
2179 lines
68 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* NSHARP */
/* Postscript driver routine */
/* Adapted from hpgl.c driver */
/* */
/* Unidata/UCAR Steve Chiswell 3/99 */
/* */
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* List of Routines in this module: */
/* */
/* PS_SETUP */
/* PS_CLOSE */
/* PSTEXT */
/* */
#include "gui.h"
#include "sharp95.h"
* Private functions
void psdraw_skewt ( FILE *fp );
void psmoveto ( FILE *fp , short x, short y );
void pstextc ( FILE *fp, char *textstr, short x, short y,
short pts, short bold );
void ps_close ( FILE *fp );
void ps_setup ( FILE *fp );
extern int nnpage;
static int text_justify=0;
static int Pfont;
static int linewrap;
int pscolor;
struct _skewt hsk = { 500, 850, 5636, 5986, 100, 70, 60 , 1 };
struct _hodog hho = { 3500, 850, 5636, 2950, -25, -25, 120, 20 };
void print_sounding_ps ( int COLRMODE )
/* */
/* Prints skewt/hodograph to LPT1. */
FILE *fp;
char unixcmd[200];
char OS[20];
pscolor = COLRMODE;
fp = open_printer();
printf("failed to open postscript file\n");
ps_setup( fp );
psdraw_skewt( fp );
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, 1, 9 );
hpdraw_hodo( fp );
hpwrite_parcel( fp );
hpwrite_thermo( fp );
hpwrite_winds( fp );
hpwrite_storm( fp );
hpplot_uvvs( fp );
/* sharp_label( fp, 75, 9845 ); */
sharp_label (fp, 3500, 9650);
/* sharp_label( fp, 4305, 9620 ); */
ps_close( fp );
/* Resize Postscript to Letter size Paper */
sprintf(unixcmd,"psresize -PA4 -pletter %s /tmp/.nsharprsz.out",config.filename);
if (strncmp(OS,"Linux",5)==0)
sprintf(unixcmd,"lpr %s", "/tmp/.nsharprsz.out");
sprintf(unixcmd,"lp -onb -oletter %s", "/tmp/.nsharprsz.out");
sprintf(unixcmd,"rm -f %s; rm -f /tmp/.nsharprsz.out", config.filename );
void hpgl_setup( FILE *fp )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Sets HP-Laserjet III+ to HP-GL/2 graphics mode. */
/* */
/* fp - File handle */
/* ----- Reset Printer ----- */
fputs( "\033E", fp );
/* ----- Set to HP-GL/2 mode ----- */
fputs( "\033%0B", fp );
/* ----- Initialize HP-GL/2 mode ----- */
fputs( "IN;", fp );
/* ----- Set Standard Font ----- */
fputs( "SD1,21,2,1,4,10,5,0,6,0,7,4148;SS;", fp );
/* ----- Tell Laserjet to begin plot ----- */
fputs( "BP;", fp );
/* ----- Transparency mode off ----- */
fputs( "TR0;", fp );
FILE *open_printer ( void )
* *
* Opens stream for output to printer. Returns FILE handle. *
* *
* fin - Name of file to open *
** *
* T. Piper/SAIC 01/04 changed mktemp to mkstemp *
char *tempnam;
tempnam = (char *)malloc(20);
tempnam[0] = '\0';
strcpy(config.filename, tempnam);
f1 = fopen( config.filename, "w" );
return f1;
void ps_setup ( FILE *fp )
/* PS_SETUP */
/* */
/* fp - File handle */
/* Write prolog commands to file. */
fprintf ( fp, "%%!PS-Adobe-1.0\n");
fprintf ( fp, "%%%%Title:\n" );
fprintf ( fp, "%%%%Creator: GEMPAK\n" );
fprintf ( fp, "%%%%EndComments\n");
fprintf ( fp, "%%%%Pages : (atend)\n" );
fprintf ( fp, "/M {moveto} def\n");
fprintf ( fp, "/L {lineto} def\n");
fprintf ( fp, "/N {newpath} def\n");
fprintf ( fp, "/LW {setlinewidth} def\n");
fprintf ( fp, "/AF {arc fill} def\n");
fprintf ( fp, "/MS {makefont setfont} def\n");
fprintf ( fp, "/FF {findfont} def\n");
fprintf ( fp, "/CF {currentfont} def\n");
fprintf ( fp, "/FL {closepath fill} def\n");
fprintf ( fp, "/RGB {setrgbcolor} def\n");
fprintf ( fp, " 20 50 translate .075 .075 scale\n");
fprintf ( fp, " 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath\n");
fprintf ( fp, "%%%%Page: 1 ?\n");
nnpage = 1;
Pfont = 0;
linewrap = 0;
void hpselect_pen ( FILE *fp , short onoff, float width, short type )
/* */
/* Selects the appropriate graphics pen in HP-GL/2 mode. */
/* */
/* fp - File handle */
/* onoff - Selects pin color (1=black, 0=white) */
/* width - Width in pels */
/* type - Line style (0-8), 9=Solid */
/* */
float red, green, blue;
int irwdth,rgbcolor;
if(pscolor != 1)
rgbcolor = 1;
rgbcolor = (int)onoff;
case 0:
red = 1; green = 1; blue = 1;
case 1:
red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0;
case 2:
red = .7; green = 0; blue = 0;
case 3:
red = 0; green = .7; blue = 0;
case 4:
red = 0; green = 0; blue = .7;
case 5:
red = .7; green = .7; blue = 0;
case 6:
red = 0; green = .7; blue = .7;
red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0;
case 2:
fprintf ( fp, "[40] 0 setdash\n");
case 10:
fprintf ( fp, "[40 40 5 50] 0 setdash\n");
case 11:
fprintf ( fp, "[20] 0 setdash\n");
case 9:
fprintf ( fp, "[] 0 setdash\n");
case 12:
fprintf ( fp, "[10 10] 0 setdash\n");
case -2:
fprintf ( fp, "[5 5] 0 setdash\n");
printf("Unknown line type, defaulting to solid %d\n",type);
fprintf ( fp, "[] 0 setdash\n");
/* ----- Set Pen Type ----- */
/* if( type == 9 )
{ fputs( "LT;", fp); }
if( type == 10 )
fputs( "UL8,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2;", fp);
fputs( "LT8,5;", fp);
if( type == 11 )
fputs( "UL8,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2;", fp);
fputs( "LT8,2;", fp);
if ( type == 12)
fputs( "UL8,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2;", fp);
fputs( "LT8,1;", fp);
if( type == -2 )
{ fprintf( fp, "LT%d, 1;", type ); }
if( type == -1 )
{ fprintf( fp, "LT%d, 1;", type ); } */
irwdth = (int)(width*60);
/*printf("look width %d color %f %f %f\n",irwdth,red,green,blue);*/
if(irwdth < 1) irwdth = 1;
fprintf ( fp, "%5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %s\n", red, green, blue, " RGB ");
fprintf ( fp, "%4d LW\n", irwdth );
void psmoveto ( FILE *fp , short x, short y )
/* */
/* Moves cursor to given coordinates, newpath */
y = (1016 * 11) - 1050 - y;
fprintf( fp, "N %6d %6d M ", x, y);
void hplineto ( FILE *fp , short x, short y )
/* */
/* lineto from current cursor location to (x,y) */
y = (1016 * 11) - 1050 - y;
fprintf( fp, "%5d %5d L ",x,y);
if(linewrap >= 4)
fprintf( fp, "\n");
linewrap = 0;
void hprectangle ( FILE *fp , short x1, short y1, short x3, short y3,
short fill, short pct )
/* */
/* Draws a rectangle bounded by (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). */
/* */
/* fill - Fill Indicator (1=YES) */
/* pct - Percent coverage of fill (0-100%) */
short x2, y2, x4, y4;
float grayf;
x2 = x3;
y2 = y1;
x4 = x1;
y4 = y3;
if(fill == 1)
grayf = ((float)(100. - pct))/100.;
fprintf(fp,"%5.3f %5.3f %5.3f RGB\n",grayf,grayf,grayf);
psmoveto( fp, x1, y1);
hplineto( fp, x2, y2);
hplineto( fp, x3, y3);
hplineto( fp, x4, y4);
hplineto( fp, x1, y1);
if(fill != 1)
fprintf( fp,"stroke\n");
fprintf( fp,"FL\n");
void hpcliprgn ( FILE *fp , short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2 )
/* */
/* Defines drawing area with points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). */
y1 = (1016 * 11) - 1050 - y1;
y2 = (1016 * 11) - 1050 - y2;
fprintf(fp,"N %d %d M %d %d lineto %d %d lineto %d %d lineto %d %d lineto closepath clip N\n",
void ps_close ( FILE *fp )
/* PS_CLOSE */
/* */
fprintf ( fp, " gsave showpage grestore\n" );
fprintf ( fp,
" -576 -126 translate -90 rotate 60.6796 60.6796 scale\n");
fprintf ( fp, "%%%%Trailer:\n" );
fprintf ( fp, "%%%%Pages: %5d\n", nnpage);
fclose( fp );
void psdraw_skewt ( FILE *fp )
/* */
/* Draws a standard Skew-T/LogP diagram using postscript. */
short i;
float thta,thtae;
float lvl[] = {1050,1000,850,700,500,300,200,100};
float mixratios[] = {0.5,1,2,4,8,16,32};
int mixratiocount=7;
char st[128];
/* ----- Write Title Line at top of chart ----- */
sprintf(st,"%s (%s)",raobtitle,raob_type);
pstextc( fp, st, hsk.tlx, hsk.tly - 65, 12, 3);
/* ----- Begin with outer boundary and frame ----- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .75F, 9 );
hprectangle( fp, hsk.tlx, hsk.tly, hsk.brx, hsk.bry, 0, 0 );
hpcliprgn( fp, hsk.brx, hsk.tly, hsk.tlx, hsk.bry );
hpfill_cape( fp, 20 );
/* ----- Draw Horizontal Pressure Lines ----- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, 0, 9 );
for(i=1; i<=7; i++) { hpisobar( fp, lvl[i], 0 ); }
for(i=150; i<1050; i += 50) { hpisobar( fp, (float)i, 1 ); }
/* ----- Draw Skewed Temperature Lines ----- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, 0, 2 );
for( i=-160; i<=50; i += 10 ) { hpisotherm( fp, (float)i ); }
/* ----- Draw Dry Adiabats ----- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, 0, 9 );
for( thta=-70; thta<=350; thta += 20) { hpdry_adiabat( fp, thta); };
/* ----- Draw Moist Adiabats ---- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, 0, -2 );
for (thtae=-2+273.16;thtae<=38+273.16;thtae+=4)
{hpmoist_adiabat( fp, thtae); };
/* ----- Draw Mixing ratio Lines ---- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, 0, 12);
for (i=0;i<mixratiocount;i++) {hpmixingratio( fp, mixratios[i]);};
/* ----- Plot Environmental Temperature Data ----- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 2, .75F, 9 );
hptrace_temp( fp );
/* ----- Plot Environmental Dew Point Data ----- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 3, .75F, 9 );
hptrace_dwpt( fp );
/* ----- Plot Environmental Virtual Temperature Data ----- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 5, .25F, 11 );
hptrace_vtmp( fp );
/* ----- Plot Environmental Wet Bulb Temperature Data ----- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 6, .25F, 11 );
hptrace_wetbulb( fp );
/* ----- Plot Environmental Wind Barbs ----- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .25F, 9 );
hpplot_barbs( fp );
/* ----- Plot Elevation legend ----- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .25F, 9 );
hpplot_elevs( fp );
/* ----- Trace Lifted Parcel ----- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 4, .35F, 10 );
hptrace_parcel( fp, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt);
void hpisobar ( FILE *fp, float pres, short flag )
/* */
/* Draws pressure lines (pres, mb) on SkewT graphic. */
/* */
/* flag = 0 Draw complete horizontal line */
/* = 1 Draw small tick marks along sides of chart */
short y;
char st[10];
y = hppres_to_pix( pres );
if( flag == 0 )
hpcliprgn( fp , 20000, 0, 0, 20000 );
itoa( (short)pres, st, 10 );
pstextc( fp, st, hsk.tlx - 355, y + 60, 10, 0 );
hpcliprgn( fp , hsk.brx, hsk.tly, hsk.tlx, hsk.bry );
psmoveto( fp, hsk.tlx, y);
hplineto( fp, hsk.brx, y);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
psmoveto( fp, hsk.tlx, y);
hplineto( fp, hsk.tlx + 100, y);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
psmoveto( fp, hsk.brx, y);
hplineto( fp, hsk.brx - 100, y);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
void hpisotherm ( FILE *fp, float temp )
/* */
/* Draws temperature lines (temp, c) on SkewT graphic. */
short x1, y1, x2, y2;
char st[10];
if((temp >= -30) && (temp <= 50))
x1 = hptemp_to_pix( temp, 1050 );
y1 = hsk.bry;
hpcliprgn( fp , 20000, 0, 0, 20000 );
itoa( (short)temp, st, 10 );
pstextc( fp, st, x1, y1 + 160, 10, 0 );
hpcliprgn( fp , hsk.brx, hsk.tly, hsk.tlx, hsk.bry );
x1 = hptemp_to_pix( temp, 1050 );
y1 = hsk.bry;
psmoveto( fp, x1, y1 );
x2 = hptemp_to_pix( temp, 100 );
y2 = hsk.tly;
hplineto( fp, x2, y2 );
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
short hppres_to_pix ( float pres )
/* */
/* Converts given pressure (mb) to an Y coordinate on */
/* Skewt graphic. */
double scl1, scl2;
scl1 = log(1050) - log(100);
scl2 = log(1050) - log(pres);
return (short)(hsk.bry - (scl2 / scl1) * (hsk.bry - hsk.tly));
short hptemp_to_pix ( float temp, float pres )
/* */
/* Converts given temperature (c) to an X coordinate on */
/* Thermodynamic diagram. */
/* */
/* Depending on (hsk.type), relationship is for (1) Pseudo- */
/* Adiabatic or (2) Skew-T/Log P diagram. */
/* */
/* Skew: 90c spread across the bottom of chart. */
/* 120c spread up-and-down the chart. */
/* Temp at BR of chart = 50c */
float scl1, scl2;
if( hsk.type == 1 )
scl1 = (float)hsk.brtemp - ((((float)hsk.bry -
(float)hppres_to_pix( pres )) / ((float)hsk.bry - (float)hsk.tly)) *
scl1 = hsk.brtemp;
scl2 = hsk.brx - (((scl1 - temp) / hsk.hspread) * (hsk.brx - hsk.tlx));
return (short)scl2;
void hpdry_adiabat ( FILE *fp, float thta )
/* */
/* Draws dry adiabat of theta (thta, c) on SkewT graphic. */
float pres, temp;
short x, y;
int ok=0;
fprintf(fp,"%% Dry Adiabat %5.1f\n",thta);
for( pres = 1050; pres >= 100; pres = pres - 50 )
temp = ((thta + 273.15) / pow( 1000.0 / pres, ROCP )) - 273.15;
x = hptemp_to_pix( temp , pres );
y = hppres_to_pix( pres );
if(pres == 1050)
{ psmoveto( fp, x, y ); }
{ hplineto( fp, x, y ); ok++; }
if(ok > 0) fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
void hpmoist_adiabat(FILE *fp, float thtae)
/* Draw moist adiabat of constant thetae from surface to top. */
float pres, startpres, temp,t1,t2;
short x,y;
int ok = 0;
/* start at pres 1000 */
psmoveto(fp, x,y);
for(pres =950; pres>=100;pres-=50) {
if(ok > 0) fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
void hpmixingratio(FILE *fp, float w)
/* Draw line of constant mixing ratio from sfc to top of sounding*/
float pres, startpres, temp,t1,t2;
short x,y;
int ok=0;
for (pres=1000;pres>=100;pres-=50) {
if (pres==1000)
{ hplineto(fp,x,y); ok++; }
if(ok > 0) fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
void hptrace_temp ( FILE *fp )
/* */
/* Plots environmental temperature trace on SkewT. */
short i, x, y, ok = 0;
for( i=0; i < numlvl; i++)
if( sndg[i][3] > -200)
x = hptemp_to_pix( sndg[i][3], sndg[i][1] );
y = hppres_to_pix( sndg[i][1] );
if( ok == 0)
{ psmoveto( fp, x, y); ok = 1; }
{ hplineto( fp, x, y); ok++; }
if(ok > 1) fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
void hptrace_vtmp ( FILE *fp )
/* */
/* Plots environmental virtual temp trace on SkewT. */
short i, x, y, ok = 0;
for( i=0; i < numlvl; i++)
if( sndg[i][3] > -200)
x = hptemp_to_pix( i_vtmp(sndg[i][1]), sndg[i][1] );
y = hppres_to_pix( sndg[i][1] );
if( ok == 0)
{ psmoveto( fp, x, y); ok = 1; }
{ hplineto( fp, x, y); ok++;}
if(ok > 1) fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
void hptrace_dwpt ( FILE *fp )
/* */
/* Plots environmental Dew Point trace on SkewT. */
short i, x, y, ok = 0;
for( i=0; i < numlvl; i++)
if( sndg[i][4] > -200)
x = hptemp_to_pix( sndg[i][4], sndg[i][1] );
y = hppres_to_pix( sndg[i][1] );
if( ok == 0)
{ psmoveto( fp, x, y); ok = 1; }
{ hplineto( fp, x, y); ok++;}
if(ok > 1) fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
void hptrace_wetbulb ( FILE *fp )
/* */
/* Plots environmental Wet Bulb trace on SkewT. */
short i, x, y, ok = 0;
float t1;
for( i=0; i < numlvl; i++)
if( sndg[i][4] > -200)
t1 = wetbulb( sndg[i][1], sndg[i][3], sndg[i][4] );
x = hptemp_to_pix( t1, sndg[i][1] );
y = hppres_to_pix( sndg[i][1] );
if( ok == 0)
{ psmoveto( fp, x, y); ok = 1; }
{ hplineto( fp, x, y); ok++;}
if(ok > 1) fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
void pstextc ( FILE *fp, char *textstr, short x, short y, short pts, short bold )
/* pstextc */
/* */
/* Writes given string at location (x,y). */
/* pts - Number of points for given font */
/* bold - Typeface indicator (0=NORM, 3=BOLD) */
int iftyp1, iftyp2;
int font=11;
float size=1.0;
static char *pfonts[12] = {
"Courier", "Helvetica", "Times-Roman",
"Courier-Oblique", "Helvetica-Oblique",
"Times-Italic", "Courier-Bold",
"Helvetica-Bold", "Times-Bold",
static float Psize=.5;
iftyp1 = font / 10;
iftyp2 = font % 10;
if ( ( iftyp1 < 0 ) || ( iftyp1 > 3 ) ) iftyp1 = 0;
if ( ( iftyp2 < 1 ) || ( iftyp2 > 3 ) ) iftyp2 = 1;
font = iftyp1 * 3 + iftyp2;
if( ( Pfont != font) || ( Psize != size) ){
fprintf ( fp, "/%s FF\n", pfonts[font -1]);
fprintf ( fp, "[%10.3f 0 0%10.3f 0 0] MS\n",
size*110, size*110);
Pfont = font;
Psize = size;
psmoveto(fp, x, y);
/* Write out the Text. */
case 1: /* right justified */
fprintf ( fp, "(%s) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto show\n",
case 2: /* cenetered text */
fprintf ( fp, "(%s) dup stringwidth pop neg 2 div 0 rmoveto show\n",
fprintf ( fp, "(%s) show\n", textstr);
void hpwind_barb ( FILE *fp, float wdir, float wspd, short x,
short y, short siz )
/* */
/* Plots wind barb at location (x,y) for given wind. */
short x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, sped;
float dx, dy, spcx, spcy, wid, hgt;
dx = ucomp(wdir, 10) * siz / 1.5;
dy = vcomp(wdir, 10) * siz / 1.5;
x1 = x;
y1 = y;
x2 = x1 + (short)dx;
y2 = y1 - (short)dy;
/* ----- Draw backbone of wind barb, along with origin dot ----- */
psmoveto(fp, x1, y1); hplineto(fp, x2, y2); fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
sped = (short)wspd;
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
wid = 6; /* Width of flags */
spcx = dx / wid;
spcy = dy / wid;
x1 = x1 + (short)spcx;
y1 = y1 - (short)spcy;
/* ----- Draw wind flags (increments of 50kt) ----- */
while (sped > 47)
x1 = x1 - (short)spcx;
y1 = y1 + (short)spcy;
hgt = .5F; /* Heigth of flags */
x2 = x1 + (short)(dy * hgt);
y2 = y1 + (short)(dx * hgt);
x3 = x1 - (short)spcx;
y3 = y1 + (short)spcy;
hptriangle( fp, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, 1);
/*psmoveto( fp, x1, y1);
hplineto( fp, x2, y2);
hplineto( fp, x3, y3);*/
sped -= 50;
x1 = x3;
y1 = y3;
/* ----- Draw wind barbs (increments of 5kt) ----- */
while (sped > 7 )
hgt = .5F; /* Heigth of flags */
x2 = x1 + (short)(dy * hgt);
y2 = y1 + (short)(dx * hgt);
x3 = x1 - (short)spcx;
y3 = y1 + (short)spcy;
psmoveto(fp, x3, y3); hplineto(fp, x2, y2); fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
sped -= 10;
x1 = x3;
y1 = y3;
/* ----- Draw short barb ----- */
if(sped > 3 )
hgt = .5F; /* Heigth of flags */
x2 = x1 + (short)(dy * hgt);
y2 = y1 + (short)(dx * hgt);
x3 = x1 - (short)spcx;
y3 = y1 + (short)spcy;
dx = (x3 - x2) / 2;
dy = (y3 - y2) / 2;
x2 = x3 - (short)dx;
y2 = y3 - (short)dy;
psmoveto(fp, x3, y3); hplineto(fp, x2, y2); fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
sped -= 10;
x1 = x3;
y1 = y3;
void hpplot_barbs ( FILE *fp )
/* */
/* Plots wind barbs along side of thermo diagram. */
short i, x, y;
float lastpres;
hpcliprgn( fp , 20000, 0, 0, 20000 );
/* ----- Draw vertical line ----- */
psmoveto( fp, hsk.brx + 500, hsk.tly);
hplineto( fp, hsk.brx + 500, hsk.bry);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
lastpres = 1100;
for( i = 0; i < numlvl; i++)
if( qc( sndg[i][5] ) && sndg[i][1] >= 100 )
y = hppres_to_pix( sndg[i][1] );
x = hsk.brx + 500;
if((sndg[i][2]-i_hght(lastpres)) > 400)
hpwind_barb( fp, sndg[i][5], sndg[i][6], x, y, 45);
lastpres = sndg[i][1];
void hptrace_parcel ( FILE *fp, float pres, float temp, float dwpt )
/* */
/* Plots parcel(pres, temp, dwpt) trajectory on SkewT */
/* graphic. */
/* */
/* pres - Pressure of initial parcel(mb) */
/* temp - Temperature of initial parcel (c) */
/* dwpt - Dew Point of initial parcel (c) */
float i, p2, t2, t3;
short x, y;
if((!qc(dwpt)) || (!qc(temp)) || (!qc(pres))) return;
x = hptemp_to_pix( virtemp(pres, temp, dwpt), pres );
y = hppres_to_pix( pres );
psmoveto( fp, x, y );
drylift(pres, temp, dwpt, &p2, &t2);
x = hptemp_to_pix( virtemp(p2, t2, t2), p2 );
y = hppres_to_pix( p2 );
hplineto( fp, x, y );
for(i = p2 - 50; i >= 100; i = i - 50)
t3 = wetlift(p2, t2, i);
x = hptemp_to_pix( virtemp(i, t3, t3), i );
y = hppres_to_pix( i );
hplineto( fp, x, y );
t3 = wetlift(p2, t2, 100);
x = hptemp_to_pix( virtemp(100, t3, t3), 100 );
y = hppres_to_pix( 100 );
hplineto( fp, x, y );
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
void hptrace_parcelx ( FILE *fp, float pres, float temp, float dwpt )
/* */
/* Plots parcel(pres, temp, dwpt) trajectory on SkewT */
/* graphic. */
/* */
/* pres - Pressure of initial parcel(mb) */
/* temp - Temperature of initial parcel (c) */
/* dwpt - Dew Point of initial parcel (c) */
float i, p2, t2, t3;
short x, y;
x = hptemp_to_pix( temp, pres );
y = hppres_to_pix( pres );
psmoveto( fp, x, y );
drylift(pres, temp, dwpt, &p2, &t2);
x = hptemp_to_pix( t2, p2 );
y = hppres_to_pix( p2 );
hplineto( fp, x, y );
for(i = p2 - 50; i >= 100; i = i - 50)
t3 = wetlift(p2, t2, i);
x = hptemp_to_pix( t3, i );
y = hppres_to_pix( i );
hplineto( fp, x, y );
t3 = wetlift(p2, t2, 100);
x = hptemp_to_pix( t3, 100 );
y = hppres_to_pix( 100 );
hplineto( fp, x, y );
void hptriangle ( FILE *fp, short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2,
short x3, short y3, short fill )
/* */
/* Draws triangle of (x,y) coordinates. */
/* */
/* fill - Fill indicator (1=YES) */
psmoveto( fp, x1, y1);
hplineto( fp, x2, y2);
hplineto( fp, x3, y3);
fprintf(fp," FL\n");
void hpdraw_hodo ( FILE *fp )
/* */
/* Draws a standard Hodograph diagram on a HP Laserjet */
/* printer. All graphic calls are HP-GL/2 dependent. */
short x1, y1, i;
char st[10];
/* ----- Transparency mode off ----- */
hpcliprgn(fp, hho.tlx, hho.tly, hho.brx, hho.bry);
hprectangle( fp, hho.tlx, hho.tly, hho.brx, hho.bry, 1, 0);
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .75F, 9 );
hprectangle( fp, hho.tlx, hho.tly, hho.brx, hho.bry, 0, 0);
/* ----- Plot crosshairs ----- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .1F, 9 );
hphodo_to_pix( 180, 60, &x1, &y1);
psmoveto( fp, x1, hho.tly);
hplineto( fp, x1, hho.bry);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
hphodo_to_pix( 270, 60, &x1, &y1);
psmoveto( fp, hho.tlx, y1);
hplineto( fp, hho.brx, y1);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
/* ----- Plot X-Coord hash marks ----- */
for(i = hho.scale; i <= hho.hodomag; i = i + hho.scale)
hphodo_to_pix( 180, (float)i, &x1, &y1);
psmoveto( fp, x1-30, y1);
hplineto( fp, x1+30, y1);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
itoa( i, st, 10 );
pstextc( fp, st, x1 + 50, y1 + 30, 6, 0);
hphodo_to_pix( 360, (float)i, &x1, &y1);
psmoveto( fp, x1-30, y1);
hplineto( fp, x1+30, y1);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
itoa( i, st, 10 );
pstextc( fp, st, x1 + 50, y1 + 30, 6, 0);
/* ----- Plot Y-Coord hash marks ----- */
for(i = hho.scale; i <= hho.hodomag; i = i + hho.scale)
hphodo_to_pix( 90, (float)i, &x1, &y1);
psmoveto( fp, x1, y1 - 30);
hplineto( fp, x1, y1 + 30);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
itoa( i, st, 10 );
pstextc( fp, st, x1 - 50, y1 + 80, 6, 0);
hphodo_to_pix( 270, (float)i, &x1, &y1);
psmoveto( fp, x1, y1 - 30);
hplineto( fp, x1, y1 + 30);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
itoa( i, st, 10 );
pstextc( fp, st, x1 - 50, y1 + 80, 6, 0);
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .1F, 9 );
hphodo_circs( fp );
/* ----- Plot Hodograph (Shear Vectors) ----- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .15F, 9 );
hptrace_hodo( fp );
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .15F, 9 );
hplabel_hodo( fp );
void hphodo_to_pix ( float dir, float mag, short *x, short *y )
/* */
/* Calculates the printer location (x,y) in pels of the */
/* wind vector (dir,mag). */
float midx, midy;
float scle;
scle = (hho.brx - hho.tlx) / hho.hodomag;
midx = hho.tlx + ((hho.brx - hho.tlx) / 2) + (hho.xshift * scle);
midy = hho.tly + ((hho.bry - hho.tly) / 2) - (hho.yshift * scle);
*x = (short)(midx - (ucomp( dir, mag ) * scle));
*y = (short)(midy + (vcomp( dir, mag ) * scle));
void hptrace_hodo ( FILE *fp )
/* */
/* Plots environmental wind shear vectors on Hodograph. */
short i, x, y, ok = 0;
for( i=0; i < numlvl; i++)
if( qc(sndg[i][5]) && qc(sndg[i][6]))
hphodo_to_pix( sndg[i][5], sndg[i][6], &x, &y);
if( ok == 0)
psmoveto( fp, x, y);
ok = 1;
hplineto( fp, x, y );
if(ok > 1) fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
void hplabel_hodo ( FILE *fp )
/* */
/* places labels on hodograph at predetermined levels. */
float wdi, wsp;
short i, x, y;
short lvl[] = {1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 15000};
char st[10];
for(i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
wdi = i_wdir( i_pres(msl( lvl[i]) ) );
wsp = i_wspd( i_pres(msl( lvl[i]) ) );
hphodo_to_pix( wdi, wsp, &x, &y);
sprintf( st, "%d", lvl[i]/1000);
pstextc( fp, st, x - 60, y - 60, 8, 3);
/* ----- Display Storm Motion at Upper Left Corner ----- */
if(qc(st_dir) && qc(st_spd))
{ sprintf( st, "%d / %d kt", (short)st_dir, (short)st_spd); }
{ sprintf( st, "M / M"); }
pstextc( fp, st, hho.tlx + 50, hho.tly+150, 9, 0);
void hpplot_elevs ( FILE *fp )
/* */
/* Plots elevations (m, ft) MSL on right side of SkewT. */
short y;
float hgt;
char st[80];
hpcliprgn( fp , 20000, 0, 0, 20000 );
/* ----- Draw base legend ----- */
psmoveto( fp, hsk.brx + 1200, hsk.tly);
hplineto( fp, hsk.brx + 1200, hsk.bry);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
psmoveto( fp, hsk.brx + 900, hsk.tly);
hplineto( fp, hsk.brx + 1500, hsk.tly);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
pstextc( fp, "MSL", hsk.brx + 1125, hsk.tly - 95, 7, 3);
pstextc( fp, "kft km", hsk.brx + 1000, hsk.tly - 15, 7, 3);
/* ----- Find SFC level and plot ----- */
y = hppres_to_pix( sndg[sfc()][1] );
psmoveto( fp, hsk.brx + 1150, y);
hplineto( fp, hsk.brx + 1250, y);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
sprintf( st, "%d m", (short)sndg[sfc()][2] );
pstextc( fp, st, hsk.brx + 1300, y + 30, 7, 0);
sprintf( st, "%d ft", (short)mtof(sndg[sfc()][2]) );
hpdisp_param( fp, st, hsk.brx + 800, y + 30, 7, 0);
/*pstextc( fp, st, hsk.brx + 800, y + 30, 7, 0);*/
/* ----- Plot every 1km ----- */
for( hgt=1000; hgt < sndg[numlvl-1][2]; hgt += 1000)
if(i_pres(hgt) > 100)
y = hppres_to_pix( i_pres( hgt ));
psmoveto( fp, hsk.brx + 1200, y);
hplineto( fp, hsk.brx + 1250, y);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
sprintf( st, "%d", (short)(hgt / 1000) );
pstextc( fp, st, hsk.brx + 1300, y + 30, 7, 0);
/* ----- Plot every 5kft ----- */
for(hgt = 5000; hgt < mtof(sndg[numlvl-1][2]); hgt += 5000)
if(i_pres(ftom(hgt)) > 100)
y = hppres_to_pix( i_pres( ftom(hgt)));
psmoveto( fp, hsk.brx + 1150, y);
hplineto( fp, hsk.brx + 1200, y);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
sprintf( st, "%d", (short)(hgt / 1000) );
pstextc( fp, st, hsk.brx + 1000, y + 30, 7, 0);
void hphodo_circs ( FILE *fp )
/* */
/* Draws speed rings on hodograph as scale increments. */
short x1, y1, x2, y2, i;
hphodo_to_pix( 180, 0, &x1, &y1);
for(i = hho.scale; i <= hho.hodomag; i = i + hho.scale)
hphodo_to_pix( 180, (float)i, &x2, &y2);
hpcircle( fp, x1, y1, abs(y2 - y1));
void hpcircle ( FILE *fp, short x, short y, short radius )
/* */
/* Draws a circle at (x,y) of radius (radius). */
fprintf( fp, "N %d %d M %d %d %d 0 360 arc\n", x,y,x,y,radius );
void hpwrite_parcel( FILE *fp )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Writes parcel data to printer. */
char st[80];
short x1, y1;
float sfctemp, sfcdwpt, sfcpres, p;
struct _parcel pcl;
sfctemp = lplvals.temp;
sfcdwpt = lplvals.dwpt;
sfcpres = lplvals.pres;
x1 = 100;
y1 = hsk.bry + 500;
hpcliprgn( fp , 20000, 0, 0, 20000 );
hpcentertext( fp, "THERMODYNAMIC PARAMETERS", x1 + 1500, y1, 12, 3);
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .4F, 9 );
/* hprectangle( fp , x1 - 50, y1 + 20, x1 + 3000, 9800, 0, 0);*/
hprectangle( fp , x1 - 50, y1 + 20, x1 + 3000, 9900, 0, 0);
/* ----- Selected parcel type ----- */
y1 += 200;
sprintf( st, "%s", lplvals.desc);
pstextc( fp, st, x1, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- Lifted Parcel Information ----- */
y1 += 200;
sprintf( st, "LPL: %4.0fmb %4.0fC/%4.0fC %4.0fF/%4.0fF",
lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt,
ctof(lplvals.temp), ctof(lplvals.dwpt));
pstextc( fp, st, x1, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- Calculate Parcel Data ----- */
parcel( -1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &pcl);
/* ----- CAPE/LI ----- */
y1 += 200;
pstextc( fp, "CAPE:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( pcl.bplus, " J/kg", 0));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 1200, y1, 9, 0);
pstextc( fp, "LI:", x1 + 1500, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( pcl.li5, " C @ 500mb", 0));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- BFZL/LImin ----- */
y1 += 150;
pstextc( fp, "BFZL:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( pcl.bfzl, " J/kg", 0));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 1200, y1, 9, 0);
pstextc( fp, "LImin:", x1 + 1500, y1, 9, 0);
if( qc(pcl.limax))
strcpy( st, qc2( pcl.limax, " C @ ", 0));
strcat( st, qc2( pcl.limaxpres, "mb", 0));
{ strcpy( st, "M"); }
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- CINH/CAP ----- */
y1 += 150;
pstextc( fp, "CINH:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( pcl.bminus, " J/kg", 0));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 1200, y1, 9, 0);
pstextc( fp, "CAP:", x1 + 1500, y1, 9, 0);
if( qc(pcl.cap))
strcpy( st, qc2( pcl.cap, " C @ ", 0));
strcat( st, qc2( pcl.cappres, "mb", 0));
{ strcpy( st, "M" ); }
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- Header for LEVEL data ----- */
y1 += 200;
/* hpdisp_param( fp, "LEVEL", x1 + 400, y1, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "PRES", x1 + 1100, y1, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "HGT(AGL)", x1 + 2100, y1, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "TEMP", x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0); */
hpdisp_param( fp, "LEVEL", x1 + 400, y1, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "PRES", x1 + 1100, y1, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "HGT(AGL)", x1 + 1800, y1, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "HGT(MSL)", x1 + 2500, y1, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "TEMP", x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0);
y1 += 20;
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .1F, 9 );
psmoveto( fp, x1, y1 ); hplineto( fp, x1 + 2950, y1 );
/* ----- LCL ----- */
y1 += 150;
p = pcl.lclpres;
hplvldata( fp, p, "LCL", x1, y1);
/* ----- LFC ----- */
y1 += 150;
p = pcl.lfcpres;
hplvldata( fp, p, "LFC", x1, y1);
strcpy( st, qc2(i_temp( p ), " C", 0));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- EL ----- */
y1 += 150;
p = pcl.elpres;
hplvldata( fp, p, "EL", x1, y1);
strcpy( st, qc2(i_temp( p ), " C", 0));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- MPL ----- */
y1 += 150;
p = pcl.mplpres;
hplvldata( fp, p, "MPL", x1, y1);
y1 += 50;
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .4F, 9 );
psmoveto( fp, x1 - 50 , y1);
hplineto( fp, x1 + 3000, y1);
void hpwrite_thermo( FILE *fp )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Writes thermo data to printer. */
char st[80];
short x1, y1;
float sfctemp, sfcdwpt, sfcpres, ix1, ix2, ix3;
struct _parcel pcl;
int fzgstatus,nparams;
float params[2];
sfctemp = lplvals.temp;
sfcdwpt = lplvals.dwpt;
sfcpres = lplvals.pres;
x1 = 100;
y1 = 8406;
/* ----- PW and Mean RH ----- */
pstextc( fp, "Precip Water:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( precip_water( &ix1, -1, -1), " in", 2 ));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 1400, y1, 9, 0);
pstextc( fp, "Mean RH:", x1 + 1600, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( mean_relhum( &ix1, -1, -1), " %", 0));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- Mean MR and Mean LRH ----- */
y1 += 150;
pstextc( fp, "Mean Q:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( mean_mixratio( &ix1, -1, -1), " g/kg", 1 ));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 1400, y1, 9, 0);
pstextc( fp, "Mean LRH:", x1 + 1600, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( mean_relhum( &ix1, -1, sndg[sfc()][1] - 150), " %", 0));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- Top of Moist Layer ----- */
y1 += 150;
pstextc( fp, "Top of Moist Layer:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( top_moistlyr( &ix1 ), " mb", 0 ));
strcat( st, " / " );
strcat( st, qc2( mtof(agl(i_hght(ix1))), " ft", 0 ));
pstextc( fp, st, x1 + 1600, y1, 9, 0);
y1 += 50;
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .4F, 9 );
psmoveto( fp, x1 - 50 , y1);
hplineto( fp, x1 + 3000, y1);
/* ----- 700-500mb Lapse Rates ----- */
y1 += 150;
pstextc( fp, "700-500mb Lapse Rate:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( delta_t( &ix1 ), " C", 0 ));
strcat( st, " / " );
strcat( st, qc2( lapse_rate( &ix1, 700, 500 ), " C/km", 1 ));
pstextc( fp, st, x1 + 1600, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- 850-500mb Lapse Rates ----- */
y1 += 150;
pstextc( fp, "850-500mb Lapse Rate:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( vert_tot( &ix1 ), " C", 0 ));
strcat( st, " / " );
strcat( st, qc2( lapse_rate( &ix1, 850, 500 ), " C/km", 1 ));
pstextc( fp, st, x1 + 1600, y1, 9, 0);
y1 += 50;
psmoveto( fp, x1 - 50 , y1);
hplineto( fp, x1 + 3000, y1);
/* ----- Total-Totals and K-Index ----- */
y1 += 150;
pstextc( fp, "Total Totals:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st,qc2( t_totals( &ix1, &ix2, &ix3 ), "", 0));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 1400, y1, 9, 0);
pstextc( fp, "K-Index:", x1 + 1600, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( k_index( &ix1 ), "", 0));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0);
/* -----SWEAT and Max Temp ----- */
y1 += 150;
pstextc( fp, "SWEAT Index:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( sweat_index( &ix1 ), "", 0));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 1400, y1, 9, 0);
pstextc( fp, "Max Temp:", x1 + 1600, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( ctof(max_temp( &ix1, -1 )), " F", 0));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- ThetaE Diff and Convective Temp ----- */
y1 += 150;
pstextc( fp, "ThetaE Diff:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
ix2 = ThetaE_diff(&ix1);
strcpy( st, qc2( ix2, " C", 0 ));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 1400, y1, 9, 0);
ix2 = old_cnvtv_temp( &ix1);
pstextc( fp, "*Conv Temp(s):", x1 + 1600, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( ctof(ix2), "F/", 0 ));
strcat( st, qc2(ctof(cnvtv_temp(&ix1, -50)),"F", 0));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 3000, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- FZL and WBZ ----- */
y1 += 150;
/* pstextc( fp, "FZG Level:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( mtof(agl(i_hght(temp_lvl( 0, &ix1 )))), " ft", 0 ));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 1400, y1, 9, 0);
pstextc( fp, "WBZ Level:", x1 + 1600, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( mtof(agl(i_hght(wb_lvl( 0, &ix1 )))), " ft", 0 ));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0); */
pstextc( fp, "WBZ Level:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( mtof(agl(i_hght(wb_lvl( 0, &ix1 )))), " ft", 0 ));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 1400, y1, 9, 0);
pstextc( fp, "FZG Level:", x1+1600, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( mtof(agl(i_hght(temp_lvl( 0, &ix1 )))), " ft", 0 ));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0);
/* ---- FZL MSL ----- */
y1 += 150;
if (fzgstatus<0) {
strcpy( st, "FZG LVL(MSL) = SNDG BLO FZG");
pstextc(fp, st, x1, y1, 9, 0);
} else {
strcpy( st, "FZG LVL(MSL) = ");
strcat( st, qc2(mtof(i_hght(params[0])),"ft",0));
if( nparams==2) {
strcat(st, qc2(mtof(i_hght(params[1])),"ft",0));
pstextc(fp, st, x1, y1, 9, 0);
void hpdisp_param ( FILE *fp, char *st, short x, short y, short font,
short tf )
/* */
/* Right justifies value at location x,y. */
text_justify = 1;
fprintf(fp,"%% need to right justify %d\n",text_justify);
pstextc( fp, st, x, y, font, tf);
text_justify = 0;
void hpfill_cape ( FILE *fp, short pct )
/* */
/* Fills the positive area with grey area. */
short x, y, i, j, xs, ys;
float t1, p1, t2, p2, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, pres;
float grayf;
struct _parcel pcl;
sfcpres = lplvals.pres;
sfctemp = lplvals.temp;
sfcdwpt = lplvals.dwpt;
/* ----- Calculate Parcel Data ----- */
parcel( -1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &pcl);
if( pcl.bplus <= 0 ) { return; }
/* ----- Account for partial soundings ----- */
if( !qc(pcl.elpres)) { pcl.elpres = sndg[numlvl-1][1]; }
/* ----- Start at LFC ----- */
fprintf(fp,"\n%% Plot cape\nN ");
p1 = pcl.lfcpres;
t1 = i_vtmp(pcl.lfcpres);
x = hptemp_to_pix( t1, p1);
y = hppres_to_pix( p1 );
psmoveto( fp, x, y);
xs = x;
ys = y;
/* ----- Trace up temperature line ----- */
while(sndg[i][1] > pcl.lfcpres) { i++; }
for( j=i; sndg[j][1] > pcl.elpres; j++)
if( qc(sndg[j][3]))
p1 = sndg[j][1];
t1 = i_vtmp( p1 );
x = hptemp_to_pix( t1, p1);
y = hppres_to_pix( p1 );
hplineto( fp, x, y);
grayf = ((float)(100. - pct))/100.;
fprintf(fp,"%5.3f %5.3f %5.3f RGB\n",grayf,grayf,grayf);
/* ----- Now, starting at EL, go back down Thw to LFC ----- */
drylift(sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &p2, &t2);
for(pres = pcl.elpres; pres < pcl.lfcpres; pres += 50)
t1 = wetlift(p2, t2, pres);
x = hptemp_to_pix( virtemp(pres, t1, t1), pres );
y = hppres_to_pix( pres );
hplineto( fp, x, y );
/* ----- Finish Polygon by returning to LFC ----- */
hplineto( fp, xs, ys );
void hpfill_capex ( FILE *fp, short pct )
/* */
/* Fills the positive area with grey area. */
short x, y, i, j, xs, ys;
float t1, p1, t2, p2, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, pres;
struct _parcel pcl;
sfcpres = lplvals.pres;
sfctemp = lplvals.temp;
sfcdwpt = lplvals.dwpt;
/* ----- Calculate Parcel Data ----- */
parcelx( -1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &pcl);
if( pcl.bplus <= 0 ) { return; }
/* ----- Set Polygon Mode ----- */
fputs( "PM0;", fp );
/* ----- Start at LFC ----- */
p1 = pcl.lfcpres;
t1 = i_temp(pcl.lfcpres);
x = hptemp_to_pix( t1, p1);
y = hppres_to_pix( p1 );
psmoveto( fp, x, y);
xs = x;
ys = y;
/* ----- Trace up temperature line ----- */
while(sndg[i][1] > pcl.lfcpres) { i++; }
for( j=i; sndg[j][1] > pcl.elpres; j++)
if( qc(sndg[j][3]))
p1 = sndg[j][1];
t1 = i_temp( p1 );
x = hptemp_to_pix( t1, p1);
y = hppres_to_pix( p1 );
hplineto( fp, x, y);
/* ----- Now, starting at EL, go back down Thw to LFC ----- */
drylift(sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &p2, &t2);
for(pres = pcl.elpres; pres < pcl.lfcpres; pres += 50)
t1 = wetlift(p2, t2, pres);
x = hptemp_to_pix( t1, pres );
y = hppres_to_pix( pres );
hplineto( fp, x, y );
/* ----- Finish Polygon by returning to LFC ----- */
hplineto( fp, xs, ys );
/* ----- End Polygon Mode ----- */
fputs( "PM2;", fp );
/* ----- Transparency mode on ----- */
fputs( "TR1;", fp );
/* ----- Set Fill Density and Finish Fill ----- */
fprintf( fp, "FT10,%d;", pct );
fputs( "FP;", fp );
void hpcentertext ( FILE *fp, char *st, short x, short y, short font, short tf )
/* */
/* Writes given string at location (x,y). */
/* pts - Number of points for given font */
/* bold - Typeface indicator (0=NORM, 3=BOLD) */
fprintf(fp,"%% need to center text\n");
text_justify = 2;
pstextc( fp, st, x, y, font, tf);
text_justify = 0;
void hplvldata( FILE *fp, float pres, char *nam, short x, short y)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Write level data to printer (used in parcel area). */
char st[80];
if (qc(pres))
/*hpdisp_param( fp, nam, x + 400, y, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( pres, "mb", 0 ));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x + 1100, y, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( mtof(agl(i_hght(pres ))), "ft", 0 ));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x + 2100, y, 9, 0);*/
hpdisp_param( fp, nam, x + 400, y, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( pres, "mb", 0 ));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x + 1100, y, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( mtof(agl(i_hght(pres ))), "ft", 0 ));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x + 1800, y, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, qc2( mtof(i_hght(pres )), "ft", 0 ));
hpdisp_param(fp, st, x + 2500, y, 9, 0);
/*hpdisp_param( fp, nam, x + 400, y, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "M", x + 1100, y, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "M", x + 2100, y, 9, 0);*/
hpdisp_param( fp, nam, x + 400, y, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "M", x + 1100, y, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "M", x + 1800, y, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "M", x + 2500, y, 9, 0);
void sharp_label ( FILE *fp, short x1, short y1 )
/* */
/* Writes SHARP label on page at specified (x,y) */
char st[80];
strcpy( st, "Output produced by Unidata postscript driver:");
pstextc( fp, st, x1 + 25, y1 + 80, 5, 3);
psmoveto(fp,x1 + 25,y1 + 80);
fprintf(fp," (%s)\n", st);
fprintf(fp,"true charpath pathbbox 40 add /uy exch def pop pop pop\n");
strcpy( st, "NSHARP (SkewT-Hodograph Analysis and Research Program)");
pstextc( fp, st, x1 + 25, y1 + 160, 5, 3);
psmoveto(fp,x1 + 25, y1 + 160);
fprintf(fp," (%s)\n", st);
fprintf(fp,"true charpath pathbbox pop 60 add /ux exch def 60 sub /ly exch def 60 sub /lx exch def\n");
fprintf(fp,"N lx ly M ux ly L ux uy L lx uy L lx ly L stroke\n");
/*strcpy( st, " ");
pstextc( fp, st, x1 + 25, y1 + 240, 5, 3);
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .3F, 9 );
hprectangle( fp, x1, y1, x1 + 2195, y1 + 280, 0, 0 );*/
void hpwrite_winds ( FILE *fp )
/* */
/* Writes wind data to printer. */
char st[80];
short x1, y1;
float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4;
struct _parcel pcl;
x1 = 3500;
y1 = hsk.bry + 500;
hpcliprgn( fp , 20000, 0, 0, 20000 );
hpcentertext( fp, "KINEMATIC PARAMETERS", x1 + 1500, y1, 12, 3);
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .4F, 9 );
hprectangle( fp , x1 - 50, y1 + 20, x1 + 3000, 7700, 0, 0);
/* ----- 0-6km Mean Wind ----- */
y1 += 200;
pstextc( fp, "Sfc - 6 km Mean Wind:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
mean_wind( -1, i_pres(agl(6000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
if(qc(ix3) && qc(ix4))
{ sprintf( st, "%d / %d kt (%d m/s)", (short)ix3, (short)ix4,
(short)kt_to_mps(ix4)); }
{ sprintf( st, "M / M"); }
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- LFC-EL Mean Wind ----- */
y1 += 150;
pstextc( fp, "LFC - EL Mean Wind:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
mean_wind( -1, -1, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
if(qc(ix3) && qc(ix4))
{ sprintf( st, "%d / %d kt (%d m/s)", (short)ix3, (short)ix4,
(short)kt_to_mps(ix4)); }
{ sprintf( st, "M / M"); }
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- 850-300 Mean Wind ----- */
y1 += 150;
pstextc( fp, "850 - 300 Mean Wind:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
mean_wind( 850, 300, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
if(qc(ix3) && qc(ix4))
{ sprintf( st, "%d / %d kt (%d m/s)", (short)ix3, (short)ix4,
(short)kt_to_mps(ix4)); }
{ sprintf( st, "M / M"); }
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1 + 2900, y1, 9, 0);
y1 += 200;
psmoveto(fp, x1, y1);
hplineto(fp, x1+3000, y1);
/* ----- Sfc-2km Shear ----- */
y1 += 150;
wind_shear( -1, i_pres(msl(2000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
pstextc( fp, "Sfc - 2km Shear:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
if(qc(ix3) && qc(ix4))
sprintf( st, "%d kt", (short)ix4);
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+1700, y1, 9, 0);
sprintf( st, "(%d m/s)", (short)kt_to_mps(ix4));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+2500, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, "M");
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+1700, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- Sfc-6km Shear ----- */
y1 += 150;
wind_shear( -1, i_pres(msl(6000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
pstextc( fp, "Sfc - 6km Shear:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
if(qc(ix3) && qc(ix4))
sprintf( st, "%d kt", (short)ix4);
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+1700, y1, 9, 0);
sprintf( st, "(%d m/s)", (short)kt_to_mps(ix4));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+2500, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, "M");
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+1700, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- BRN Shear ----- */
y1 += 150;
pcl.lplpres = lplvals.pres;
ix2 = bulk_rich( pcl, &ix1);
pstextc( fp, "*BRN Shear:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
if(qc(ix3) && qc(ix4))
sprintf( st, "%d m2/s2", (short)ix1);
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+2500, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, "M");
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+2100, y1, 9, 0);
void hpwrite_storm ( FILE *fp )
/* */
/* Writes storm data to printer. */
char st[80], st1[80];
short x1, y1;
float sfctemp, sfcdwpt, sfcpres, hel3;
float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4;
struct _parcel pcl;
sfctemp = lplvals.temp;
sfcdwpt = lplvals.dwpt;
sfcpres = lplvals.pres;
parcel( -1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &pcl);
x1 = 3500;
y1 = 8000;
hpcliprgn( fp , 20000, 0, 0, 20000 );
hpcentertext( fp, "STORM STRUCTURE PARAMETERS", x1 + 1500, y1, 12, 3);
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .4F, 9 );
hprectangle( fp , x1 - 50, y1 + 20, x1 + 3000, 9200, 0, 0);
/* ----- Sfc-3km SREH ----- */
y1 += 200;
ix1 = helicity( 0, 3000, st_dir, st_spd, &ix2, &ix3);
hel3 = ix1;
pstextc( fp, "Sfc - 3km SREH:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
sprintf( st, "%.0f m2/s2", ix1);
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+1700, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, "M");
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+1700, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- Effective SREH ----- */
y1 += 150;
ix1 = helicity( -1, -1, st_dir, st_spd, &ix2, &ix3);
pstextc( fp, "Effective SREH:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
sprintf( st, "%.0f m2/s2", ix1);
sprintf( st1, "from %.0f m.", agl(i_hght(esfc(50))));
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+1700, y1, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, st1, x1+2600, y1, 9, 0);
strcpy( st, "M");
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+1700, y1, 9, 0);
y1 += 200;
psmoveto( fp, x1, y1);
hplineto( fp, x1+3000, y1);
/* ----- 0-2 km Storm Relative Winds ----- */
y1 += 150;
pstextc( fp, "0-2 km SRW:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
sr_wind( -1, i_pres(msl(2000)), st_dir, st_spd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
sprintf( st, "%.0f kt", ix4);
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+1300, y1, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "M", x1+1300, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- EHI ----- */
pstextc( fp, "EHI:", x1+1700, y1, 9, 0);
ix1 = ehi(pcl.bplus, hel3);
sprintf( st, "%.1f", ix1);
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+2900, y1, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "M", x1+2900, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- 4-6 km Storm Relative Winds ----- */
y1 += 150;
pstextc( fp, "4-6 km SRW:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
sr_wind( i_pres(msl(4000)), i_pres(msl(6000)), st_dir, st_spd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
sprintf( st, "%.0f kt", ix4);
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+1300, y1, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "M", x1+1300, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- BRN ----- */
pstextc( fp, "BRN:", x1+1700, y1, 9, 0);
ix1 = bulk_rich(pcl, &ix2);
sprintf( st, "%.0f", ix1);
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+2900, y1, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "M", x1+2900, y1, 9, 0);
/* ----- 6-10 km Storm Relative Winds ----- */
y1 += 150;
pstextc( fp, "6-10 km SRW:", x1, y1, 9, 0);
sr_wind( i_pres(msl(6000)), i_pres(msl(10000)), st_dir, st_spd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
sprintf( st, "%.0f kt", ix4);
hpdisp_param( fp, st, x1+1300, y1, 9, 0);
hpdisp_param( fp, "M", x1+1300, y1, 9, 0);
void hpplot_uvvs ( FILE *fp )
/* */
/* Plots VVs (Mbps) on right side of SkewT. */
short i, x, y, x1, avail;
float leng, scal;
int ok=0;
scal = 1000;
if (g_pfs_model_sel_sw)
hpcliprgn( fp , 20000, 0, 0, 20000 );
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .25F, 9 );
x1 = hsk.brx + 1900;
/* ----- Plot every level ----- */
avail = 0;
for( i = 0; i < numlvl; i++)
if(qc(sndg[i][0]) && (sndg[i][0] < 1))
y = hppres_to_pix( sndg[i][1] );
leng = (sndg[i][0] * scal); /* Convert to Mbs/sec */
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .05F, 9 );
if(abs(leng) > 5) hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .10F, 9 );
if(abs(leng) > 10) hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .35F, 9 );
if(abs(leng) > 15) hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .50F, 9 );
x = x1 - (leng * 15); /* Determine screen scale */
psmoveto(fp, x1, y);
hplineto(fp, x, y);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
if(avail > 5)
/* ----- Draw base legend ----- */
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .20F, 9 );
psmoveto( fp, x1, hsk.tly);
hplineto( fp, x1, hsk.bry);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .10F, 11 );
psmoveto( fp, x1+150, hsk.tly);
hplineto( fp, x1+150, hsk.bry);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .10F, 11 );
psmoveto( fp, x1-150, hsk.tly);
hplineto( fp, x1-150, hsk.bry);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
hpselect_pen( fp, 1, .20F, 9 );
psmoveto( fp, x1-300, hsk.tly);
hplineto( fp, x1+300, hsk.tly);
fprintf(fp," stroke\n");
hpcentertext( fp, "VVEL (Mbps)", x1, hsk.tly-95, 7, 3);
hpcentertext( fp, "Down Up ", x1, hsk.tly-15, 7, 3);