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<!-- Flash Flood Statement for Zones configuration -->
<!-- Created by Mike Dangelo 09-19-2011 at Alaska TIM -->
<!-- Modified by Phil Kurimski 09-23-2011 for burn scars and mud slides -->
<!-- Edited by Mike Dangelo 01-26-2012 at CRH TIM
Phil Kurimski 2-29-2012
Qinglu Lin 04-04-2012 DR 14691. Added <feAreaField> tag.
Evan Bookbinder 09-12-2012 DR15179 Added areaSource object to allow for
county-based headlines in zone based products.
Added settings for locations shapefile
Evan Bookbinder 01-07-2013 LockedGroupsOnFollowup tag
Evan Bookbinder 5-5-2013 fixed <type> variable under areaSource objects
<!-- Config distance/speed units -->
<!-- Maps to load on template selection. Refer to 'Maps' menu in CAVE.
The various menu items are also the different maps
that can be loaded with each template. -->
<map>Forecast Zones</map>
<!-- <map>County Warning Areas</map> -->
<!-- <map>FFMP Small Stream Basin Links</map> -->
<!-- <map>Major Rivers</map> -->
<!-- Followups: VTEC actions of allowable followups when this template is selected
Each followup will become available when the appropriate time range permits.
<!-- Phensigs: The list of phenomena and significance combinations that this template applies to -->
<!-- Enables/disables user from selecting the Restart button the GUI -->
<!-- Enable/disables the system to lock text based on various patterns -->
<!-- durations: the list of possible durations of the warning -->
<bullet bulletText="*********** SELECT A FOLLOWUP **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bulletActionGroup action="CAN" phen="FF" sig="W">
<bullet bulletName="recedingWater" bulletText="Receding water" />
<bullet bulletName="rainEnded" bulletText="Heavy rain ended" />
<bulletActionGroup action="EXP" phen="FF" sig="W">
<bullet bulletName="recedingWater" bulletText="Water receding" />
<bullet bulletName="rainEnded" bulletText="Heavy rain ended" />
<bulletActionGroup action="CON" phen="FF" sig="W">
<bullet bulletName="ffwEmergency" bulletText="**SELECT FOR FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY**" parseString="FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY"/>
<bullet bulletName="icrs" bulletText="Also snow melt" parseString=".RS." showString=".RS."/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** SOURCE (CHOOSE 1) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="doppler" bulletText="Doppler radar indicated" bulletGroup="source" parseString="DOPPLER RADAR"/>
<bullet bulletName="dopplerGauge" bulletText="Doppler radar and automated gauges" bulletGroup="source" parseString="AUTOMATED "/>
<!-- The following bullets will add satellite and gauges as a source. If you would like to use this
in your template uncomment out the next few lines. -->
<bullet bulletName="satellite" bulletText="satellite estimates" bulletGroup="source" parseString="SATELLITE ESTIMATES"/>
<bullet bulletName="satelliteGauge" bulletText="satellite estimates and automated gauges" bulletGroup="source" parseString="SATELLITE AND "/> -->
<bullet bulletName="trainedSpotters" bulletText="Trained spotters reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="TRAINED WEATHER SPOTTERS REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="public" bulletText="Public reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="THE PUBLIC REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcement" bulletText="Local law enforcement reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="emergencyManagement" bulletText="Emergency management reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** EVENT (CHOOSE 1) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="thunder" bulletText="Thunderstorms with heavy rainfall" bulletGroup="event" parseString="THUNDERSTORMS"/>
<bullet bulletName="plainRain" bulletText="Heavy rainfall (no thunder)" bulletGroup="event" parseString="&quot;HEAVY RAIN&quot;,&quot;-THUNDERSTORM&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="flash" bulletText="Flooding occurring" bulletGroup="event" parseString="PRODUCING FLOODING"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** (OPTIONAL) DEBRIS FLOW INFO **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="burnScar" bulletText="Also Burn areas with debris flow" bulletGroup="addevent" parseString="BURN SCAR "/>
<bullet bulletName="mudSlide" bulletText="Mud Slides" bulletGroup="addevent" parseString="MUD SLIDE "/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** RAIN SO FAR (CHOOSE 1) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain1" bulletText="One inch so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="ONE INCH OF RAIN HAS FALLEN"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain2" bulletText="Two inches so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="TWO INCHES OF RAIN HAVE FALLEN"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain3" bulletText="Three inches so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="THREE INCHES OF RAIN HAVE FALLEN"/>
<bullet bulletName="rainEdit" bulletText="User defined amount" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="INCHES HAS FALLEN "/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** ADDITIONAL INFO ***********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="addRainfall" bulletText="Additional rainfall of XX inches expected" parseString="ADDITIONAL RAINFALL"/>
<bullet bulletName="drainages" bulletText="Automated list of drainages" parseString="THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING STREAMS AND DRAINAGES" loadMap="River Drainage Basins"/>
<bullet bulletText="**** CALL TO ACTIONS (CHOOSE 1 OR MORE) ****" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- end all call to action bullets with "CTA" ex: "obviousNameCTA" -->
<bullet bulletName="urbanFloodingCTA" bulletText="Urban flooding..." parseString="SMALL CREEKS AND STREAMS...URBAN AREAS...HIGHWAYS...STREETS AND UNDERPASSES"/>
<bullet bulletName="ruralFloodingCTA" bulletText="Rural flooding/small streams..." parseString="SMALL CREEKS AND STREAMS...COUNTRY ROADS...AS WELL AS FARMLAND"/>
<bullet bulletName="ruralUrbanCTA" bulletText="Flooding of rural and urban areas" parseString="HIGHWAYS AND UNDERPASSES"/>
<bullet bulletName="particularStreamCTA" bulletText="Flooding is occurring in a particular stream/river" parseString="FLOOD WATERS ARE MOVING DOWN"/>
<bullet bulletName="nighttimeCTA" bulletText="Nighttime flooding..." parseString="BE ESPECIALLY CAUTIOUS AT NIGHT WHEN"/>
<bullet bulletName="dontDriveCTA" bulletText="Do not drive into water..." parseString="DO NOT DRIVE YOUR VEHICLE INTO AREAS WHERE THE WATER COVERS THE ROADWAY"/>
<bullet bulletName="turnAroundCTA" bulletText="Turn around...dont drown" parseString="MOST FLOOD DEATHS OCCUR IN AUTOMOBILES"/>
<bullet bulletName="autoSafetyCTA" bulletText="Automobile safety..." parseString="MOST FLOOD RELATED DEATHS OCCUR IN AUTOMOBILES"/>
<bullet bulletName="camperSafetyCTA" bulletText="Camper safety..." parseString="CAMPERS AND HIKERS SHOULD AVOID STREAMS OR CREEKS"/>
<bullet bulletName="lowSpotsCTA" bulletText="Low water crossings in hilly terrain..." parseString="IN HILLY TERRAIN THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF LOW WATER CROSSINGS"/>
<bullet bulletName="ffwMeansCTA" bulletText="A flood/flash flood warning means..." parseString="A FLASH FLOOD WARNING MEANS THAT"/>
<bullet bulletName="powerFloodCTA" bulletText="Power of flood waters/vehicles..." parseString="DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF FLOOD WATERS"/>
<bullet bulletName="reportFloodingCTA" bulletText="Report flooding to local law enforcement" parseString="HAVE THE NEAREST LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY RELAY YOUR REPORT"/>
<bulletActionGroup action="COR" phen="FF" sig="W">
<bullet bulletName="ffwEmergency" bulletText="**SELECT FOR FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY**" parseString="FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY"/>
<bullet bulletName="icrs" bulletText="Also snow melt" parseString=".RS." showString=".RS."/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** SOURCE (CHOOSE 1) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="doppler" bulletText="Doppler radar indicated" bulletGroup="source" parseString="DOPPLER RADAR"/>
<bullet bulletName="dopplerGauge" bulletText="Doppler radar and automated gauges" bulletGroup="source" parseString="AUTOMATED "/>
<!-- The following bullets will add satellite and gauges as a source. If you would like to use this
in your template uncomment out the next few lines. -->
<bullet bulletName="satellite" bulletText="satellite estimates" bulletGroup="source" parseString="SATELLITE ESTIMATES"/>
<bullet bulletName="satelliteGauge" bulletText="satellite estimates and automated gauges" bulletGroup="source" parseString="SATELLITE AND "/> -->
<bullet bulletName="trainedSpotters" bulletText="Trained spotters reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="TRAINED WEATHER SPOTTERS REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="public" bulletText="Public reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="THE PUBLIC REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcement" bulletText="Local law enforcement reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="emergencyManagement" bulletText="Emergency management reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** EVENT (CHOOSE 1) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="thunder" bulletText="Thunderstorms with heavy rainfall" bulletGroup="event" parseString="THUNDERSTORMS"/>
<bullet bulletName="plainRain" bulletText="Heavy rainfall (no thunder)" bulletGroup="event" parseString="&quot;HEAVY RAIN&quot;,&quot;-THUNDERSTORM&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="flash" bulletText="Flooding occurring" bulletGroup="event" parseString="PRODUCING FLOODING"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** (OPTIONAL) DEBRIS FLOW INFO **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="burnScar" bulletText="Also Burn areas with debris flow" bulletGroup="addevent" parseString="BURN SCAR "/>
<bullet bulletName="mudSlide" bulletText="Mud Slides" bulletGroup="addevent" parseString="MUD SLIDE "/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** RAIN SO FAR (CHOOSE 1) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain1" bulletText="One inch so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="ONE INCH OF RAIN HAS FALLEN"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain2" bulletText="Two inches so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="TWO INCHES OF RAIN HAVE FALLEN"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain3" bulletText="Three inches so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="THREE INCHES OF RAIN HAVE FALLEN"/>
<bullet bulletName="rainEdit" bulletText="User defined amount" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="INCHES HAS FALLEN "/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** ADDITIONAL INFO ***********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="addRainfall" bulletText="Additional rainfall of XX inches expected" parseString="ADDITIONAL RAINFALL"/>
<bullet bulletName="drainages" bulletText="Automated list of drainages" parseString="THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING STREAMS AND DRAINAGES" loadMap="River Drainage Basins"/>
<bullet bulletText="**** CALL TO ACTIONS (CHOOSE 1 OR MORE) ****" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- end all call to action bullets with "CTA" ex: "obviousNameCTA" -->
<bullet bulletName="urbanFloodingCTA" bulletText="Urban flooding..." parseString="SMALL CREEKS AND STREAMS...URBAN AREAS...HIGHWAYS...STREETS AND UNDERPASSES"/>
<bullet bulletName="ruralFloodingCTA" bulletText="Rural flooding/small streams..." parseString="SMALL CREEKS AND STREAMS...COUNTRY ROADS...AS WELL AS FARMLAND"/>
<bullet bulletName="ruralUrbanCTA" bulletText="Flooding of rural and urban areas" parseString="HIGHWAYS AND UNDERPASSES"/>
<bullet bulletName="particularStreamCTA" bulletText="Flooding is occurring in a particular stream/river" parseString="FLOOD WATERS ARE MOVING DOWN"/>
<bullet bulletName="nighttimeCTA" bulletText="Nighttime flooding..." parseString="BE ESPECIALLY CAUTIOUS AT NIGHT WHEN"/>
<bullet bulletName="dontDriveCTA" bulletText="Do not drive into water..." parseString="DO NOT DRIVE YOUR VEHICLE INTO AREAS WHERE THE WATER COVERS THE ROADWAY"/>
<bullet bulletName="turnAroundCTA" bulletText="Turn around...dont drown" parseString="MOST FLOOD DEATHS OCCUR IN AUTOMOBILES"/>
<bullet bulletName="autoSafetyCTA" bulletText="Automobile safety..." parseString="MOST FLOOD RELATED DEATHS OCCUR IN AUTOMOBILES"/>
<bullet bulletName="camperSafetyCTA" bulletText="Camper safety..." parseString="CAMPERS AND HIKERS SHOULD AVOID STREAMS OR CREEKS"/>
<bullet bulletName="lowSpotsCTA" bulletText="Low water crossings in hilly terrain..." parseString="IN HILLY TERRAIN THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF LOW WATER CROSSINGS"/>
<bullet bulletName="ffwMeansCTA" bulletText="A flood/flash flood warning means..." parseString="A FLASH FLOOD WARNING MEANS THAT"/>
<bullet bulletName="powerFloodCTA" bulletText="Power of flood waters/vehicles..." parseString="DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF FLOOD WATERS"/>
<bullet bulletName="reportFloodingCTA" bulletText="Report flooding to local law enforcement" parseString="HAVE THE NEAREST LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY RELAY YOUR REPORT"/>
<!-- Four variables below have been changed from the County-coded products -->
<!-- areaSource.areaField -->
<!-- areaSource.fipsField -->
<!-- pathcastConfig.areaField and -->
<!-- geospatialConfig.areaSource -->
<!-- Default areaSource object to generate zone based information -->
<areaSource variable="areas">
<!-- <areaSource>County</areaSource> -->
<!-- <fipsField>STATE</fipsField> -->
<mapping key="WARNGENLEV">
<constraint constraintValue="1" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<!-- Add in areaSource object to generate county-based headline if desired -->
<areaSource variable="affectedCounties">
<mapping key="WARNGENLEV">
<constraint constraintValue="1" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<!-- Required, but unused by this template -->
<!-- <areaField>COUNTYNAME</areaField> -->
<mapping key="WARNGENLEV">
<constraint constraintValue="1,2" constraintType="IN" />
<mapping key="LANDWATER">
<constraint constraintValue="L,LW,LC" constraintType="IN" />
<pointSource variable="cityList">
<mapping key="WARNGENLEV">
<constraint constraintValue="1,2,3,4" constraintType="IN" />
<mapping key="LANDWATER">
<constraint constraintValue="L,LW,LC" constraintType="IN" />
<!-- Required, but unused by this template -->
<pointSource variable="otherPoints">
<mapping key="WARNGENLEV">
<constraint constraintValue="3,4" constraintType="IN" />
<mapping key="LANDWATER">
<constraint constraintValue="L,LW,LC" constraintType="IN" />
<!-- this "include file" tag will grab the Mile Marker XML pointSource tags,
and place into this template -->
<include file="mileMarkers.xml"/>
<!-- <areaSource>County</areaSource> -->
<pointSource variable="riverdrainages">
<mapping key="cwa">
<constraint constraintValue="$warngenCWAFilter" constraintType="EQUALS" />