2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
2013-03-06 15:53:16 -06:00
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
2013-03-06 15:53:16 -06:00
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Name:
# GridMonitor.py
# GFS1-NHD:A6631.0000-SCRIPT;1.18
# Status:
# History:
# Revision 1.21 (INITIALIZE)
# Created: 18-APR-2007 12:38:15 SOLSON
# Removed CR characters from the previous rev of this item.
# Revision 1.20 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 07-DEC-2006 12:18:10 OBERFIEL
# Fixed code mixup and PVCS doc block.
# Revision 1.19 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 17-NOV-2006 13:45:10 BLI
# Fixed for uninitialized variable
# Revision 1.18 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 17-NOV-2006 13:10:57 BLI
# Fixed an uninitialized variable
# Revision 1.17 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 26-SEP-2006 09:34:47 BLI
# Modified to work with new TafGen
# Revision 1.16 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 21-APR-2006 11:29:21 TROJAN
# spr 7124: added exception catching code ro compare()
# Revision 1.15 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 20-APR-2006 15:47:30 TROJAN
# made compare() wrapper in base class handling exceptions
# renamed compare() to __compare()
# Revision 1.14 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 23-JAN-2006 08:23:13 TROJAN
# stdr 956
# Revision 1.13 (APPROVED)
# Created: 03-NOV-2005 13:39:36 TROJAN
# spr 7052
# Revision 1.12 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 16-AUG-2005 13:53:04 TROJAN
# spr 6988
# Revision 1.11 (APPROVED)
# Created: 09-AUG-2005 14:00:48 TROJAN
# spr 6974
# Revision 1.10 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 06-JUL-2005 18:16:38 TROJAN
# spr 6548
# Revision 1.9 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 07-MAY-2005 11:34:02 OBERFIEL
# Added Item Header Block
# Revision 1.8 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 02-APR-2005 17:47:23 TROJAN
# spr 6772
# Revision 1.7 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 15-FEB-2005 18:12:21 TROJAN
# spr 6561
# Revision 1.6 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 21-OCT-2004 19:36:12 TROJAN
# spr 6420
# Revision 1.5 (APPROVED)
# Created: 30-SEP-2004 18:56:02 TROJAN
# stdr 874
# Revision 1.4 (APPROVED)
# Created: 19-AUG-2004 20:44:35 OBERFIEL
# Code change
# Revision 1.3 (APPROVED)
# Created: 01-JUL-2004 14:59:27 OBERFIEL
# Update
# Revision 1.2 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 08-JAN-2004 21:40:03 PCMS
# Updating for code cleanup
# Revision 1.1 (APPROVED)
# Created: 06-NOV-2003 16:45:38 OBERFIEL
# date and time created -2147483647/-2147483648/-2147481748
# -2147483648:-2147483648:-2147483648 by oberfiel
# Change Document History:
# 1:
# Change Document: GFS1-NHD_SPR_7227
# Action Date: 26-FEB-2007 11:02:05
# Relationship Type: Affected
# Status: DONE
# Title: AvnFPS: Grid Monitoring Fails due to unassigned variable
# GridMonitor.py
# IFPS grids monitoring module
# Author: George Trojan, SAIC/MDL, August 2003
# last update: 04/20/06
2013-03-06 15:53:16 -06:00
#* <pre>
#* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
#* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
#* Initial creation.
2013-03-25 15:38:56 -05:00
#* Mar 07, 2013 1735 rferrel Use SiteGridManager to limit calls to server.
2013-03-06 15:53:16 -06:00
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00
2013-03-06 15:53:16 -06:00
import logging, time, cPickle
import Avn, AvnLib, Globals, GridData, MonitorP, TafDecoder, TafGen, JUtil
from com.raytheon.viz.aviation.monitor import SiteGridManager
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00
_Logger = logging.getLogger(Avn.CATEGORY)
class Monitor(MonitorP.Monitor):
Source = 'grids'
Namespace = globals()
def __init__(self, info, args):
MonitorP.Monitor.__init__(self, info, args)
self.decoder = TafDecoder.Decoder()
def __makeData(self, t):
2013-03-06 15:53:16 -06:00
siteID = self.info['ident']
timeSeconds = long(t)
if SiteGridManager.needData(timeSeconds) :
siteIDs = JUtil.javaStringListToPylist(SiteGridManager.getSiteIDs())
containersMap = GridData.retrieveMapData(siteIDs, timeSeconds)
return None
o = SiteGridManager.getData(siteID, timeSeconds)
if o is None :
return None
ndata = cPickle.loads(o)
data = GridData.formatData(siteID, timeSeconds, ndata)
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00
bbb = 'RRA'
dcd = self.decoder(taf, bbb)
if 'fatal' in dcd:
raise Avn.AvnError
return {'hourly': AvnLib.TafData(dcd['group']), \
'text': '\n'.join(taf)}
except Avn.AvnError:
return None
def __compare(self, taf):
now = time.time()
msg = None
result = {}
currentTime = time.gmtime()
requestTime = time.mktime((currentTime[0], currentTime[1], currentTime[2], currentTime[3],
0, 0, currentTime[6], currentTime[7], currentTime[8])) - time.timezone
fcst = self.__makeData(requestTime)
if fcst is None:
msg = 'Missing grid forecast'
_Logger.info('%s for %s' % (msg, self.info['ident']))
result['text'] = fcst['text']
if msg:
result['status'] = self.setMissing(msg)
return result
beg = now + 3600.0*self.args['from']
nhours = self.args['to'] - self.args['from'] + 1
delta_h = {}
t = beg
for n in range(nhours):
delta_h[n] = MonitorP.applyRules(self.rules, t,
taf.hourly.get(t), fcst['hourly'].get(t))
t += 3600.0
delta = delta_h[0][:]
for m in range(len(delta)):
if delta[m] != 0: # pick first occurence
for n in range(1, nhours):
if delta_h[n][m] != 0:
delta[m] = delta_h[n][m]
tmp = MonitorP.addRules(self.args['items'], self.rules, delta)
result['status'] = MonitorP.addMessages(self.args['items'], tmp)
except IndexError:
result['status'] = self.setNIL()
return result
def _WX(s, wx):
"""Returns TRUE if s contains string wx"""
if wx == '':
return 0
# special case for blowing/drifting snow
ix = s.find(wx)
if wx == 'SN' and ix > 1:
if s[ix-2:ix] in ('BL', 'DR'):
return 0
return ix >= 0
# Section containing editable rules
class DDDelta(MonitorP.Rule):
"""TAF and GRIDs winds directions differ by DD with
either wind speed >= FF1.
Arguments: DD FF1"""
def __init__(self):
# defaults, can be overwritten by configuration file
self.type = 'wind'
self.unique = True
self.severity = 3
self.args = {'dd': 3, 'ff': 12}
def method(self, taf, grids):
gw, tw = grids['wind'], taf['wind']
gdd = gw['dd']['prev']
tddp = tw['dd'].get('prev', None)
tddo = tw['dd'].get('ocnl', None)
# variable wind: always matches
if 'VRB' in (gdd, tddp, tddo):
return False
if tddp is None:
delta1= 999
delta1 = abs(tddp - gdd)
if delta1 > 180:
delta1 = 360 - delta1
if tddo is None:
delta2= 999
delta2 = abs(tddo - gdd)
if delta2 > 180:
delta2 = 360 - delta2
delta = min(delta1, delta2)
if delta == 999:
raise Avn.AvnMissing
if delta < self.args['dd']:
return False
if gw['ff']['lo'] >= self.args['ff']:
self.setmsg('Wind directions differ by %d deg, grids wind' \
' exceeds %d kt', delta, self.args['ff'])
return True
elif tw['ff']['hi'] >= self.args['ff']:
self.setmsg('Wind directions differ by %d deg, TAF wind' \
' exceeds %d kt', delta, self.args['ff'])
return True
return False
except KeyError:
raise Avn.AvnMissing
class FFDelta(MonitorP.Rule):
"""TAF and GRIDs wind speeds/gusts differ by FF with
either wind speed >= FF1.
Arguments: FF FF1"""
def __init__(self):
# defaults, can be overwritten by configuration file
self.type = 'wind'
self.unique = True
self.severity = 3
self.args = {'ff': 10, 'ff1': 15}
def method(self, taf, grids):
gff = grids['wind']['ff']['hi']
tfflo = taf['wind']['ff']['lo']
tffhi = taf['wind']['ff']['hi']
if gff < tfflo:
self.setmsg('Wind speeds differ by %d, TAF wind exceeds %d',
self.args['ff'], self.args['ff1'])
return tfflo-gff >= int(self.args['ff']) and \
tfflo >= self.args['ff1']
elif gff > tffhi:
self.setmsg('Wind speeds differ by %d, grids wind exceeds %d',
self.args['ff'], self.args['ff1'])
return gff-tffhi >= int(self.args['ff']) and \
gff >= self.args['ff1']
return 0
except KeyError:
raise Avn.AvnMissing
class VsbyCatDelta(MonitorP.Rule):
"""TAF and grids visibilities differs by #categories
Arguments: ncat"""
def __init__(self):
# defaults, can be overwritten by configuration file
self.type = 'vsby'
self.unique = True
self.severity = 3
self.args = {'ncat': 1}
def method(self, taf, grids):
self.setmsg('Visibility categories differs by %d', self.args['ncat'])
thresholds = self.sitedata['thresholds']['vsby']
tclo = Avn.category(taf['vsby']['lo'], thresholds)
tchi = Avn.category(taf['vsby']['hi'], thresholds)
gclo = Avn.category(grids['vsby']['lo'], thresholds)
gchi = Avn.category(grids['vsby']['hi'], thresholds)
if gchi < tclo:
return tclo-gchi >= self.args['ncat']
elif gclo > tchi:
return gclo-tchi >= self.args['ncat']
return False
except KeyError:
raise Avn.AvnMissing
class CigCatDelta(MonitorP.Rule):
"""TAF and grids ceiling differs by #categories
Arguments: ncat"""
def __init__(self):
# defaults, can be overwritten by configuration file
self.type = 'sky'
self.unique = True
self.severity = 3
self.args = {'ncat': 1}
def method(self, taf, grids):
self.setmsg('Ceilings categories differs by %d', self.args['ncat'])
thresholds = self.sitedata['thresholds']['cig']
tclo = Avn.category(taf['sky']['lo'], thresholds)
tchi = Avn.category(taf['sky']['hi'], thresholds)
gclo = Avn.category(grids['sky']['lo'], thresholds)
gchi = Avn.category(grids['sky']['hi'], thresholds)
if gchi < tclo:
return tclo-gchi >= self.args['ncat']
elif gclo > tchi:
return gclo-tchi >= self.args['ncat']
return False
except KeyError:
raise Avn.AvnMissing
class SkyMismatch(MonitorP.Rule):
"""TAF and grids sky cover differs by #categories
Arguments: ncat"""
def __init__(self):
# defaults, can be overwritten by configuration file
self.type = 'sky'
self.unique = True
self.severity = 3
self.args = {'ncat': 1}
def method(self, taf, grids):
tclo = taf['cover']['lo']
tchi = taf['cover']['hi']
gclo = grids['cover']['lo']
gchi = grids['cover']['hi']
self.setmsg('TAF and grids sky cover differs by %d categories',
if gchi < tclo:
return tclo-gchi >= self.args['ncat']
elif gclo > tchi:
return gclo-tchi >= self.args['ncat']
return False
except KeyError:
raise Avn.AvnMissing
class WxTafDelta(MonitorP.Rule):
"""Weather (any of the list) occurs in TAF and not in GRIDs.
Arguments: WX (list)"""
def __init__(self):
# defaults, can be overwritten by configuration file
self.type = 'wx'
self.unique = False
self.severity = 3
self.args = {'wx': ['FZRA', 'FZDZ', 'PL']}
def method(self, taf, grids):
self.setmsg('%s forecasted but not in grids',
' or '.join(self.args['wx']))
if 'wx' not in taf or 'pstr' not in taf['wx']:
return False
wx = taf['wx']['pstr'] # only prevailing conditions
if not Avn.any(self.args['wx'], Avn.curry(_WX, wx)):
return False
if 'wx' not in grids:
return True
if 'pstr' in grids['wx']:
wx = grids['wx']['pstr']
if Avn.any(self.args['wx'], Avn.curry(_WX, wx)):
return False
if 'ostr' in grids['wx']:
wx = grids['wx']['ostr']
if Avn.any(self.args['wx'], Avn.curry(_WX, wx)):
return False
return True
class WxGridsDelta(MonitorP.Rule):
"""Weather (any of the list) occurs in GRIDs and not in TAF.
Arguments: WX (list)"""
def __init__(self):
# defaults, can be overwritten by configuration file
self.type = 'wx'
self.unique = False
self.severity = 3
self.args = {'wx': ['FZRA', 'FZDZ', 'PL']}
def method(self, taf, grids):
self.setmsg('%s occured in grids but not forecasted',
' or '.join(self.args['wx']))
if 'wx' not in grids or 'pstr' not in grids['wx']:
return 0
wx = grids['wx']['pstr'] # only prevailing conditions
if not Avn.any(self.args['wx'], Avn.curry(_WX, wx)):
return 0
if 'wx' not in taf:
return 1
if 'pstr' in taf:
wx = taf['wx']['pstr']
if Avn.any(self.args['wx'], Avn.curry(_WX, wx)):
return 0
if 'ostr' not in taf['wx']:
return 1
wx = taf['wx']['ostr']
return not Avn.any(self.args['wx'], Avn.curry(_WX, wx))