2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TS - base class from which all time series are derived
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notes: (1) This is the abstract base class for all time series.
// The derived class hierarchy is then:
// TS
// | | | |
// V V V V
// MinuteTS HourTS MonthTS IrregularTS
// | | |
// V V V
// HECDSSMinuteTS NWSHourTS StateModMonthTS
// In general, the majority of the data members will be
// used for all derived time series. However, some will
// not be appropriate. The decision has been made to
// keep them here to make it less work to manage the
// first layer of derived classes. For example, the
// sparse time series does not need to store _interval_base
// and _interval_mult. Most of the other data still
// applies.
// (2) Because this is a base class, anything derived
// from the class can only be as specific as the base
// class. Therefore, routines to do conversions between
// time series types will have to be done outside of this
// class library. We are implementing as a base
// class to allow polymorphism when used by complicated
// modeling objects (e.g. Operation).
// (3) It is assumed that the first layer will define
// the best way to store the data. In other words,
// different data intervals will have different storage
// methods. The goal is not to conceptualize time series
// so much that they all consist of an array of date and
// data values. For constant interval time series, the
// best performance will be to store the values in an
// ordered array that is indexed by month, etc. If this
// assumption is wrong, then maybe the middle layer gets
// folded into the base class.
// (4) It will be desirable to build some streaming control
// into this class. For example, we may want to read
// multiple time series from the same file (for certain
// time series types) or may want to read one block of
// data from multiple files (e.g., when running a memory-
// sensitive application that only needs to have in memory
// one month of data for every time series in the system
// and reuses that space). For now assume that we will
// always read the entire time series in but be aware that
// more control may be added later.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// History:
// Apr, May 96 Steven A. Malers, RTi Start developing the library based on
// the C version of the TS library.
// 10 Sep 96 SAM, RTi Formalize the class enough so that we
// can begin to use with the Operation
// class to work on the DSS.
// 05 Feb 97 SAM, RTi Add allocateDataSpace and setDataValue
// virtual functions. Add _dirty
// so that we know when data has been
// set (to indicate that we need to redo
// calcMaxMin). Add getDataPosition and
// freeDataSpace.
// 26 May 97 SAM, RTi Add writePersistentHeader. To increase
// performance in derived classes, make
// more data members protected. Also add
// _data_date1 and _data_date2 to hold the
// dates where we actually have data.
// 06 Jun 1997 SAM, RTi Add a third position argument to
// getDataPosition to work with the
// MinuteTS data. Other intervals will not
// use the 2nd or 3rd positions.
// Add TSIntervalFromString.
// 16 Jun 1997 MJR, RTi Overloaded calcMaxMinValues to
// find and return max and min between
// two dates that are passed in.
// 17 Sep 1997 SAM, RTi Add an interval for irregular data.
// Update so that we do not use defines.
// Instead, define static flags that are
// part of the class. Move stand-alone
// functions into classes:
// TSDoubleYear -> TSDate::toDouble
// TSIntervalFromString ->
// TSIdent::parseInterval
// TSGetNumIntervals ->
// TSDate::getNumIntervals
// TSGetDateFromIndex ->
// TSDate::getDateFromIndex
// 06 Jan 1998 SAM, RTi Update to use getDataLimits,
// setDataLimits, refresh and change
// data limits to _data_limits. Put all
// but the original dates and the overall
// date limits in _data_limits.
// Add _sequence_number.
// 01 Apr 1998 MJR, RTi Added the setIdentifier( TSIdent& )
// function.
// 16 Apr 1998 Daniel Weiler, RTi Added _is_instantaneous flag
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2013-09-03 14:26:06 -05:00
#include <iostream> // Need for I/O
#include <fstream>
#include <ostream>
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00
#include "TSData.h" // The time series data point class
#include "resj/TSDate.h" // The time series date class
#include "resj/TSIdent.h" // The time series identifier class
#include "TSLimits.h" // The time series data limits class
2013-09-03 14:26:06 -05:00
using namespace std;
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00
class TS
// Data that previously were defines...
// Start the important definitions used in the time series library. Defining
// these here is OK because any time series that is derived anywhere along
// the line will have to include this file somehow.
static const int DATES_ABSOLUTE; // All intervals are
// absolute date.
static const int DATES_RELATIVE; // Intervals relative
// to first.
static const int DATES_UNIT; // No times, just a
// counter of readings.
static const int FORMAT_MATRIX; // Formats for simple output.
static const int FORMAT_SPREADSHEET; // Formats for simple output.
// Formatting flags common to
// all formats...
// Print notes.
// Print full header.
// Modifiers for spreadsheet
// formatting.
// Modifiers for matrix
// formatting...
// Print total values.
// Print adjusted total number.
// Print number of values.
// Print minimum value.
// Print maximum value.
// Print mean value.
// Print median value.
// Print standard deviation.
// Print all matrix format
// extras.
/* static const double INFINITY; // Large value.
/*modified by Guoxian Zhou
avoid the same varible name from mathdef.h 05/15/2003 */
static const double u_INFINITY; // Large value.
static const int INTERVAL_SECOND; // Everything is relative to
// this. We should not have
// to go smaller than this
// unless we are doing signal
// processing. Then we can use
// negative numbers!
static const int INTERVAL_MINUTE; // From here on out, use the
// number of seconds in the
// interval.
static const int INTERVAL_HOUR;
static const int INTERVAL_DAY;
static const int INTERVAL_WEEK;
static const int INTERVAL_MONTH; // 31 days
static const int INTERVAL_YEAR; // 365 days
static const int INTERVAL_IRREGULAR; // Irregular recordings.
static const int ISTREAM_STATUS_NONE; // Have not read in.
static const int ISTREAM_STATUS_OPEN; // In the middle of reading.
static const int ISTREAM_STATUS_CLOSED; // Done reading.
// The basic member functions...
TS ( void ); // Standard constructor.
TS ( char * ); // Need to use a "virtual" constructor
// inside of this to instantiate a time
// series from a persistent source.
// In other words, we want the more
// specific derived classes to call
// their version of readPersistent()
// when a time series is constructed
// from a char * file name.
virtual ~TS ( void ); // Destructor.
TS& operator= ( const TS& ); // Overload =.
TS ( const TS& ); // Copy constructor.
// More specific member functions. Make most of the return types int
// for now so that we can check return status.
int addToComments ( char * ); // Add to the comments.
int addToGenesis ( char * ); // Add to the genesis.
int copyHeader ( TS & ); // Copy the header from another time
// series.
char **getComments ( void ); // Get the comments.
virtual TSDate getDataDate ( TSDate &, int );
// Get previous or next dates relative
// to the specified date.
TSLimits getDataLimits ( void );// Get the limits of the data.
int getDataIntervalBase( void );// Get the base interval
int getDataIntervalBaseOriginal( void );// Get the base interval orig.
int getDataIntervalMult( void );// Get the mult interval
int getDataIntervalMultOriginal( void );// Get the mult interval orig.
char *getDataUnits( void ); // Get the data units
char *getDataUnitsOriginal( void );// Get the original data units
char *getDataType( void ); // Get the data type
TSDate getDate1( void ); // Get the starting date
TSDate getDate2( void ); // Get the ending date
TSDate getDate1Original( void );// Get the original starting date
TSDate getDate2Original( void );// Get the original ending date
char *getDescription( void ); // Get the description
char **getGenesis ( void ); // Get the genesis array.
TSIdent getIdentifier( void ); // Get the identifier
char *getIdentifierString( void );
// Get the identifier as a string
int getInstantaneous ( ); // returns _is_instantaneous.
char *getLocation( void ); // Get the TSIdent location
double getMaxValue( void ); // Get the Maximum value;
double getMinValue( void ); // Get the Minimum value;
double getMissing( void ); // Get the missing data value
TSDate getNonMissingDataDate1 ( void );
// Get the starting date for
// non-missing data.
TSDate getNonMissingDataDate2 ( void );
// Get the ending date for
// non-missing data.
int getSequenceNumber ( void ); // Get the sequence number.
char *getVersion ( void ); // Get the TS format version.
int isDataMissing( double ); // Determines if a data point is missing
int setComments ( char ** ); // Set the comments.
int setDate1 ( TSDate ); // Set the starting date.
int setDate2 ( TSDate ); // Set the ending date.
int setDate1Original ( TSDate );// Set the original starting date.
int setDate2Original ( TSDate );// Set the original ending date.
int setDataInterval ( int base, int mult );
// Set the data interval.
int setDataIntervalOriginal ( int base, int mult );
// Set the original data interval.
int setDataLimits ( TSLimits ); // Set the data limits.
// parts.
int setDataType ( char * ); // Set the data type.
int setDataUnits ( char * ); // Set the data units.
int setDataUnitsOriginal ( char * );
// Set the original data units.
int setDescription ( char * ); // Set the description.
int setGenesis ( char ** ); // Set the genesis.
int setIdentifier ( char * ); // Set the identifier.
int setIdentifier ( char *, char *, char *, char *, char * );
// Set the identifier using all 5
int setInstantaneous(); // Sets _is_instantaneous to true.
int setIdentifier ( TSIdent & );// Set the identifier.
int setLocation ( char * ); // Set the TSIdent location.
int setMaxValue( double ); // Set the maximum value.
int setMinValue( double ); // Set the minumum value.
int setMissing ( double ); // Set the missing data value.
int setSequenceNumber ( int ); // Set the sequence number.
int setVersion ( char * ); // Set the data version.
// The following are expected to be defined at the first layer
// (abstract based on data interval and the data storage format)...
virtual int allocateDataSpace ( void ); // Allocate the data array
// space once start and end
// dates are set.
virtual int freeDataSpace ( void ); // Free the data space.
virtual char **formatOutput ( int, unsigned long );
virtual int formatOutput ( ostream &, int, unsigned long int );
virtual int formatOutput ( char *, int, unsigned long int );
// Format the time series for
// output using a simple output
// format (e.g., a bulk text
// version. Specify the output
// format and the modifier for
// that format. This is meant
// to be implemented at the
// MonthTS, HourTS, etc., level.
virtual TSData getDataPoint ( TSDate & );
// Get a point of data.
virtual double *getDataPointer ( TSDate& );
// Given a date, get a pointer
// to the value for that date.
virtual int getDataPosition ( TSDate&, int *, int *, int * );
// Given a date, get the row
// and column (and optional
// 3rd dimention) position of
// the data in the data array.
// This is a utility routine
// called by the other routines.
virtual double getDataValue ( TSDate& );
// Given a date, get the data
// value for that date.
virtual int refresh ( void ); // Calculate the maximum and
// minimum values for the
// time series data (to reset
// _limits).
virtual int setDataValue ( TSDate &, double );
// Set the data value for a
// date.
// The following are expected to be defined at the second layer
// (specific to the native data storage format)...
virtual int printSample ( ostream & );
// Print a sample if
// appropriate (if in a
// database, maybe print a
// note about the table
// location).
virtual int readPersistent ( istream & );
virtual int readPersistent ( char* );
// Read from a persistent
// storage medium.
virtual int readPersistentHeader( istream& );
virtual int readPersistentHeader( char* );
// Read the header from a
// persistent storage medium.
virtual int writePersistent ( ostream & );
virtual int writePersistent ( char* );
// Write to a persistent
// storage medium specific to
// a derived class format. For
// example, write a USGS format
// output file. If a simple
// output format is desired,
// call formatOutput.
virtual int writePersistentHeader( ostream& );
virtual int writePersistentHeader( char* );
// Write the header to a
// persistent storage medium.
// Protected functions...
int setNonMissingDataDate1 ( TSDate ); // Set the starting date for
// non-missing data.
int setNonMissingDataDate2 ( TSDate ); // Set the ending date for
// non-missing data.
// Date/time...
TSDate _date1, _date2; // The overall limits. These
// are also in _data_limits.
TSDate _date1_original, // Beginning and ending dates
_date2_original; // (includes time zone) of
// data in data source (for
// example a file may have 20
// years of data but we are
// only reading 10.
// Data interval (might make this a separate class if it gets to be
// too troublesome)...
long int _data_interval_base; // The data interval base. See
int _data_interval_mult; // The base interval multiplier
// (what to multiply
// _interval_base by to get the
// real interval). For example
// 15-minute data would have
// _interval_base =
// _interval_mult = 15.
long int _data_interval_base_original;
// The data interval in the
// data source (for example, the
// source may be in days but
// the current time series is
// in months).
int _data_interval_mult_original;
// See above. This is for the
// original data.
// Data type...
char *_data_type; // NWS data types (or enhanced
// data types?)
// Units...
char *_data_units; // Current data units.
char *_data_units_original; // Units when in data source
// (for example the current data
// may be in CFS and the
// original was in CMS).
// Version of the data format (mainly for use with files)...
char *_version; // To allow for different
// versions of files to be read.
// Input source information...
char *_input_name; // Filename if read from file
// or perhaps a database
// descriptor.
ifstream _input_stream; // The input stream
// corresponding to
// "_input_name".
int _input_stream_status; // Status of the input stream.
// Identifier...
TSIdent _id; // Identifier.
int _sequence_number; // Number used when more than
// one time series has the same
// identifier (e.g., in a
// sequence of TS
// manipulations). At this time
// it is uncertain how this will
// full be used.
// Indicates whether we have dirtied the data by calling
// setDataValue...
int _dirty; // Dirty data flag. We should
// call routines like
// calcMaxMin (any others?).
// Or better yet call some
// other cleanup routine, as
// yet undefined.
// Limits...
TSLimits _data_limits; // The maximum and minimum data
// values and corresponding
// dates, and the first and last
// dates with non-missing data.
int _date_type; // See TSDATES_*.
int _is_instantaneous; // Set if TS is instantaneous
// data.
// Missing data...
double _missing; // The missing data value.
double _missingl; // Lower bound on the missing
// data value (for quick
// comparisons).
double _missingu; // Upper bound on the missing
// data value (for quick
// comparisons).
// Private function for house keeping
int init ( void );
// Description...
char *_description; // Short description.
char **_comments; // For now, use a string list
// for comments.
// History...
char **_genesis; // String list of genesis
// information.
#endif // TS_INCLUDED