146 lines
2.7 KiB
146 lines
2.7 KiB
* ensdiag.h *
* *
* This header file is used in the ensemble grid diagnostics package. *
* *
** Log: *
* R. Tian/SAIC 12/05 From decmn.cmn *
* R. Tian/SAIC 9/06 Removed grc.h, fortran_wrapppers.h *
* M. Li/SAIC 10/06 MXMBRS->MXMBRS+2 for emvalu *
* m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 01/08 Added ewtval and iwlist *
#ifndef ENSDIAG_H_
#define ENSDIAG_H_
#include "geminc.h"
#include "gemprm.h"
#include "de.h"
* Maximum number of ensemble file entry.
#define MAXENT 12
* Maximum number of ensemble members.
#define MXMBRS 128
* Maximum number of function arguments.
#define MXARGS 16
* Maximum number of grid files.
struct ensdiag {
* List of templates for members.
char etmplt[MXMBRS][MXFLSZ+1];
* List of paths for members.
char enspth[MXMBRS][MXFLSZ+1];
* List of full file names of members.
char ensfnm[MXMBRS][MXFLSZ+1];
* List of grid time stamps for members.
char etimes[MXMBRS][41];
* List of starting indices of grids holding member results.
int iglist[MXMBRS];
int iwlist[MXMBRS];
* Sorting array of pointers to member weights.
int igpntr[MXMBRS];
* Sorting array for values at a grid point.
float emvalu[MXMBRS+2];
float ewtval[MXMBRS+2];
* List of weights assigned to ensemble members.
float enswts[MXMBRS];
* Ensemble specifications for GDFILE.
* ( blank if entry is not ensemble list )
char ensspc[NGDFLS][LLMXLN+1];
* Save string for DGCMN ntmplt contents.
char tmplsv[MXFLSZ+1];
* Save string for DGCMN gflpth contents.
char gpthsv[MXFLSZ+1];
* Save string for DGCMN crtfnm contents.
char flnmsv[MXFLSZ+1];
* Save string for DGCMN crtgdt time stamp.
char gdtmsv1[21];
char gdtmsv2[21];
* Save string for DGCMN ingdtm contents.
char igtmsv[41];
* Array of all arguments.
char allarg[MXARGS][LLMXLN+1];
* Index pointing to current ensemble, specified by ensspc(ndxens).
int ndxens;
* Number of ensemble member file names.
int nummbr;
* ID # to name ENS_ output.
int idgens;
* DE globals.
#ifdef DE_GLOBAL
struct ensdiag _ensdiag;
extern struct ensdiag _ensdiag;