2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00
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2012-05-01 18:06:13 -05:00
<title>Edit Area Actions</title>
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00
<b><u><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+4>Edit Area Actions</font></font></u></b>
<p><a NAME="DrawFreehandEditArea"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Draw
a Freehand Edit Area</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">Use the Select Points tool to define an Edit Area
by hand. For more information see the section <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#DefineEditAreabyHand">Define
an EditArea by Hand</a> in the GFE Training Guide.</font>
<p><a NAME="SelectFourZones"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
an Edit Area that includes four different forecast zones of your
<p><font color="#000000">There are several way to accomplish this, but
the easiest is to select it from one of the cascading menus found in the
Main Menu bar, </font><font color="#FF0000">EditAreas->Zones->[zone name]</font><font color="#000000">.
Note that to accumulate the edit areas, you will need to put the Spatial
Editor into UNION mode by selecting the "+" from the button labelled "=".
For more detailed information, see the section <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#LoadingNamedEditAreas">Loading
Named Edit Areas</a> in the GFE Training Guide.</font>
<p><a NAME="SelectElevationArea"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
an Edit Area based on a given elevation.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">Unless your site manager has already set up edit
areas based on elevation, you will need to do this from the Edit Area Query
Dialog. Select the button labelled "</font><font color="#FF0000">?</font><font color="#000000">"
on the tool bar. The Edit Area Query Dialog will appear. Next enter
your query using the buttons such as, "</font><font color="#FF0000">Topo
> 4000</font><font color="#000000">" (adjust the value based on your topography).
Once you have defined the query select "Submit". The query will execute
and a new edit area will be selected that matches the query you entered.
For more information on queries, see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#EditAreaQueries">Edit
Area Queries</a> in the GFE Training Guide. For more infomation on the
dialog, see the section, <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">EditArea
and Query Dialog</a> in the Button Bar Dialogs document.</font>
<p><a NAME="SelectBasedOnDewpoint"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
an Edit Area that includes locations where the dew point is above a value
that you specifiy.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">This task is similar to the one above except that
this time you are using a different element to define the area.</font>
<br><font color="#000000">Make sure that the dew point weather element
is loaded into the GFE. Open the query dialog (by selecting the button
labelled "?") and define your query such as, "</font><font color="#FF0000">Td
> 45</font><font color="#000000">". Then select "Submit". You
should see a new edit area displayed in the Spatial Editor that corresponds
to your query. Note that when you animate or step frames the query
is re-run so that the edit area always reflects the currently displayed
grid. For more information on queries, see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#EditAreaQueries">Edit
Area Queries</a> in the GFE Training Guide. For more infomation on the
dialog, see the section, <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">EditArea
and Query Dialog</a> in the Button Bar Dialogs document.</font>
<p><a NAME="SelectBasedOnWeather"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
an Edit Area that covers locations with a certain type of weather</font>.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">For this task, load the "Wx" weather element and
open the query dialog by selecting the button labelled "</font><font color="#FF0000">?</font><font color="#000000">".
Next define your query such as </font><font color="#FF0000">mask(Wx, ":RW:")</font><font color="#000000">
and click the submit button. The new edit area should match your
query. For more information on queries, see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#EditAreaQueries">Edit
Area Queries</a> in the GFE Training Guide. For more infomation on the
dialog, see the section, <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">EditArea
and Query Dialog</a> in the Button Bar Dialogs document.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">Another way to select areas of the same weather
is to use the option available from the MB3 pop-up menu, "</font><font color="#FF0000">Select
Homogeneous Area</font><font color="#000000">". Selecting this option
will create a new edit area defined by the type, coverage and intensity
of whatever weather value the cursor is over when you execute "Select Homogeneous
Area". For more information, see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#SelectHomogeneousAreabasedonValue">Select
Homogeneous Area based on Value</a> in the GFE Training Guide.</font>
<p><a NAME="MakeNewQucikset"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Save
an Edit Area in a Quick Set button, clear the Edit Area and restore it
with the same Quick Set button.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">For this task you use the Quickset buttons located
in the far right section of the button bar. Create an edit area either
by hand, from the Main Menu or a query. Then select "</font><font color="#FF0000">Q</font><font color="#000000">"
followed by any one of the numbers. Now clear the edit area by pressing
the button labelled "</font><font color="#FF0000">C</font><font color="#000000">"
and then select the same number button that you did earlier. Note
that the edit area that you just cleared has been redisplayed. This
operation works for edit area queries as well. Saving a query under
a QuickSet entry returns as a query when it is recalled. When an
edit area query is loaded and executed it always runs on the currently
displayed grid. See the section in the GFE Training Guide, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#SavingEditAreasasQuickSets">Saving
Edit Areas as QuickSets</a> for more information</font>
<p><a NAME="ZoomSpatialEditor"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Zoom
the Spatial Editor so that only a portion of your CWA is displayed.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">There are two different ways to zoom the Spatial
Editor display. One is to MB3 press and select the "</font><font color="#FF0000">Zoom
to</font><font color="#000000">" cascade menu and select one of the numbered
options. These numbers represent the final width of the display (in
kilometers) after the display zooms.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">A short cut allows you to zoom in and out using
the mouse buttons. Press and hold the SHIFT key on the keyboard and
click MB2 anywhere in the Spatial Editor display. Note that the display
zooms in one level. Zoom in further by clicking MB2 a few more times.
Now zoom back ou by again holding the SHIFT key and clicking MB1.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">For more information on zooming the Spatial Editor
display see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#ZoomingtheSpatialDisplay">Zooming
(enlarging) the Spatial Display</a> in the GFE Training Guide.</font>
2012-05-01 18:06:13 -05:00
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00