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2022-05-05 12:34:50 -05:00
# This script updates all tables in A2 that should contain a space or / but instead have an underscore.
# takes the name of the plugin to update then 1-n sequences of uri index to check,
# character to look for at that index and character to replace it with. Optional last argument is
# an hdf5 path layout for modifying the datauris in hdf5. If no need to modify hdf5, this can be
# left blank. This was done in support of Redmine DR 2333
DIR=`dirname $0`
# acars will replace _ with empty string to remove extra chars
python $DIR/ acars 2 '_' ''
# acars is special as it also needs to update the column that has extra spaces in it
${PSQL} -U awips -d metadata -c "UPDATE acars SET tailnumber = replace(tailnumber, ' ', '')"
# bufrua needs to replace _ with space
python $DIR/ bufrua 4 '_' ' '
# intlsigmet needs to replace _ with space
python $DIR/ intlsigmet 3 '_' ' '
# satellite needs to replace _ with space at index 4 and 5
python $DIR/ satellite 4 '_' ' ' 5 '_' ' ' '[sectorid]/[physicalelement]/'
# svrwx needs to replace _ with encoded %2F as the field actually contains a '/' in it
python $DIR/ svrwx 3 '_' '%2F'
# vaa needs to rplace _ with space at index 2 and _ with encoded '/' at index 6
python $DIR/ vaa 2 '_' ' ' 6 '_' '%2F'