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50 lines
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<project basedir=".">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
<!-- The directory that the jar file will be placed in when it is finished. -->
<property name="destination.directory" value="" />
<!-- The location of uframe-eclipse. -->
<property name="eclipse.directory" value="" />
<!-- The location of the awips2 baseline. -->
<property name="baseline.dir" value="" />
<!-- Verify the destination directory has been provided. -->
<equals arg1="${destination.directory}" arg2="" />
<fail message="Error: a destination directory has not been specified." />
<!-- Verify the an eclipse directory has been provided. -->
<equals arg1="${eclipse.directory}" arg2="" />
<fail message="Error: an eclipse directory has not been specified." />
<!-- Verify the awips2 baseline directory has been provided. -->
<equals arg1="${baseline.dir}" arg2="" />
<fail message="Error: a awips2 baseline directory has not been specified." />
<target name="extract_eclipse_jar_in_jar">
<mkdir dir="${baseline.dir}/${project.name}/lib" />
<fileset dir="${eclipse.directory}/plugins">
<include name="org.eclipse.jdt.ui_*.jar" />
<include name="jar-in-jar-loader.zip" />