252 lines
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252 lines
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* gui.h *
* *
* This header file includes the necessary GEMPAK, X11, Motif and NXM *
* header files, defines structures and macros, and declares variables. *
** *
* Log: *
* S. Jacobs/NMC 8/94 *
* C. Lin/EAI 9/95 *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 9/96 added another element in smethod_t (OBS)*
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 11/96 added ddttm to usrslct_t structure *
* also increased MAX_PLOT_STN to 3800 *
* D. Kidwell/NCEP 8/98 Added watch box information *
* D. Kidwell/NCEP 4/99 Deleted watch box cancel flag *
* D. Kidwell/NCEP 5/99 Replaced MAX_PLOT_STN with LLSTFL *
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include "geminc.h"
#include "gemprm.h" /* MAXTYP, LLSTFL */
#include "ctbcmn.h"
#include "Nxm.h"
#include "nwxcmn.h"
#include "guid.h"
#define PRNMAX ( 90000 )
#define ALL_COL 2
#define ALL_MRK 6
#define SEL_COL 3
#define SEL_MRK 1
#define RES_COL 32
#define MIN_HR 00
#define MAX_PTS 100
#define MAX_CONTOURS 100
#define MAX_REPORTS 300
#define MAX_WATCHES 200
#define MAX_WPTS 7
#define REPMAX ( 150000 ) /* Maximum text report size */
#define SSTR_LEN 128 /* short string length */
#define LSTR_LEN 256 /* long string length */
#define SRCHSTR_LEN 25 /* search string length */
* structure to hold nwx master table and map table
typedef struct {
int ndtyp; /* # of data types */
int nmap; /* # of maps */
struct datatype_list dtyp_info[MAXTYP];/* data type info of each product*/
struct maptype_list map_info[MAXTYP]; /* info of maps */
* structure to hold the info of possible forecast stations
typedef struct {
int nstn; /* # of stations */
char stnName[LLSTFL][33]; /* station local names */
char stateId[LLSTFL][3]; /* state id names */
char counId[LLSTFL][3]; /* country id names */
float lat[LLSTFL]; /* latitude of the station */
float lon[LLSTFL]; /* longitude of the station */
float elv[LLSTFL]; /* elevation of the station */
char srchstr[LLSTFL][SRCHSTR_LEN]; /* record search strings */
char bulstr[SRCHSTR_LEN]; /* bulletion head string */
int rptstn[MAX_REPORTS]; /* indices of the stations issuing reports */
float rptstnlat[MAX_REPORTS]; /* lat of the stations issuing reports */
float rptstnlon[MAX_REPORTS]; /* lon of the stations issuing reports */
/* lat, lon info for stations issuing
special reports duplicated to facilitate
easier marker plotting, gtrans, etc.,
function calls */
int nrptstn; /* number of unique stations issueing report(s) */
int nreports; /* total number of individual reports */
* lat/lon of the map boundaries
typedef struct {
float x[2]; /* x-coord of lower left and upper right */
float y[2]; /* y-coord of lower left and upper right */
* structure to hold search related information
typedef enum {
typedef struct {
int idtyp; /* index to data type info */
struct directory_info dir_info; /* info about the data directory */
struct data_file_info file_info;/* info about the selected data file */
char srchstr[SRCHSTR_LEN]; /* string to search for */
char start_of_text[2][9]; /* start mark(s) of a record */
char end_of_text[2][9]; /* end mark(s) of a record */
struct date_time_info startd; /* starting date/time */
struct date_time_info endd; /* endding date/time */
int sflag; /* -1 = backward */
/* 0 = start over */
/* 1 = foreward */
smethod_t smethod; /* flag for search method */
int current; /* pointer to current WW file */
* structure to hold user selections
typedef enum {
} selectby_t ;
typedef enum {
} zoom_t ;
typedef struct {
int mapindx; /* map background index into nwxtbl map_info*/
selectby_t selct_by; /* 0 -- select by station, 1 -- state */
zoom_t zoomflg; /* 0 -- no zoom, 1 -- zoom */
int ndttm; /* date/time preference */
int ddttm; /* date/time default */
struct guid_grp *group; /* address of the selected group info */
int prod; /* index of the selected product in the group */
int prvnxt; /* flag for previous/next button in text window */
* structures to hold the plot information
typedef enum {
struct mrkv {
int nstn;
float lat[LLSTFL];
float lon[LLSTFL];
float elev[LLSTFL];
int dvalues[LLSTFL];
int breaks[LLSTFL];
int ncolor;
int icolrs[LLSTFL];
int marktype;
float marksize;
int markwdth;
int pltflag;
int iposn;
}; /* for plotting values as marker */
struct cntline {
char label[7]; /* label for the line */
int npt; /* # of points for the contour*/
float lat[MAX_PTS]; /* lat for each point */
float lon[MAX_PTS]; /* lon for each point */
int color; /* color for the contour */
}; /* for each contour line */
struct contour {
int nc; /* # of contours */
struct cntline line[MAX_CONTOURS];
}; /* for collection of contour lines */
struct watchinfo {
char wtchnum[5]; /* watch number */
char valid[20]; /* watch valid GEMPAK dattim */
char expire[20]; /* watch expires GEMPAK dattim */
int npt; /* # of watch area vertices */
float lat[MAX_WPTS]; /* lat for each point */
float lon[MAX_WPTS]; /* lon for each point */
int color; /* color for the watch box */
}; /* for each watch box */
struct watchbox {
int nb; /* # of watchboxes */
struct watchinfo winfo[MAX_WATCHES];
}; /* for collection of watch boxes */
typedef struct {
plotmode_t mode; /* plot mode */
union {
struct mrkv markv;
struct contour cnt;
struct watchbox wbox;
}data; /* plot data */
* convenient for accessing data
#define plt_mark data.markv /* marker for plot values */
#define plt_cnt data.cnt /* contours */
#define plt_wbox data.wbox /* watch box */
* Declare the global variables.
extern int _idtyp_save;
extern nwxtbl_t *nwxTable; /* nwx master/map table */
extern stnlist_t stnList; /* related station info */
extern usrslct_t usrSelect; /* user selections */
extern mapbnd_t mapBnd; /* map boundaries */
extern srchinfo_t srchInfo; /* search information */
extern plotdata_t plotData; /* data for plotting */
extern char reportText[]; /* text report */
extern char printText[]; /* text for print */
extern char wtchText[MAX_WATCHES][REPMAX]; /* Text for watch boxes */
extern Widget mapCanvW; /* widget for drawing map */
extern Widget textW; /* widget for displaying text */
extern Widget dataSelectW; /* popup window for data selection */
extern Widget prevBtnW, nextBtnW; /* previous/next buttons in text window */
extern Widget prntBtnW; /* print button in text window */
extern Widget dttmtxtW; /* date/time info widget in text window */
extern Widget prdgrptxtW; /* product/group info widget in text window */
* Declare the function prototypes.
#include "proto_nwx.h"
struct report_info{
char stnid[25];
int position;
char fname[133];
int stnindex;
extern struct report_info reportInfo[];