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1499 lines
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# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
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# VectorRelatedPhrases.py
# Methods for producing text forecast from SampleAnalysis statistics.
# Author: hansen
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is a base file that is not intended to be overridden.
import PhraseBuilder
class VectorRelatedPhrases(PhraseBuilder.PhraseBuilder):
def __init__(self):
def standard_vector_phraseMethods(self):
return [
### Wind
def lake_wind_thresholds(self, tree, node):
# Return upper and lower lake_wind thresholds in mph.
# Only apply phrase for max wind speed of 25 to 35 mph. At 35 mph
# and higher, an advisory of some sort will be in effect and phrase
# will not be needed.
return 25, 35
def lake_wind_areaNames(self, tree, node):
# Return list of edit area names for which the lake_wind_phrase
# should be generated
# If you want the phrase potentially generated for all zones, use:
# return ["ALL"]
return []
def useWindsForGusts_flag(self, tree, node):
# Turn this on if you want to use the maximum Wind
# for reporting Gusts if a WindGust grid is not found.
# Note that if the difference between the maximum wind speed
# and the reported wind speed (e.g. using stdDevMinMax) is
# not greater than the gust_wind_difference_nlValue,
# no wind gust will be reported.
return 0
def lake_wind_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.lake_wind_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.lake_wind_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods()
def lake_wind_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = [self.ElementInfo("Wind", "Max", self.VECTOR())]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def lake_wind_words(self, tree, node):
# Wind Statistics -- vectorAvg, vectorMinMax -- any temporal resolution
# Customization Points:
# lake_wind_areaNames
# lake_wind_thresholds
# descriptor_phrase for lakeWinds
statDict = node.getStatDict()
stats = self.getStats(statDict, "Wind")
if stats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
areaNames = self.getCurrentAreaNames(tree)
include_phrase = 0
lakeWindNames = self.lake_wind_areaNames(tree, node)
if "ALL" in lakeWindNames:
include_phrase = 1
for areaName in areaNames:
if areaName in self.lake_wind_areaNames(tree, node):
include_phrase = 1
if include_phrase == 0 or stats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
max, dir = self.getValue(stats, "Max", self.VECTOR())
phrase = ""
lower_threshold, upper_threshold = self.lake_wind_thresholds(tree, node)
if max >= lower_threshold and max < upper_threshold:
descriptor = self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node, "lakeWinds", "Wind")
phrase = descriptor
node.getParent().set("descriptor", "")
return self.setWords(node, phrase)
# Wind Range methods
def wind_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.wind_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.vector_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_vector_phraseMethods(),
def wind_withGusts_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.wind_withGusts_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.vector_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_vector_phraseMethods(),
def wind_withGusts_setUp(self, tree, node):
return self.wind_setUp(tree, node, gustFlag=1)
def wind_setUp(self, tree, node, gustFlag=0, element="Wind", connectorMethod=None):
wind = self.ElementInfo(element, "List", self.VECTOR())
elementInfoList = [wind]
if gustFlag:
windGust = self.ElementInfo(
"WindGust", "Max", phraseDef=self.gust_phrase)
node.set("gustFlag", 1)
if connectorMethod is None:
connectorMethod = self.vectorConnector
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, connectorMethod)
return self.DONE()
def vector_words(self, tree, node):
# Create a words for a vector element
elementInfo = node.getAncestor("firstElement")
if elementInfo is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
words = self.simple_vector_phrase(tree, node, elementInfo)
if words == "null":
return self.setWords(node, "null")
gustPhrase = ""
if words != "":
# Add gusts
gustFlag = node.getAncestor("gustFlag")
if gustFlag == 1:
windStats = tree.stats.get("Wind", node.getTimeRange(), node.getAreaLabel(),
if windStats is not None:
maxMag, dir = windStats
statDict = node.getStatDict()
gustStats = self.getStats(statDict, "WindGust")
subRange = node.get("timeRange")
gustPhrase = self.embedded_gust_phrase(
tree, node, gustStats, maxMag, subRange)
return self.setWords(node, words + gustPhrase)
def embedded_gust_phrase(self, tree, node, gustStats, maxWind, subRange):
# Determine what type of gust phrase to add. Day and night are treated
# differently with gusts phrases toned down a bit for night.
includeTropical = self._includeTropical
includeTropical = False
if includeTropical:
statLabel = "" # Use the moderatedMinMax from the Tropical components
statLabel = "vectorMinMax"
gusts = None
if gustStats is None:
# If useWindForGusts_flag is set, use max Wind for reporting gusts
if self.useWindsForGusts_flag(tree, node) == 1:
windStats = tree.stats.get(
"Wind", subRange, node.getAreaLabel(), statLabel=statLabel,
if windStats is None:
return ""
gusts, dir = windStats
gusts = self.getValue(gustStats,"Max")
if gusts is None:
return ""
if includeTropical:
# Round gusts and maxWind to the nearest 5 kt regardless of users' overrides
gusts = self.round(gusts, 'Nearest', 5.0)
maxWind = self.round(maxWind, 'Nearest', 5.0)
threshold = self.nlValue(self.null_nlValue(tree, node, "WindGust", "WindGust"), gusts)
if gusts < threshold:
return ""
gustPhrase = ""
outUnits = self.element_outUnits(tree, node, "WindGust", "WindGust")
units = self.units_descriptor(tree, node, "units", outUnits)
windDifference = self.nlValue(self.gust_wind_difference_nlValue(tree, node), maxWind)
if gusts - maxWind > windDifference:
gustPhrase = " with gusts to around " + repr(int(gusts)) + " " + units
return gustPhrase
def simple_vector_phrase(self, tree, node, elementInfo, checkRepeating=1):
# Create a vector subPhrase
# Do not repeat mag, dir if same as previous phrase
elementName = elementInfo.name
statDict = node.getStatDict()
stats = self.getStats(statDict, elementName)
if stats is None:
return ""
mag, dir = stats
minMag, maxMag = self.getValue(mag, "MinMax")
# Save maxMag at component level for other methods to use.
# below to eliminate certainly wx elements during tropical cyclone
# situations when certain conditions are met.
component = node.getComponent()
maxMagList = component.get("maxMagList")
if maxMagList is None:
maxMagList = [maxMag]
component.set("maxMagList", maxMagList)
words = self.vector_mag(tree, node, minMag, maxMag,
elementInfo.outUnits, elementName)
if words == "null":
return words
magStr = words
dirStr = self.vector_dir(dir)
if checkRepeating:
# Set for future reference
node.set("dirStr", dirStr)
node.set("magStr", magStr)
node.set("minMag", minMag)
node.set("maxMag", maxMag)
if minMag == 0.0:
minMag = maxMag
# Check for repeating mag or dir
prevNode = node.getPrev()
if prevNode is not None:
prevDirStr = prevNode.get("dirStr")
prevMagStr = prevNode.get("magStr")
prevMin = prevNode.get("minMag")
prevMax = prevNode.get("maxMag")
if prevMin == 0.0:
prevMin = prevMax
if prevMin is None or prevMax is None or \
prevDirStr is None or prevMagStr is None:
elif prevDirStr == dirStr and prevMagStr == magStr:
elif prevDirStr == dirStr:
dirStr = ""
elif prevMagStr == magStr:
magStr = ""
# Prevent "around 10 becoming 5 to 10"
# "around 10 becoming 10 to 15"
elif prevMin == prevMax:
if (minMag == prevMax - 5.0) or (maxMag == prevMax + 5.0):
magStr = ""
# Prevent "5 to 10 becoming around 10"
# "10 to 15 becoming around 10"
elif minMag == maxMag:
if (prevMin == maxMag - 5.0) or (prevMax == maxMag + 5.0):
magStr = ""
words = dirStr + self.format(magStr)
return words.lstrip()
def vector_mag(self, tree, node, minMag, maxMag, units,
"Create a phrase for a Range of magnitudes"
# Check for "null" value (below threshold)
threshold = self.nlValue(self.null_nlValue(
tree, node, elementName, elementName), maxMag)
if maxMag < threshold:
return "null"
# Apply max reported threshold
maxReportedMag = self.maxReported_threshold(tree, node, elementName, elementName)
if maxMag >= maxReportedMag:
maxMag = maxReportedMag
except TypeError:
# no maxReportedMag configured, came back as an empty string
units = self.units_descriptor(tree, node, "units", units)
if elementName == "Wind":
if self.marine_wind_flag(tree, node):
return self.marine_wind_mag(tree, node, minMag, maxMag, units, elementName)
# Check for SingleValue
if maxMag == minMag: #or minMag == 0:
around = self.addSpace(
self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node, "around", elementName))
words = around + repr(int(maxMag)) + " " + units
if int(minMag) < threshold:
upTo = self.addSpace(
self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node, "up to", elementName))
words = upTo + repr(int(maxMag)) + " " + units
valueConnector = self.value_connector(tree, node, elementName, elementName)
words = repr(int(minMag)) + valueConnector + repr(int(maxMag)) + " " + units
# This is an additional hook for customizing the magnitude wording
words = self.vector_mag_hook(tree, node, minMag, maxMag, units, elementName, words)
return words
def vector_mag_hook(self, tree, node, minMag, maxMag, units, elementName, words):
# Further refinement and customization of the wind phrase can be done here
return words
def marine_wind_mag(self, tree, node, minMag, maxMag, units, elementName):
# Produce marine descriptor wording such as "storm force", "gales"
specialDescriptor = 0
prevSpecial = None
if node.getIndex() > 0 and self.marine_wind_verbose_flag(tree, node) == 0:
# Check for previous descriptor
prevSpecial = node.getPrev().get("specialDescriptor")
# Check for special descriptors
windWordList = [(64, "hurricane force winds to"),
(45, "storm force winds to"),
(34, "gales to"),
for threshold, windWords in windWordList:
if maxMag >= threshold:
descriptor = self.addSpace(
self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node, windWords, elementName))
if descriptor == prevSpecial:
descriptor = ""
words = descriptor + repr(int(maxMag)) + " " + units
specialDescriptor = 1
if not specialDescriptor:
if maxMag > 25:
descriptor = self.addSpace(
self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node, "up to", elementName))
words = descriptor + repr(int(maxMag)) + " " + units
if minMag == maxMag or minMag == 0:
around = self.addSpace(
self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node, "around", elementName))
words = around + repr(int(maxMag)) + " " + units
valueConnector = self.value_connector(tree, node, elementName, elementName)
words = repr(int(minMag)) + valueConnector + repr(int(maxMag)) + " " + units
# If special marine descriptor is included in the resulting
# words for the first subPhrase, turn off the phrase descriptor
if node.getIndex() == 0:
node.set("specialDescriptor", descriptor)
return words
def embedDescriptor(self, tree, node):
# See if ready to process
if not self.phrase_trigger(tree, node):
# If appropriate, embed descriptor in first part of non-empty subPhrase
elementInfoList = node.get("elementInfoList")
if len(elementInfoList) < 1:
return self.DONE()
elementName = node.getAncestor("firstElement").name
if self.embedded_vector_descriptor_flag(
tree, node, elementName, elementName) == 0:
return self.DONE()
for node in node.get("childList"):
words = node.get("words")
if words is None:
# Find first non-empty phrase to embed descriptor
if words != "":
#if node.get("null"):
if self.isNull(node):
# Do not embed descriptor into null-filled words
dirStr = node.get("dirStr")
if dirStr is not None:
# Embed only if there is a dirStr
phrase = node.getParent()
descriptor = phrase.get("descriptor")
phrase.set("embeddedDescriptor", descriptor)
descriptor = self.format(descriptor)
words = words.replace(dirStr, dirStr + descriptor, 1)
node.set("words", words)
phrase.set("descriptor", "")
return self.DONE()
def wind_summary(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.wind_summary_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.wind_summary_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def wind_summary_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = []
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def wind_summary_words(self, tree, node):
# Uses vectorAvg, vectorMedian, vectorMinMax
elementName = "Wind"
words = self.vector_summary(tree, node, elementName)
return self.setWords(node, words)
def vector_summary(self, tree, node, elementName):
"Determine summary of given element"
# Uses vectorAvg, vectorMedian, vectorMinMax
stats = tree.stats.get(
elementName, node.getTimeRange(), node.getAreaLabel(),
if stats is None:
return ""
max, dir = stats
return self.vector_summary_valueStr(max, elementName)
def vector_summary_valueStr(self, value, elementName):
# Thresholds and corresponding phrases
# Defaults are for Winds converted to mph
words = ""
if value < 25:
words = ""
elif value < 30:
words = "breezy"
elif value < 40:
words = "windy"
elif value < 50:
words = "very windy"
elif value < 74:
words = "strong winds"
words = "hurricane force winds"
return words
### WindGust
def gust_wind_difference_nlValue(self, tree, node):
# Difference between gust and maxWind below which gusts are not mentioned
# Units are mph
return 10
# WindGust
def gust_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.gust_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.gust_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def gust_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = [self.ElementInfo("WindGust", "List")]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def gust_words(self, tree, node):
statDict = node.getStatDict()
stats = self.getStats(statDict, "WindGust")
if stats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
gustValue = self.getValue(stats, "Max")
threshold = self.nlValue(self.null_nlValue(tree, node, "WindGust", "WindGust"), gustValue)
if gustValue < threshold:
return self.setWords(node, "null")
# Check WindGust against Wind
maxWind, dir = tree.stats.get("Wind", node.getTimeRange(), node.getAreaLabel(),
windDifference = self.nlValue(self.gust_wind_difference_nlValue(tree, node), maxWind)
if gustValue - maxWind <= windDifference:
return self.setWords(node, "null")
outUnits = self.element_outUnits(tree, node, "WindGust", "WindGust")
units = self.units_descriptor(tree, node, "units", outUnits)
words = repr(int(gustValue)) + " " + units
return self.setWords(node, words)
# Tropical Phrasing - Updated for OB9.5
def windSpdProb_thresholds(self, tree, node):
return [
((45.0, 80.0), (25.0, 60.0)), # Per 1
(35.0, 20.0), # Per 2
(30.0, 15.0), # Per 3
(25.0, 12.5), # Per 4
(22.5, 10.0), # Per 5
(20.0, 8.0), # Per 6
(17.5, 7.0), # Per 7
(15.0, 6.0), # Per 8
(12.5, 5.0), # Per 9
(10.0, 4.0), # Per 10
def firstComponentPeriod(self, tree, node):
# Define forecast period number for first component of this product.
# This is for greater flexibility in production of a tropical SAF
# valid values 1-14
return 1
def includeOnlyPhrases_list(self, tree, component):
Used for Tropical phrases.
Determines which phrases to keep in each period of the product.
# Return list of phrases to include in the component
# Return an empty list if all phrases should be included
includeTropical = self._includeTropical
includeTropical = False
if not includeTropical:
return []
# See which period we are in
compPeriod = int(component.getIndex() + self.firstComponentPeriod(tree, component))
self.debug_print("Working in Period %d" % (compPeriod), 1)
# See which list of periods we may want to modify
if self._pil.find("ZFP") == 0:
productType = "ZFP"
includeSomeList = [1]
productType = "CWF"
includeSomeList = [6,7,8,9,10]
# If this is not one of the periods we might want to remove phrases,
# then return
if compPeriod not in includeSomeList:
# Ensure all phrases are used
return []
# Grab thresholds for this period - handle the first period case
windSpdProb_thresholds = self.windSpdProb_thresholds(tree, component)
if compPeriod == 1:
(thresh34low, thresh34high) = windSpdProb_thresholds[0][0]
(thresh64low, thresh64high) = windSpdProb_thresholds[0][1]
# Display thresholds so we know what we're using
self.debug_print("34 kt thresholds = (%.2f, %.2f)" %
(thresh34low, thresh34high), 1)
self.debug_print("64 kt thresholds = (%.2f, %.2f)" %
(thresh64low, thresh64high), 1)
# Otherwise, handle all other periods
index = int(component.getIndex())
(thresh34, thresh64) = windSpdProb_thresholds[index]
# Display thresholds so we know what we're using
self.debug_print("(34 kt threshold, 64 kt threshold) = (%.2f, %.2f)" %
(thresh34, thresh64), 1)
# Get some information about this forecast period
dayNight = self.getPeriod(component.getTimeRange(), 1)
timeRange = component.getTimeRange()
areaLabel = component.getAreaLabel()
self.debug_print("dayNight = %s\ttimeRange = %s" % (dayNight,
repr(timeRange)), 1)
# Get pws64
if dayNight == 1:
pws64 = tree.stats.get("pwsD64", timeRange, areaLabel, mergeMethod="Max")
self.debug_print("USING pwsD64", 1)
pws64 = tree.stats.get("pwsN64", timeRange, areaLabel, mergeMethod="Max")
self.debug_print("USING pwsN64", 1)
self.debug_print("PWS64 = %s" % (pws64), 1)
if pws64 is None:
return []
# Get pws34
if dayNight == 1:
pws34 = tree.stats.get("pwsD34", timeRange, areaLabel, mergeMethod="Max")
self.debug_print("USING pwsD34", 1)
pws34 = tree.stats.get("pwsN34", timeRange, areaLabel, mergeMethod="Max")
self.debug_print("USING pwsN34", 1)
self.debug_print("PWS34 = %s" % (pws34), 1)
if pws34 is None:
return []
# COMMENT: Get the stored wind stats from the component level.
maxMagList = component.get("maxMagList")
if maxMagList is None:
return self.setWords(component, "")
self.debug_print("maxMag from includeOnlyPhrases_list: %s " % (maxMagList), 1)
print("maxMagList from includeOnlyPhrases_list: ", maxMagList)
maxMag = 0.0
for mag in maxMagList:
if mag > maxMag:
maxMag = mag
## maxMag, dir = wind
if productType == "ZFP":
maxMag = maxMag*0.868976242
self.debug_print("maxMag in includeOnlyPhrases_list: %s " % (maxMag), 1)
print("maxMag in includeOnlyPhrases_list: ", maxMag)
if maxMag is None:
maxMag = 0.0
# Retrieve the headlineKeys stored at the component level
headlineKeys = component.get("headlineKeys")
if headlineKeys is None:
headlineKeys = []
# If this is the first period, and in the list of periods we might
# want to modify
if productType == "ZFP":
if compPeriod == 1 and compPeriod in includeSomeList:
if "HU.W" in headlineKeys or "HI.W" in headlineKeys:
if pws64 >= thresh64high and maxMag >= 64.0:
# Limit the phrases we'll report
return ["pws_phrase", "wind_withGusts_phrase", "weather_phrase"]
elif pws64 >= thresh64low and maxMag >= 50.0:
# Keep all phrases
return []
elif pws34 >= thresh34high and maxMag >= 34.0:
# Limit the phrases we'll report
return ["pws_phrase", "wind_withGusts_phrase", "weather_phrase"]
elif "TR.W" in headlineKeys or "TI.W" in headlineKeys:
if pws34 >= thresh34high and maxMag >= 34.0:
# Limit the phrases we'll report
return ["pws_phrase", "wind_withGusts_phrase", "weather_phrase"]
return [] # keep all phrases
# If this period is beyond the fifth period, and in the list of
# periods we might want to modify
if compPeriod >= 6 and compPeriod in includeSomeList:
if ((pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+2.5 >= thresh34) and maxMag >= 20.0) \
or ((pws64 >= thresh64 or pws64+1.0 >= thresh64) and maxMag >= 20.0) \
or maxMag >= 34.0:
# Limit the phrases we'll report
return ["pws_phrase", "weather_phrase"]
# Return all phrases
return []
# Probabilistic Wind Phrase
def pws_phrase(self):
Added to produce the tropical probabilistic wind phrase.
return {
"setUpMethod": self.pws_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.pws_words,
"phraseMethods": [
def pws_setUp(self, tree, node):
Setup method for the tropical probabilistic wind phrase.
elementInfoList = []
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def pws_words(self, tree, node):
Words method for the tropical probabilistic wind phrase.
# Get Wind
self.debug_print("\nBegin period***********", 1)
self.debug_print("\nNode time range -> %s" %
(repr(node.getTimeRange())), 1)
self.debug_print("Parent time range -> %s" %
(repr(node.parent.getTimeRange())), 1)
# Get name and index of this node's component
component = node.getComponent()
compIndex = node.getComponent().getIndex()
compPeriod = int(compIndex + self.firstComponentPeriod(tree, node))
print("COMPONENT IN pws_words", compPeriod)
if self._pil.startswith("ZFP"):
productType = "ZFP"
productType = "CWF"
# COMMENT: If this is one of the first 5 periods of the ZFP, or this is the CWF
if not productType == "ZFP" or compPeriod <= 5:
print("I AM IN: ", node.getTimeRange())
#!!! Wait for wind phrase to complete
# We're assuming that all the wind phrases have completed (including
# local effect phrases) if one has.
if productType == "ZFP":
phraseList = ["wind_withGusts_phrase"]
phraseList = ["marine_wind_withGusts_phrase"]
windWords = self.findWords(tree, node, "Wind", phraseList = phraseList)
self.debug_print("windWords = '%s'" % (windWords), 1)
# Wait for Wind phrase
if windWords is None:
# Get the stored wind stats from the component level
maxMagList = component.get("maxMagList")
if maxMagList is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
self.debug_print("MaxMagList from pws_words %s %s" % (maxMagList,
repr(node.getTimeRange())), 1)
# print "MaxMagList from pws_words", maxMagList, node.getTimeRange()
maxMag = 0.0
for mag in maxMagList:
if mag > maxMag:
maxMag = mag
if productType == "ZFP":
# print "PWS MAXMAG in MPH IS: ", maxMag
maxMag = maxMag*0.868976242
# print "PWS MAXMAG IN KNOTS: ", maxMag
# COMMENT: Othwerwise Periods 6 and beyond in the ZFP.
# Although wind phrases are not included in extended ZFP you
# still need to do the analysis so tropical cyclone formatter
# logic can be carried out through the extended (day 5) periods.
print("I AM IN: ", node.getTimeRange())
windStats = tree.stats.get(
"Wind", node.getTimeRange(), node.getAreaLabel(),
statLabel="vectorModeratedMinMax", mergeMethod="Max")
## print "WINDSTATS", windStats
if windStats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
maxMag, dir = windStats
maxMag = maxMag*0.868976242
# Display maximum wind speed in MPH and KTS
self.debug_print("PWS MAXMAG in MPH IS: %s" % (maxMag), 1)
self.debug_print("PWS MAXMAG in KTS IS: %s" % (maxMag), 1)
dayNight = self.getPeriod(node.getTimeRange(), 1)
self.debug_print("dayNight IS %s" % (dayNight), 1)
# See which grids to use for probability of 34 and 64 kts
if dayNight == 1:
prob34 = "pwsD34"
prob64 = "pwsD64"
prob34 = "pwsN34"
prob64 = "pwsN64"
self.debug_print("USING pws34 = "+prob34, 1)
self.debug_print("USING pws64 = "+prob64, 1)
pws64 = tree.stats.get(prob64, node.getTimeRange(),
node.getAreaLabel(), mergeMethod="Max")
if pws64 is None:
self.debug_print("pws64 NONE", 1)
return self.setWords(node, "")
pws34 = tree.stats.get(prob34, node.getTimeRange(),
node.getAreaLabel(), mergeMethod="Max")
if pws34 is None:
self.debug_print("pws34 NONE", 1)
return self.setWords(node, "")
#print "check ", "check"
#print "WORDS1", words
words = ""
areaLabel = tree.getAreaLabel()
print("\nBegin period***********", node.getTimeRange())
self.debug_print("\nNode time range -> %s" %
(repr(node.getTimeRange())), 1)
self.debug_print("Parent time range -> %s" %
(repr(node.parent.getTimeRange())), 1)
self.debug_print("MAXMAG IS -> %s KTS" % (maxMag), 1)
self.debug_print("\nNode time and label -> %s %s" %
repr(node.getAreaLabel())), 1)
# Get Hazards
headlines = tree.stats.get("Hazards", node.getTimeRange(),
areaLabel, mergeMethod = "List")
self.debug_print("maxMag = %s" % (maxMag), 1)
self.debug_print("warningpws64 = %s" % (pws64), 1)
self.debug_print("warningpws34 = %s" % (pws34), 1)
self.debug_print("Headline stats for warning -> %s" %
(repr(headlines)), 1)
print("maxMag = ", maxMag)
print("warningpws64 = ", pws64)
print("warningpws34 = ", pws34)
print("Headline stats for warning ", headlines)
if headlines is not None:
# Sort the headlines by startTime
temp = []
for h, tr in headlines:
temp.append((tr.startTime(), (h, tr)))
newList = []
for t in temp:
headlines = newList
# Fetch the set of local headlines allowed for this product
allowedHazards = []
for key, allActions, cat in self.allowedHazards():
# Create a list of headline keys as strings e.g. HU.A
headlineKeys = []
for key, tr in headlines: # value == list of subkeys
if key not in allowedHazards:
# Don't call headlinesTimeRange_descriptor function due to
# an exception which is caused - DR19483
#timeDescriptor = self.headlinesTimeRange_descriptor(
# tree, node, key, tr, areaLabel, issuanceTime)
if key == "<None>":
if key not in headlineKeys:
self.debug_print("key: %s" % (key), 1)
self.debug_print("headlineKeys: %s" % (repr(headlineKeys)), 1)
words = self.getTropicalDescription(
tree, node, headlineKeys, maxMag, pws64, pws34)
# Store the headlineKeys at the component node for later examination
component = node.getComponent()
component.set("headlineKeys", headlineKeys)
elif headlines is None or headlines is NoData:
words = words + self.getTropicalDescription(
tree, node, "", maxMag, pws64, pws34)
# COMMENT: If we have words from the pws_phrase during tropical cyclones
# the following lines of code will make sure wind_summary is
# not printed out.
if words is not None and len(words.strip()) > 0:
# Remove the wind sumamry phrase from this component and any local
# effect areas - no need to replace undesirable phrases later on
self.removeComponentPhrases(tree, node, "wind_summary",
self.debug_print("\nSetting words '%s' for %s" %
(words, node.getAncestor('name')), 1)
self.debug_print("%s %s\n" % (node.getComponentName(),
repr(node.getTimeRange())), 1)
return self.setWords(node, words)
def getTropicalDescription(self, tree, node, headlineKeys, maxMag, pws64,
Determines which tropical descriptions to use for current period.
# Get some information about the component of this node
compName = node.getComponentName()
compIndex = node.getComponent().getIndex()
# Convert convert component index to a forecast period number
compPeriod = int(compIndex + self.firstComponentPeriod(tree, node))
self.debug_print("-"*80, 1)
self.debug_print("Component name = %s" % (compName) +
"\tForecast Period = %d" % (compPeriod) +
"\tmaxMag = %s" % (maxMag), 1)
descMethod = None
words = ""
# If this is one of the first 4 periods of the forecast
if compPeriod <= 4:
descMethod = getattr(self, f"getPeriod_{compPeriod}_Desc")
# Otherwise, If this is one of the fifth to ninth forecast periods
elif 5 <= compPeriod <= 9:
descMethod = self.getPeriod_5_9_Desc
# Otherwise
descMethod = self.getPeriod_10_14_Desc
# Ensure the tropical boolean variables are set using current
# set of headlines
# Get the description from this method
if descMethod is not None:
desc = descMethod(tree, node, maxMag, pws64, pws34)
# If we found the description - prepare it to be returned
if desc != "":
words = " " + self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node, desc, desc)
return words
def tropicalBooleanConditions(self, headlineKeys):
This method sets the conditions needed by subsequent methods
(getPeriodX_Desc) to form the appropriate wording:
Each entry in the conditionsList is
the condition name (e.g. self._Hurricane_W) and
the Hazard keys whose presence will trigger the condition.
Note that we only need four conditions to cover all the
logic for generating wording.
conditionList = [
("Hurricane_W", ["HU.W", "HI.W"]),
("Hurricane_A", ["HU.A", "HI.A"]),
("TropStorm_W", ["TR.W", "TI.W"]),
("TropStorm_A", ["TR.A", "TI.A"]),
for varName, hazardList in conditionList:
found = False
for key in hazardList:
if key in headlineKeys:
found = True
setattr(self, f"_{varName}", found)
## def tropicalBooleanConditions(self, headlineKeys):
## """
## Sets various boolean variables used by the pws_phrase logic based
## upon contents of current headlines.
## """
## self.debug_print("\ttropicalBooleanConditions")
## # COMMENT: All boolean variables are defined globally within the tropical
## # formatter, so there is nothing to 'return'
## # These are all the tropical headline combinations accounted for.
## conditionLists = [
## ["HI.W"],
## ["HI.A"],
## ["HU.W"],
## ['HU.A'],
## ["TI.W"],
## ["TI.A"],
## ["TR.W"],
## ["TR.A"],
## ["HU.A", "TR.W"],
## ["HI.A", "TI.W"],
## ["HU.W", "TI.W"],
## ["HI.W", "TI.W"],
## ["HI.W", "TR.W"],
## ["HI.A", "TR.A"],
## ["HU.A", "TI.A"],
## ["HI.A", "TI.A"],
## ["TI.W", "TR.A"],
## ["TI.W", "HU.A"],
## ["HI.W", "TR.A"],
## ["HI.W", "HU.A"],
## ["HI.W", "HU.W"],
## ["HI.A", "HU.A"],
## ["TI.A", "TR.A"],
## ["TI.W", "TR.W"],
## ["HI.A", "TI.W", "TR.W"],
## ["HI.A","TI.W","HU.A","TR.W"],
## ["HI.A", "TI.W", "HU.A", "TR.W"],
## ]
## kLen = len(headlineKeys)
## for keyList in conditionLists:
## conditionName = ""
## klLen = len(keyList)
## if kLen == klLen: cond = True
## else: cond = False
## for keyStr in keyList:
## conditionName = conditionName + "_" + keyStr
## if kLen == klLen:
## if keyStr not in headlineKeys:
## cond = False
## conditionName = conditionName.replace(".", "_")
## setattr(self, conditionName, cond)
## self.debug_print("HU_A_TR_W %s" % (self._HU_A_TR_W), 1)
## self.debug_print("HI_A_TI_W %s" % (self._HI_A_TI_W), 1)
## self.debug_print("HI_A_TI_W_HU_A_TR_W %s" % (self._HI_A_TI_W_HU_A_TR_W), 1)
## self.debug_print("HI_A_TI_W_TR_W %s" % (self._HI_A_TI_W_TR_W), 1)
## self.debug_print("HI_A_TI_W_HU_A_TR_W %s" % (self._HI_A_TI_W_HU_A_TR_W), 1)
## self.debug_print("HU_W_TI_W %s" % (self._HU_W_TI_W), 1)
## self.debug_print("HI_W_TI_W %s" % (self._HI_W_TI_W), 1)
## self.debug_print("HI_W_TR_W %s" % (self._HI_W_TR_W), 1)
## self.debug_print("HI_A_TR_A %s" % (self._HI_A_TR_A), 1)
## self.debug_print("HU_A_TI_A %s" % (self._HU_A_TI_A), 1)
## self.debug_print("HI_A_TI_A %s" % (self._HI_A_TI_A), 1)
## self.debug_print("TI_W_TR_A %s" % (self._TI_W_TR_A), 1)
## self.debug_print("TI_W_HU_A %s" % (self._TI_W_HU_A), 1)
## self.debug_print("HI_W_TR_A %s" % (self._HI_W_TR_A), 1)
## self.debug_print("HI_W_HU_A %s" % (self._HI_W_HU_A), 1)
## self.debug_print("HI_W %s" % (self._HI_W), 1)
## self.debug_print("HI_A %s" % (self._HI_A), 1)
## self.debug_print("HU_W %s" % (self._HU_W), 1)
## self.debug_print("HU_A %s" % (self._HU_A), 1)
## self.debug_print("HI_W_HU_W %s" % (self._HI_W_HU_W), 1)
## self.debug_print("HI_A_HU_A %s" % (self._HI_A_HU_A), 1)
## self.debug_print("TI_W %s" % (self._TI_W), 1)
## self.debug_print("TI_A %s" % (self._TI_A), 1)
## self.debug_print("TR_W %s" % (self._TR_W), 1)
## self.debug_print("TR_A %s" % (self._TR_A), 1)
## self.debug_print("TI_A_TR_A %s" % (self._TI_A_TR_A), 1)
## self.debug_print("TI_W_TR_W %s" % (self._TI_W_TR_W), 1)
# COMMENT: getPeriod_#_ definitions below contain the guts of the tropical
# cyclone formatter logic used to determine pws phrases or expressions of
# uncertainty.
def getPeriod_1_Desc(self, tree, node, maxMag, pws64, pws34):
Determines contents of PWS phrase for a first period forecast.
desc = ""
self.debug_print("Period time range = %s" %
(repr(node.getComponent().getTimeRange())), 1)
self.debug_print("PWS34_wrng = %s" % (pws34), 1)
self.debug_print("PWS64_wrng = %s" % (pws64), 1)
# Grab thresholds for this period - special case 2 for each
component = node.getComponent()
windSpdProb_thresholds = self.windSpdProb_thresholds(tree, component)
(thresh34low, thresh34high) = windSpdProb_thresholds[0][0]
(thresh64low, thresh64high) = windSpdProb_thresholds[0][1]
# Display thresholds so we know what we're using
self.debug_print("34 kt thresholds = (%.2f, %.2f)" %
(thresh34low, thresh34high), 1)
self.debug_print("64 kt thresholds = (%.2f, %.2f)" %
(thresh64low, thresh64high), 1)
if self._Hurricane_A and self._TropStorm_W and not self._Hurricane_W:
#if (self._Hurricane_W or self._Hurricane_A) and (self._TropStorm_W or self._TropStorm_A):
if maxMag >= 34.0:
if pws34 >= thresh34high:
desc = "iminTSposHR"
desc = "expTSposHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34low and maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "expTSposHR"
elif pws64 >= thresh64low:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34low or pws34+10.0 >= thresh34low or maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "posTS"
desc = "" # or regular phrasing
self.debug_print("ifelse1!!! %s" % (maxMag))
elif self._Hurricane_W or self._Hurricane_A:
if maxMag >= 64.0:
if pws64 >= thresh64high:
desc = "iminHR"
desc = "expHR"
elif pws64 >= thresh64low and maxMag >= 50.0:
desc = "expHR"
elif maxMag >= 34.0:
if pws34 >= thresh34high:
desc = "iminTSposHR"
desc = "expTSposHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34low and maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "expTSposHR"
elif pws64 >= thresh64low:
desc = "posHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34low or pws34+10.0 >= thresh34low or maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
desc = "" # or regular phrasing
self.debug_print("ifelse2!!! %s" % (maxMag))
elif self._TropStorm_W or self._TropStorm_A:
if maxMag >= 34.0:
if pws34 >= thresh34high:
desc = "iminTS"
desc = "expTS"
elif pws34 >= thresh34low and maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "expTS"
elif pws64 >= thresh64low:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34low or pws34+10.0 >= thresh34low or maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "posTS"
desc = "" # or regular phrasing
self.debug_print("ifelse3!!! %s" % (maxMag))
print("check.......... ", "check")
if maxMag >= 64.0:
desc = "posHR"
elif maxMag >= 34.0:
desc = "posTS"
elif pws64 >= thresh64low or pws64 +5.0 >= thresh64low:
desc = "posHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34low or pws34+10.0 >= thresh34low:
desc = "posTS"
desc = ""
return desc
def getPeriod_2_Desc(self, tree, node, maxMag, pws64, pws34):
Determines contents of PWS phrase for a second period forecast.
desc = ""
self.debug_print("Period time range = %s" %
(repr(node.getComponent().getTimeRange())), 1)
self.debug_print("PWS34_wrng = %s" % (pws34), 1)
self.debug_print("PWS64_wrng = %s" % (pws64), 1)
# Grab thresholds for this period
component = node.getComponent()
windSpdProb_thresholds = self.windSpdProb_thresholds(tree, component)
(thresh34, thresh64) = windSpdProb_thresholds[1]
# Display thresholds so we know what we're using
self.debug_print("(34 kt threshold, 64 kt threshold) = (%.2f, %.2f)" %
(thresh34, thresh64), 1)
if self._Hurricane_A and self._TropStorm_W and not self._Hurricane_W:
#if (self._Hurricane_W or self._Hurricane_A) and (self._TropStorm_W or self._TropStorm_A):
if maxMag >= 34.0 or (pws34 >= thresh34 and maxMag >= 25.0):
desc = "expTSposHR"
elif pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+10.0 >= thresh34 or maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "posTS"
desc = "" # or regular phrasing
self.debug_print("ifelse1!!! %s" % (maxMag))
elif self._Hurricane_W or self._Hurricane_A:
if maxMag >= 64.0 or (pws64 >= thresh64 and maxMag >= 50.0):
desc = "expHR"
elif maxMag >= 34.0 or (pws34 >= thresh34 and maxMag >= 25.0):
desc = "expTSposHR"
elif pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+10.0 >= thresh34 or maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
desc = "" # or regular phrasing
self.debug_print("ifelse2!!! %s" % (maxMag))
elif self._TropStorm_W or self._TropStorm_A:
if maxMag >= 34.0 or (pws34 >= thresh34 and maxMag >= 25.0):
desc = "expTS"
elif pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+10.0 >= thresh34 or maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "posTS"
desc = "" # or regular phrasing
self.debug_print("ifelse3!!! %s" % (maxMag))
# print "check.......... ", "check"
if maxMag >= 64.0:
desc = "posHR"
elif maxMag >= 34.0:
desc = "posTS"
elif pws64 >= thresh64 or pws64 +5.0 >= thresh64:
desc = "posHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+10.0 >= thresh34:
desc = "posTS"
desc = ""
return desc
def getPeriod_3_Desc(self, tree, node, maxMag, pws64, pws34):
Determines contents of PWS phrase for a third period forecast.
desc = ""
self.debug_print("Period time range = %s" %
(repr(node.getComponent().getTimeRange())), 1)
self.debug_print("PWS34_wrng = %s" % (pws34), 1)
self.debug_print("PWS64_wrng = %s" % (pws64), 1)
# Grab thresholds for this period
component = node.getComponent()
windSpdProb_thresholds = self.windSpdProb_thresholds(tree, component)
(thresh34, thresh64) = windSpdProb_thresholds[2]
# Display thresholds so we know what we're using
self.debug_print("(34 kt threshold, 64 kt threshold) = (%.2f, %.2f)" %
(thresh34, thresh64), 1)
if self._Hurricane_A and self._TropStorm_W and not self._Hurricane_W:
if maxMag >= 34.0 or (pws34 >= thresh34 and maxMag >= 25.0):
desc = "expTSposHR"
elif pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+5.0 >= thresh34 or maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "posTS"
desc = ""
self.debug_print("ifelse1!!! %s" % (maxMag))
elif self._Hurricane_W:
if maxMag >= 64.0 or (pws64 >= thresh64 and maxMag >= 50.0):
desc = "expHR"
elif maxMag >= 34.0 or (pws34 >= thresh34 and maxMag >= 25.0):
desc = "expTSposHR"
elif pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+5.0 >= thresh34 or maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
desc = ""
self.debug_print("ifelse2!!! %s" % (maxMag))
elif self._TropStorm_W:
if maxMag >= 34.0 or (pws34 >= thresh34 and maxMag >= 25.0):
desc = "expTS"
elif pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+5.0 >= thresh34 or maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "posTS"
desc = ""
self.debug_print("ifelse3!!! %s" % (maxMag))
elif self._Hurricane_A:
if maxMag >= 50.0 or pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posHR"
elif maxMag >= 25.0 or pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+5.0 >= thresh34:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
desc = ""
self.debug_print("ifelse4!!! %s" % (maxMag))
elif self._TropStorm_A:
if maxMag >= 34.0:
if pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
desc = "posTS"
elif pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+5.0 >= thresh34 or maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "posTS"
desc = ""
self.debug_print("ifelse5!!! %s" % (maxMag))
self.debug_print("HERE I AM")
if pws64 >= thresh64 or pws64+2.5 >= thresh64:
desc = "posHR"
elif maxMag >= 64.0:
desc = "posHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+5.0 >= thresh34:
desc = "posTS"
elif maxMag >= 34.0:
desc = "posTS"
desc = ""
return desc
def getPeriod_4_Desc(self, tree, node, maxMag, pws64, pws34):
Determines contents of PWS phrase for a fourth period forecast.
desc = ""
self.debug_print("Period time range = %s" %
(repr(node.getComponent().getTimeRange())), 1)
self.debug_print("PWS34_wrng = %s" % (pws34), 1)
self.debug_print("PWS64_wrng = %s" % (pws64), 1)
# Grab thresholds for this period
component = node.getComponent()
windSpdProb_thresholds = self.windSpdProb_thresholds(tree, component)
(thresh34, thresh64) = windSpdProb_thresholds[3]
# Display thresholds so we know what we're using
self.debug_print("(34 kt threshold, 64 kt threshold) = (%.2f, %.2f)" %
(thresh34, thresh64), 1)
if self._Hurricane_A and self._TropStorm_W and not self._Hurricane_W:
if maxMag >= 34.0 or (pws34 >= thresh34 and maxMag >= 25.0):
desc = "expTSposHR"
elif pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+5.0 >= thresh34 or maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "posTS"
desc = ""
self.debug_print("ifelse1!!! %s" % (maxMag))
elif self._Hurricane_W:
if maxMag >= 64.0 or (pws64 >= thresh64 and maxMag >= 50.0):
desc = "expHR"
elif maxMag >= 34 or (pws34 >= thresh34 and maxMag >= 25.0):
desc = "expTSposHR"
elif pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+5.0 >= thresh34 or maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
desc = ""
self.debug_print("ifelse2!!! %s" % (maxMag))
elif self._TropStorm_W:
if maxMag >= 34.0 or (pws34 >= thresh34 and maxMag >= 25.0):
desc = "expTS"
elif pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+5.0 >= thresh34 or maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "posTS"
desc = ""
self.debug_print("ifelse3!!! %s" % (maxMag))
elif self._Hurricane_A:
if maxMag >= 50.0 or pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posHR"
elif maxMag >= 25.0 or pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+5.0 >= thresh34:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
desc = ""
self.debug_print("ifelse4!!! %s" % (maxMag))
elif self._TropStorm_A:
if maxMag >= 34.0:
if pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
desc = "posTS"
elif pws64 >= thresh64:
desc = "posTSbcmgposHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+5.0 >= thresh34 or maxMag >= 25.0:
desc = "posTS"
desc = ""
self.debug_print("ifelse5!!! %s" % (maxMag))
self.debug_print("HERE I AM")
if pws64 >= thresh64 or pws64+2.5 >= thresh64:
desc = "posHR"
elif maxMag >= 64.0:
desc = "posHR"
elif pws34 >= thresh34 or pws34+5.0 >= thresh34:
desc = "posTS"
elif maxMag >= 34.0:
desc = "posTS"
desc = ""
return desc
def getPeriod_5_9_Desc(self, tree, node, maxMag, pws64, pws34):
Determines contents of PWS phrase for a fifth to ninth period forecast.
desc = ""
self.debug_print("Period time range = %s" %
(repr(node.getComponent().getTimeRange())), 1)
self.debug_print("PWS34_wrng = %s" % (pws34), 1)
self.debug_print("PWS64_wrng = %s" % (pws64), 1)
# Grab thresholds for this period
component = node.getComponent()
windSpdProb_thresholds = self.windSpdProb_thresholds(tree, component)
(thresh34, thresh64) = \
# Display thresholds so we know what we're using
self.debug_print("(34 kt threshold, 64 kt threshold) = (%.2f, %.2f)" %
(thresh34, thresh64), 1)
if (pws64 >= thresh64 or (pws64 + 1.0) >= thresh64):
desc = "posHR"
elif maxMag >= 64.0:
desc = "posHR"
elif (self._Hurricane_A or self._Hurricane_W) and maxMag >= 50:
desc = "posHR"
elif (pws34 >= thresh34 or (pws34 + 2.5) >= thresh34):
desc = "posTS"
elif maxMag >= 34.0:
desc = "posTS"
elif (self._Hurricane_A or self._Hurricane_W or self._TropStorm_A or self._TropStorm_W) and maxMag >= 25:
desc = "posTS"
desc = ""
return desc
def getPeriod_10_14_Desc(self, tree, node, maxMag, pws64, pws34):
Determines contents of PWS phrase for a fourth period forecast.
desc = ""
self.debug_print("Period time range = %s" %
(repr(node.getComponent().getTimeRange())), 1)
self.debug_print("PWS34_wrng = %s" % (pws34), 1)
self.debug_print("PWS64_wrng = %s" % (pws64), 1)
# Grab thresholds for this period
component = node.getComponent()
windSpdProb_thresholds = self.windSpdProb_thresholds(tree, component)
(thresh34, thresh64) = windSpdProb_thresholds[9]
# Display thresholds so we know what we're using
self.debug_print("(34 kt threshold, 64 kt threshold) = (%.2f, %.2f)" %
(thresh34, thresh64), 1)
if (pws64 >= thresh64 or (pws64 + 1.0) >= thresh64):
desc = "posHR"
elif maxMag >= 64.0:
desc = "posHR"
elif (self._Hurricane_A or self._Hurricane_W) and maxMag >= 50:
desc = "posHR"
elif (pws34 >= thresh34 or (pws34 + 2.5) >= thresh34):
desc = "posTS"
elif maxMag >= 34.0:
desc = "posTS"
elif (self._Hurricane_A or self._Hurricane_W or self._TropStorm_A or self._TropStorm_W) and maxMag >= 25:
desc = "posTS"
desc = ""
return desc