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<title>Miscellaneous Actions Training</title>
<font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Miscellaneous and More Complex actions</font></font>
<p><a NAME="ChangeColorTable"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Display
a grid as an image, then change the Color Table that is being used.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">To display a grid as an image, move the cursor
down to the legend that corresponds to that grid.&nbsp; Press and hold
MB3 and select Display as Image.&nbsp; This will change the grid to an
image.&nbsp; For more information on this and other legend options, see
the section <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#LegendPop-upMenu">Legend
Pop-up Menu</a>.&nbsp; Changing the current color table is done via the
color bar located at the top of the Spatial Editor.&nbsp; Move the cursor
to the color bar and press and hold MB3 to display the pop-up menu.&nbsp;
Move the cursor to the item </font><font color="#FF0000">Change Color Table
To-></font><font color="#330000">&nbsp; to see the list of available color
tables.&nbsp; Select a new color table and watch the display of the grid
<p><a NAME="ChangeGraphicColor"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Change
the color of a graphic. (Think how you would do this on D2D.)</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">This operation works nearly the same as on D2D.&nbsp;
Move your cursor to the appropriate legend and press and hold MB3 to display
the pop-up menu.&nbsp; From this menu, select </font><font color="#FF0000">Change
Graphic Color To -></font><font color="#330000"> and select any color you
<p><a NAME="AssignWeatherByPoP"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Assign
a weather type to the portion of a grid covered by a certain PoP value.</font></font>
<p>First you need to define an edit area based on PoP.&nbsp; To do this
open the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">Edit Area
Query Dialog</a> from the Button Bar.&nbsp; This button looks like this&nbsp;<img SRC="images/defineRefset0.gif" height=46 width=46>.&nbsp;
Define a query based on PoP.&nbsp; For example, "<font color="#FF0000">PoP-&gt
30</font>" and submit the query.&nbsp; For more information, see the
section on the&nbsp; <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">Edit
Area Query Dialog</a>.&nbsp; Once you have defined your edit area based
on PoP, then make the corresponding Wx grid active.&nbsp; Select the appropriate
weather type, coverage and intensity and assign that value to the edit
<p><a NAME="AssignPopBasedOnQPF"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Assign
values to a PoP grid based on different threshold values in the QPF grid
for that time.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">This task can be accomplished by submitting several
queries that identify areas based on the QPF value and then assigning various
PoP values after each query.&nbsp; For example, open the&nbsp;</font> <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">Edit
Area Query Dialog</a>&nbsp; and define a query at the low end of QPF such
as "QPF &lt; 0.01".&nbsp; Once this edit area has been defined, assign
a PoP value of 0%.&nbsp; Next submit another query such as "QPF >= 0.01
* QPF &lt; 0.10". Once this edit area is defined, assign a different value
for PoP such as 20%.&nbsp; Follow this with another query, and so on until
the entire range of QPF has been addressed.
<p>Smart Tools is another way to define this relationship with significantly
less work.&nbsp; See the <a href="SmartTools.html">Smart Tools Training
Guide</a> for more information on creating Smart Tools.
<p><a NAME="SaveAndPublish"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Save
and Publish the data.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">To save your gridded forecast data select from
the Main Menu Edit->Save Forecast.&nbsp; Then select the Save Forecast
button.&nbsp; You can also get to this dialog by selecting the Button Bar
button that looks like this.&nbsp;</font><img SRC="images/saveFcst0.gif" height=46 width=46>
<p><font color="#330000">To Publish your data to the Official database,
select from the Main Menu </font><font color="#FF0000">Products->Publish
to Official...</font><font color="#330000">&nbsp; This will display the
<a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#PublishToOfficialDialog">Publish
Dialog</a> that allows you to choose which weather elements to publish.&nbsp;
To publish the&nbsp; weather elements click on the Publish button.</font>