPlugin plugin.directory323="${plugin.base}" jar.file323="${jar.destfile}" />
<!-- determine if the plugin is a web project -->
<available file="${plugin.base}/web.deploy" type="file" />
<var file="${plugin.base}/web.deploy" />
<deploy.war web.project.dir="@{}""${}" webapps.dir="${}/webapps" />
<!-- skip external rules if we are not deploying to edex -->
<isset property="" />
<ant antfile="${basedir}/deploy-common/external-rules.xml" inheritAll="false">
<property name="plugin._directory" value="${plugin.base}" />
<property name="deployment._root" value="${}" />
<echo>Missing property, skipping external rules for deployment</echo>
<equals arg1="${deploy.python}" arg2="true" />
< site.package="dynamicserialize" plugin.src.dir="${plugin.base}" />
<macrodef name="jarPlugin">
random character suffixes added to
maintain uniqueness of variable names
<attribute name="plugin.directory323" />
<attribute name="jar.file323" />
<!-- scan -->
<var file="@{plugin.directory323}/" />
<var name="allFilesAvailable" value="true" />
<!--check if all files required by the file exist-->
<for list="${bin.includes}" param="include" delimiter="," trim="true">
<available file="@{plugin.directory323}/@{include}" />
<equals arg1="@{include}" arg2="." />
<available file="@{plugin.directory323}/${output..}" type="dir" />
<var name="allFilesAvailable" value="false" />
<equals arg1="${allFilesAvailable}" arg2="true" />
initial jar file: currently we make the assumption
every plugin has a manifest file.
<jar destfile="@{jar.file323}" manifest="@{plugin.directory323}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" />
* iterate through bin.includes
* '.' is seen as the ${output..} directory, itself
* artifacts are only deployed if they are present
<for list="${bin.includes}" param="include" delimiter="," trim="true">
Check if the include is a directory, type="dir"
<available file="@{plugin.directory323}/@{include}" type="dir" />
<!-- deploy a directory -->
<!-- is this the output directory? -->
Check if the directory is ".", which represents "bin"
<equals arg1="@{include}" arg2="." />
<jar destfile="@{jar.file323}" update="true">
<fileset dir="@{plugin.directory323}/${output..}" includes="**" />
Else, process directory
<jar destfile="@{jar.file323}" update="true">
<fileset dir="@{plugin.directory323}" includes="@{include}/**" />
<!-- are we deploying a file? -->
<available file="@{plugin.directory323}/@{include}" type="file" />
<jar destfile="@{jar.file323}" update="true">
<fileset file="@{plugin.directory323}/@{include}" />
<!-- fail: unknown deployment artifact -->
<fail message="Unable to deploy '@{include}' specified in @{plugin.directory323}/; unable to find the file / directory." />
<echo message="Missing files for @{jar.file323}, not building." />
<macrodef name="copyFOSS">
random character suffixes added to
maintain uniqueness of variable names
<attribute name="plugin.directory323" />
<attribute name="jar.file323" />
<attribute name="destination.directory323" />
<mkdir dir="@{destination.directory323}" />
<!-- scan -->
<var file="@{plugin.directory323}/" />
* iterate through bin.includes
* '.' is seen as the ${output..} directory, itself
* artifacts are only deployed if they are present
<for list="${bin.includes}" param="include" delimiter="," trim="true">
<available file="@{plugin.directory323}/@{include}" type="dir" />
<!-- deploy a directory -->
<!-- is this the output directory? -->
<equals arg1="@{include}" arg2="." />
<available file="@{plugin.directory323}/${output..}" type="dir" />
<jar destfile="@{jar.file323}" update="true">
<fileset dir="@{plugin.directory323}/${output..}" includes="**" />
<copy todir="@{destination.directory323}" overwrite="true" verbose="true">
<fileset dir="@{plugin.directory323}" includes="@{include}/**" />
<!-- are we deploying a file? -->
<available file="@{plugin.directory323}/@{include}" type="file" />
<copy todir="@{destination.directory323}" overwrite="true" verbose="true">
<fileset dir="@{plugin.directory323}" includes="@{include}" />
<!-- fail: unknown deployment artifact -->
<fail message="Unable to deploy '@{include}' specified in @{plugin.directory323}/; unable to find the file / directory." />
<macrodef name="">
<attribute name="site.package" />
<attribute name="plugin.src.dir" />
<attribute name="" default="false" />
<equals arg1="@{}" arg2="true" />
<available file="${}/@{site.package}" type="dir" />
<delete dir="${}/@{site.package}" includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="${}" includes="@{site.package}/**" />
<equals arg1="@{site.package}" arg2="pypies" />
<available file="@{plugin.src.dir}/pythonPackages/pypies/@{site.package}" type="dir" />
<echo message="Deploying @{site.package} ..." />
<!-- custom rule for pypies due to alternate directory layout -->
<copy todir="${}">
<fileset dir="@{plugin.src.dir}/pythonPackages/pypies" includes="@{site.package}/**" />
<available file="@{plugin.src.dir}/pythonPackages/@{site.package}" type="dir" />
<echo message="Deploying @{site.package} ..." />
<copy todir="${}">
<fileset dir="@{plugin.src.dir}/pythonPackages" includes="@{site.package}/**" />