83 lines
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83 lines
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without
# technical support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to
# its usefulness for any purpose.
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# HighSeas_Definition
# This file sets up all the Product Definition overrides for the
# HSF formatter for a site.
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ----------- ---------- ----------- --------------------------
# 12/20/2017 DCS17686 tlefebvre Initial baseline version.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VariableList = [
(("Product Issuance", "productIssuance"), "0430 UTC", "radio",
["0430 UTC", "1030 UTC", "1630 UTC", "2230 UTC"]),
Definition = {
"type": "smart",
"displayName": "HSF_AT2",
"database": "Fcst",
# Defines output location of finished product.
"outputFile": "{prddir}/TEXT/HSF_AT2.txt",
"debug": 0,
"showZoneCombiner": 0,
# Name of map background for creating Combinations
"lineLength": 65,
## Edit Areas: Create Combinations file with edit area combinations.
"defaultEditAreas" : [("GMZ011", "NW GULF INCLUDING STETSON BANK"),
#Definition["editAreaSuffix"] = "_pt"
"editAreaSuffix": None,
# product identifiers
"productName": "HIGH SEAS FORECAST", # product name
"fullStationID": "KNHC", # full station identifier (4letter)
"wmoID": "FZNT02", # WMO ID
"pil": "HSFAT2", # Product pil
"areaName": "MIAMI FL", # Name of state, such as "GEORGIA" -- optional
"wfoCityState": "NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL", # Location of WFO - city state
"synopsisUGC": "", # UGC code for synopsis
"synopsisHeading": ".SYNOPSIS...",# Heading for synopsis
"textdbPil": "MIAHSFAT2", # Product ID for storing to AWIPS text database.
"awipsWANPil": "KNHCHSFAT2", # Product ID for transmitting to AWIPS WAN.
"hazardSamplingThreshold": (0, 1), #(%cov, #points)
"fixedExpire": 1, #ensure VTEC actions don't affect segment expiration time
"periodCombining" : 0, # If 1, combine periods, if possible
# Product-specific variables:
# Set to one if you want a 6-hour evening period instead of
# 18-hour period without lows
"includeEveningPeriod": 0,
"useAbbreviations": 1,
# Weather-related flags
"hoursSChcEnds": 24,
# Area Dictionary -- Descriptive information about zones
"areaDictionary": "AreaDictionary",
"useHolidays": 0, # Set to 1 to use holidays in the time period labels
# Language
"language": "english",
# Trouble-shooting items
"passLimit": 20, # Limit on passes allowed through
# Narrative Tree
"trace": 0, # Set to 1 to turn on trace through
# Narrative Tree for trouble-shooting
#"lowerCase": 1, #added this to test mixed case per T. Hansen 03/06/2016-JRL