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`paper-tabs` is a `core-selector` styled to look like tabs. Tabs make it easy to
explore and switch between different views or functional aspects of an app, or
to browse categorized data sets.
Use `selected` property to get or set the selected tab.
<paper-tabs selected="0">
<paper-tab>TAB 1</paper-tab>
<paper-tab>TAB 2</paper-tab>
<paper-tab>TAB 3</paper-tab>
See <a href="#paper-tab">paper-tab</a> for more information about
A common usage for `paper-tabs` is to use it along with `core-pages` to switch
between different views.
<paper-tabs selected="{{selected}}">
<paper-tab>Tab 1</paper-tab>
<paper-tab>Tab 2</paper-tab>
<paper-tab>Tab 3</paper-tab>
<core-pages selected="{{selected}}">
<div>Page 1</div>
<div>Page 2</div>
<div>Page 3</div>
`paper-tabs` adapt to mobile/narrow layout when there is a `core-narrow` class set
on itself or any of its ancestors.
To use links in tabs, add `link` attribute to `paper-tabs` and put an `<a>`
element in `paper-tab`.
<paper-tabs selected="0" link>
<a href="#link1" horizontal center-center layout>TAB ONE</a>
<a href="#link2" horizontal center-center layout>TAB TWO</a>
<a href="#link3" horizontal center-center layout>TAB THREE</a>
Styling tabs:
To change the sliding bar color:
paper-tabs.pink::shadow #selectionBar {
background-color: #ff4081;
To change the ink ripple color:
paper-tabs.pink paper-tab::shadow #ink {
color: #ff4081;
@group Paper Elements
@element paper-tabs
@extends core-selector
@mixins Polymer.CoreResizable https://github.com/polymer/core-resizable
@homepage github.io
<link rel="import" href="../core-selector/core-selector.html">
<link rel="import" href="../paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.html">
<link rel="import" href="../core-resizable/core-resizable.html">
<link rel="import" href="paper-tab.html">
<polymer-element name="paper-tabs" extends="core-selector" attributes="noink nobar noslide scrollable hideScrollButton alignBottom" role="tablist" horizontal center layout>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="paper-tabs.css">
<div class="scroll-button" hidden?="{{!scrollable || hideScrollButton}}">
<paper-icon-button icon="chevron-left" class="{{ {hidden: leftHidden} | tokenList }}" on-down="{{holdLeft}}" on-up="{{releaseHold}}"></paper-icon-button>
<div id="tabsContainer" class="{{ {scrollable: scrollable} | tokenList }}" flex on-scroll="{{scroll}}" on-trackstart="{{trackStart}}">
<div id="tabsContent" horizontal layout?="{{!scrollable}}">
<div id="selectionBar" hidden?="{{nobar}}" class="{{ {alignBottom: alignBottom} | tokenList }}" on-transitionend="{{barTransitionEnd}}"></div>
<div class="scroll-button" hidden?="{{!scrollable || hideScrollButton}}">
<paper-icon-button icon="chevron-right" class="{{ {hidden: rightHidden} | tokenList }}" on-down="{{holdRight}}" on-up="{{releaseHold}}"></paper-icon-button>
* If true, ink ripple effect is disabled.
* @attribute noink
* @type boolean
* @default false
noink: false,
* If true, the bottom bar to indicate the selected tab will not be shown.
* @attribute nobar
* @type boolean
* @default false
nobar: false,
* If true, the slide effect for the bottom bar is disabled.
* @attribute noslide
* @type boolean
* @default false
noslide: false,
* If true, tabs are scrollable and the tab width is based on the label width.
* @attribute scrollable
* @type boolean
* @default false
scrollable: false,
* If true, dragging on the tabs to scroll is disabled.
* @attribute disableDrag
* @type boolean
* @default false
disableDrag: false,
* If true, scroll buttons (left/right arrow) will be hidden for scrollable tabs.
* @attribute hideScrollButton
* @type boolean
* @default false
hideScrollButton: false,
* If true, the tabs are aligned to bottom (the selection bar appears at the top).
@attribute alignBottom
@type boolean
@default false
alignBottom: false,
eventDelegates: {
'core-resize': 'resizeHandler'
activateEvent: 'tap',
step: 10,
holdDelay: 10,
ready: function() {
this._trackxHandler = this.trackx.bind(this);
Polymer.addEventListener(this.$.tabsContainer, 'trackx', this._trackxHandler);
this._tabsObserver = new MutationObserver(this.updateBar.bind(this));
domReady: function() {
this._tabsObserver.observe(this, {childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: true});
attached: function() {
detached: function() {
Polymer.removeEventListener(this.$.tabsContainer, 'trackx', this._trackxHandler);
trackStart: function(e) {
if (!this.scrollable || this.disableDrag) {
var t = e.target;
if (t && t.cancelRipple) {
this._startx = this.$.tabsContainer.scrollLeft;
trackx: function(e) {
if (!this.scrollable || this.disableDrag) {
this.$.tabsContainer.scrollLeft = this._startx - e.dx;
resizeHandler: function() {
scroll: function() {
if (!this.scrollable) {
var tc = this.$.tabsContainer;
var l = tc.scrollLeft;
this.leftHidden = l === 0;
this.rightHidden = l === Math.max(0, (tc.scrollWidth - tc.clientWidth));
holdLeft: function() {
this.holdJob = setInterval(this.scrollToLeft.bind(this), this.holdDelay);
holdRight: function() {
this.holdJob = setInterval(this.scrollToRight.bind(this), this.holdDelay);
releaseHold: function() {
this.holdJob = null;
scrollToLeft: function() {
this.$.tabsContainer.scrollLeft -= this.step;
scrollToRight: function() {
this.$.tabsContainer.scrollLeft += this.step;
* Invoke this to update the size and position of the bottom bar. Usually
* you only need to call this if the `paper-tabs` is initially hidden and
* later becomes visible.
* @method updateBar
updateBar: function() {
selectedItemChanged: function(old) {
var oldIndex = this.selectedIndex;
var s = this.$.selectionBar.style;
if (!this.selectedItem) {
s.width = 0;
s.left = 0;
var r = this.$.tabsContent.getBoundingClientRect();
this._w = r.width;
this._l = r.left;
r = this.selectedItem.getBoundingClientRect();
this._sw = r.width;
this._sl = r.left;
this._sOffsetLeft = this._sl - this._l;
if (this.noslide || old == null) {
var oldRect = old.getBoundingClientRect();
var m = 5;
if (oldIndex < this.selectedIndex) {
s.width = this.calcPercent(this._sl + this._sw - oldRect.left) - m + '%';
this._transitionCounter = 1;
} else {
s.width = this.calcPercent(oldRect.left + oldRect.width - this._sl) - m + '%';
s.left = this.calcPercent(this._sOffsetLeft) + m + '%';
this._transitionCounter = 2;
if (this.scrollable) {
scrollToSelectedIfNeeded: function() {
var scrollLeft = this.$.tabsContainer.scrollLeft;
// scroll to selected if needed
if (this._sOffsetLeft + this._sw < scrollLeft ||
this._sOffsetLeft - scrollLeft > this.$.tabsContainer.offsetWidth) {
this.$.tabsContainer.scrollLeft = this._sOffsetLeft;
positionBarForSelected: function() {
var s = this.$.selectionBar.style;
s.width = this.calcPercent(this._sw) + '%';
s.left = this.calcPercent(this._sOffsetLeft) + '%';
calcPercent: function(w) {
return 100 * w / this._w;
barTransitionEnd: function(e) {
var cl = this.$.selectionBar.classList;
if (cl.contains('expand') && !this._transitionCounter) {
} else if (cl.contains('contract')) {
}, Polymer.CoreResizable));