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# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Name:
# GFS1-NHD:A8832.0000-SCRIPT;16
# Status:
# History:
# Revision 16 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 06-AUG-2009 18:40:20 OBERFIEL
# Added cloud string for examination and evaluation.
# Revision 15 (REVIEW)
# Created: 21-APR-2009 20:26:26 OBERFIEL
# Updated to include wind direction,speed and gusts
# in expressions to be evaluated.
# Revision 14 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 29-OCT-2008 12:55:29 OBERFIEL
# Missing climate files does not halt QC checks. Debug
# statements added to log file.
# Revision 13 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 01-OCT-2008 22:06:55 OBERFIEL
# Removed call to data request server
# Revision 12 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 16-SEP-2008 11:35:02 GILMOREDM
# Refreshed changes where needed for TafQC
# Revision 11 (REVIEW)
# Created: 10-JUN-2008 11:44:09 GILMOREDM
# Fixed curWx definition to accept 2 arguments
# Revision 10 (REVIEW)
# Created: 22-MAY-2008 10:06:41 GILMOREDM
# Fixed code related to latest change
# Revision 9 (REVIEW)
# Created: 15-MAY-2008 15:20:34 GILMOREDM
# Now handles QC configuration
# Revision 8 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 04-MAY-2006 14:16:17 TROJAN
# SPR7125: fixed weather check in TafQC, changes to
# checkTEMPO() in MetarMonitor
# Revision 7 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 04-MAY-2006 14:02:11 TROJAN
# SPR 7126: fixed weather check in TafQC, changes to
# checkTEMPO() in MetarMonitor
# Revision 6 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 21-OCT-2005 19:34:49 TROJAN
# spr 7046
# Revision 5 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 19-SEP-2005 13:46:06 TROJAN
# spr 7012
# Revision 4 (APPROVED)
# Created: 15-SEP-2005 18:23:13 TROJAN
# spr 7026
# Revision 3 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 08-AUG-2005 13:13:56 TROJAN
# spr 6971
# Revision 2 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 28-JUL-2005 21:53:22 TROJAN
# beautified message formatting
# Revision 1 (APPROVED)
# Created: 10-JUL-2005 18:06:56 TROJAN
# spr 6911
# Change Document History:
# 1:
# Change Document: GFS1-NHD_SPR_7417
# Action Date: 06-OCT-2009 09:42:01
# Relationship Type: In Response to
# Status: CLOSED
# Title: AvnFPS: TUG code does not handle transition from warm to cold seasons
# 21Mar2014 #2925 lvenable Fixed global name not defined error in run() method.
import itertools, logging, math, os, sets, time
import ConfigParser
import numpy, pupynere
import Avn, AvnLib, AvnParser, Globals, MetarMonitor
import UFStatusHandler
_Logger = logging.getLogger(Avn.CATEGORY)
_MetarMonitorDict = None
ConfigDir = 'etc'
from com.raytheon.uf.common.localization import PathManagerFactory
from com.raytheon.uf.common.localization import LocalizationContext_LocalizationType as LocalizationType, LocalizationContext_LocalizationLevel as LocalizationLevel
pathMgr = PathManagerFactory.getPathManager()
ctx = pathMgr.getContext(LocalizationType.valueOf('CAVE_STATIC'), LocalizationLevel.valueOf('BASE'))
ConfigDir = pathMgr.getFile(ctx, os.path.join('aviation', 'config')).getPath()
_Logger.exception("Error determining AvnFPS config directory")
# weather check
def curWx(tafs, items):
result = {}
for taf in tafs:
if items[taf['ident']['str']]['currentwx'] == 0:
if not taf['group']:
_Logger.debug('curWx QC invoked for %s' % taf['ident']['str'])
hourly = AvnLib.TafData(taf['group'])
info = AvnParser.getTafSiteCfg(taf['ident']['str'])
metar_monitor = MetarMonitor.Monitor(info, _MetarMonitorDict)
r =, dcd=taf))
msg = [r['status'][i].msg for i in _MetarMonitorDict['items'][1:] \
if r['status'][i].severity > 1]
index = AvnLib.getGroupIndex(taf['group'][0]['prev'])
if msg:
result[index] = {'level': 1, 'text': '\n'.join(msg)}
result[index] = {'level': 0, 'text': 'OK'}
_Logger.error('curWx() failed for %s',taf['ident']['str'])
return result
# impact check
def _getCriteria(ident):
fname = Avn.getTafPath(ident, 'impact.cfg')
cp = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
clist = AvnParser.split(cp.get('conditions', 'items'))
criteria = [dict(cp.items(c)) for c in clist]
for d in criteria:
d['level'] = int(d['level'])
return criteria
def _impact(prevp, p, siteinfo, criteria):
def _isTS():
return 'pcp' in p and 'TS' in p['pcp']['str']
def _wind(alpha):
wind = Avn.Bunch(shift=False, runway=0, cross=0, dd=0, ff=0, gg=0)
w = p.get('wind', {})
dd, ff, gg = w.get('dd'), w.get('ff', 0), w.get('gg', 0)
if dd is None or dd == 0:
return wind
elif dd == 'VRB':
wind.ff = wind.runway = wind.cross = ff = gg
return wind
wind.dd, wind.ff, = dd, ff, gg
if alpha <= 0:
return wind
fi = math.radians(alpha-dd)
rff, xff = math.cos(fi), math.sin(fi)
wind.runway, wind.cross = ff*abs(rff), ff*abs(xff)
if prevp is None:
return wind
pw = prevp.get('wind', {})
pdd, pff = pw.get('dd'), pw.get('ff')
if pdd is None or pdd == 'VRB' or pff == 0:
return wind
prff = math.cos(math.radians(alpha-pdd))
wind.shift = rff * prff < 0
return wind
d = {}
vsby = p['vsby']['value']
cig = p['sky']['cig']
skystr = p['sky']['str']
ts = _isTS()
wind = [_wind(alpha) for alpha in siteinfo['geography']['runway']]
for cri in criteria:
if eval(cri['expr']):
level = cri['level']
tag = cri['tag']
if tag not in d or d[tag]['level'] < level:
d[tag] = {'text': cri['text'], 'level': level}
except Exception, e:
msg = 'Cannot evaluate %s:\nerror %s' % (cri['expr'], str(e))
d[cri['tag']] = {'text': msg, 'level': 3}
except KeyError:
if not d:
return {'level': 0, 'text': 'OK'}
level = max([d[tag]['level'] for tag in d])
text = '\n'.join([d[tag]['text'] for tag in d])
return {'level': level, 'text': text}
def impact(qcdata, siteinfo, items):
result = {}
for ident, periods in qcdata:
if items[ident]['impact'] == 0:
_Logger.debug('impact QC invoked for %s' % ident)
cri = _getCriteria(ident)
if not cri or not periods:
ix, p = periods[0]
d = _impact(None, p, siteinfo[ident], cri)
if d:
result[ix] = d
for (ix0, p0), (ix, p) in Avn.window(periods):
d = _impact(p0, p, siteinfo[ident], cri)
if d:
result[ix] = d
_Logger.error('impact() failed for %s',ident)
return result
# climate check
# dimension indices
DD, FF, OBV, INT, PCP, CIG, VSBY = range(7)
def _analyze(ncfh, off, details):
counter = {'1': {}, 'n-1': {}}
counter['#'] = ncfh.variables['total'][0]
var = ncfh.variables['all']
if var[off] == 0:
return 0.0, ['No similar events in the database'], off
counter['n'] = var[off]
counter['1']['dd'] = ncfh.variables['dd'][off[0]]
counter['n-1']['dd'] = sum(var[:,off[1],off[2],off[3],off[4],off[5],
counter['1']['ff'] = ncfh.variables['ff'][off[1]]
counter['n-1']['ff'] = sum(var[off[0],:,off[2],off[3],off[4],off[5],
counter['1']['obv'] = ncfh.variables['obv'][off[2]]
counter['n-1']['obv'] = sum(var[off[0],off[1],:,off[3],off[4],off[5],
counter['1']['int'] = ncfh.variables['int'][off[3]]
counter['n-1']['int'] = sum(var[off[0],off[1],off[2],:,off[4],off[5],
counter['1']['pcp'] = ncfh.variables['pcp'][off[4]]
counter['n-1']['pcp'] = sum(var[off[0],off[1],off[2],off[3],:,off[5],
counter['1']['cig'] = ncfh.variables['cig'][off[5]]
counter['n-1']['cig'] = sum(var[off[0],off[1],off[2],off[3],off[4],:,
counter['1']['vsby'] = ncfh.variables['vsby'][off[6]]
counter['n-1']['vsby'] = sum(var[off[0],off[1],off[2],off[3],off[4],
if details:
output = ['Occurences']
output.append('total:\t%d' % counter['#'])
output.append('n:\t%d' % counter['n'])
output.append('n-1:\t%s' % str(counter['n-1']))
output.append('1:\t%s' % str(counter['1']))
if counter['n'] == 1:
output = ['%d match for %d events in database' % \
(counter['n'], counter['#'])]
output = ['%d matches for %d events in database' % \
(counter['n'], counter['#'])]
alpha = [0.0]*len(counter['1'])
for n, i in enumerate(counter['1']):
pcond = counter['n']/float(counter['n-1'][i])
prob = counter['1'][i]/float(counter['#'])
alpha[n] = pcond/prob
if details:
output.append('P(%4s|other) = %.3f\tP(%4s) = %.3f' %
(i, pcond, i, prob))
return alpha[0], output, off
def _getLevel(alpha, threshold):
if alpha >= threshold:
return 0
elif alpha > 0.0:
return 1
return 2
def _getOffset(cfg, period):
offObv = 0
if 'obv' in period:
obv = period['obv']['str']
if 'HZ' in obv:
offObv |= 1
if 'BR' in obv or 'FG' in obv:
offObv |= 2
if 'BL' in obv:
offObv |= 4
offInt, offPcp = 0, 0
if 'pcp' in period:
pcp = period['pcp']['str']
if '-' in pcp:
offInt = 1
elif '+' in pcp:
offInt = 3
offInt = 2
if 'SN' in pcp:
offPcp = 1
elif 'DZ' in pcp:
offPcp = 2
offPcp = 3
offDD, offFF = Avn.wind_category(period['wind']['dd'],
period['wind']['ff'], cfg['dd'], cfg['ff'])
offVsby = Avn.category(period['vsby']['value'], cfg['vsby'])
offCig = Avn.category(period['sky']['cig'], cfg['cig'])
return offDD, offFF, offObv, offInt, offPcp, offCig, offVsby
def _neighbors(ncfh, off):
var = ncfh.variables['all']
ret = []
def neighbor_of(elem, ix):
if off[ix] > 0:
tmpoff = list(off[:])
tmpoff[ix] -= 1
# fix special cases: no precipitation and calm wind
if elem == 'int':
if tmpoff[ix] == 0:
tmpoff[PCP] = 0
elif elem == 'ff':
if tmpoff[ix] == 0:
tmpoff[DD] = 0
toff = tuple(tmpoff)
num_n = var[toff]
if num_n > 0:
if off[ix] < ncfh.dimensions[elem]-1:
tmpoff = list(off[:])
tmpoff[ix] += 1
toff = tuple(tmpoff)
num_n = var[toff]
if num_n > 0:
neighbor_of('int', INT)
neighbor_of('cig', CIG)
neighbor_of('vsby', VSBY)
neighbor_of('ff', FF)
if off[DD] > 0: # special case for wind direction
tmpoff = list(off[:])
tmpoff[DD] -= 1
if tmpoff[DD] == 0:
tmpoff[DD] = ncfh.dimensions['dd']-1
toff = tuple(tmpoff)
num_n = var[toff]
if num_n > 0:
tmpoff = list(off[:])
tmpoff[DD] += 1
if tmpoff[DD] == ncfh.dimensions['dd']:
tmpoff[DD] = 1
toff = tuple(tmpoff)
num_n = var[toff]
if num_n > 0:
return ret
def _suggest(off, toff):
i = toff[FF] - off[FF]
if i != 0:
if toff[FF] == 0:
return 'Try calm wind'
elif i > 0:
return 'Increase wind speed'
return 'Decrease wind speed'
i = toff[DD] - off[DD]
if i == 1 or i < -1:
return 'Veer wind direction'
elif i == -1 or i > 1:
return 'Back wind direction'
i = toff[INT] - off[INT]
if i != 0:
if toff[INT] == 3:
return 'Try heavy precipitation'
elif toff[INT] == 2:
return 'Try moderate precipitation'
elif toff[INT] == 1:
return 'Try light precipitation'
i = toff[CIG] - off[CIG]
if i > 0:
return 'Try higher ceiling'
elif i < 0:
return 'Try lower ceiling'
i = toff[VSBY] - off[VSBY]
if i > 0:
return 'Try better visibility'
elif i < 0:
return 'Try worse visibility'
return ''
def _climate(ident, periods, dataDir):
result = {}
month = time.gmtime(periods[0][1]['time']['from']).tm_mon
path = os.path.join(dataDir, '' % (ident, month))
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise Avn.AvnError('File %s does not exist' % path)
ncfh = pupynere.NetCDFFile(path)
cfg = AvnParser.getClimQCConfig(ident)
except IndexError:
return result
except IOError:
raise IOError, 'Cannot access %s' % path
for ix, p in periods:
off = _getOffset(cfg, p)
a0, text, off = _analyze(ncfh, off, cfg['showdetails'])
level = _getLevel(a0, cfg['alpha'])
if a0 < cfg['alpha']:
suggestions = [_analyze(ncfh, toff, cfg['showdetails']) \
for toff in _neighbors(ncfh, off)]
best = filter(None, [_suggest(off, x[2]) for x in suggestions \
if x[0] >= cfg['alpha']])
if best:
text.append('Cannot figure it out')
result[ix] = {'level': level, 'text': '\n'.join(text)}
return result
def climate(qcdata, items, dataDir):
result = {}
for ident, periods in qcdata:
if items[ident]['climate'] == 0:
_Logger.debug('climate QC invoked for %s' % ident)
result.update(_climate(ident, periods, dataDir))
except IOError, msg:
if 'error' in result:
result['error']['text'] += '\n%s' % msg.args[0]
result['error'] = {'level':0, 'text': msg.args[0]}
except Exception, e:
_Logger.error('climate() failed for %s',ident)
return result
def run(tafs, siteinfo, items, dataDir):
import JUtil
from com.raytheon.viz.aviation.xml import TafMonitorCfg, MonitorCfg
global _MetarMonitorDict
label = {'curwx': 'Current WX', 'impact': 'Impact', 'clim': 'Climate'}
qcdata = [(taf['ident']['str'], AvnLib.getTafPeriods(taf)) for taf in tafs]
# if _MetarMonitorDict is None:
# _MetarMonitorDict = {'tempograceperiod': 3600.0, 'menu': 'METAR', 'labels': {'sky': 'cig', 'tempo': 'tpo', 'wind': 'wnd', 'vsby': 'vis', 'wx': 'wx'}, 'module': 'MetarMonitor', 'items': ['tempo', 'vsby', 'wind', 'wx', 'sky']}
d = {}
path = os.path.join(ConfigDir, 'gui', 'TafMonitorCfg.xml')
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise Avn.AvnError('File %s does not exist' % path)
return None
tafMonCfg = TafMonitorCfg.unmarshal(path)
jMonCfgs = tafMonCfg.getMonitorCfgs()
monCfgs = []
for i in range (jMonCfgs.size()):
for monCfg in monCfgs:
className = monCfg.getClassName()
if className == 'MetarMonitor':
monItems = [s.strip() for s in monCfg.getMonitorItems().split(',')]
labels = [s.strip() for s in monCfg.getMonitorLabels().split(',')]
d['labels'] = {}
d['module'] = className
d['menu'] = 'METAR'
d['tempograceperiod'] = 3600.0
d['items'] = []
for i in range(len(labels) - 1):
d['labels'][labels[i]] = monItems[i]
_MetarMonitorDict = d
d = {}
d['curwx'] = curWx(tafs, items)
d['impact'] = impact(qcdata, siteinfo, items)
d['clim'] = climate(qcdata, items, dataDir)
keys = sets.Set(itertools.chain(*[d[k].keys() for k in d]))
result = {}
for ix in keys:
text = '\n\n'.join(['--- %s ---\n%s' % (label[k], d[k][ix]['text']) \
for k in d if ix in d[k]])
level = max([d[k][ix]['level'] for k in d if ix in d[k]])
result[ix] = {'level': level, 'text': text}
return result
class TafQC():
"""TAFQC class"""
def __call__(self, tafs, siteinfo, items, dataDir):
"""Runs the quality control procedure"""
return run(tafs, siteinfo, items, dataDir)
# java interface part ... added to support calling python from java
def qcFromJava(self, text, sites, items, bbb, dataDir):
import JUtil
import TafDecoder
# tafs
# convert the ArrayList of tafs into a python list
fcsts = []
size = text.size()
for i in range(size):
# decode the tafs for use in the QC check
taf_decoder = TafDecoder.Decoder()
pytafs = []
offset = 0
for fcst in fcsts:
taf = taf_decoder(fcst, bbb, offset, strict=True)
offset += fcst.count('\n')+1
if 'fatal' in taf:
# convert the siteinfo Hashmap into python dictionary
pysiteinfo = {}
itr = sites.iterator()
while itr.hasNext():
key =
ident = str(key)
pysite = AvnParser.getTafSiteCfg(ident)
pysiteinfo[ident] = pysite
# convert the items HashMap into a python dictionary
pyitems = {}
keys = items.keySet()
itr = keys.iterator()
while itr.hasNext():
key =
val = items.get(key)
wx = eval(str(val.get('currentwx')))
climate = eval(str(val.get('climate')))
impact = eval(str(val.get('impact')))
pyitem = {}
pyitem['currentwx'] = wx
pyitem['climate'] = climate
pyitem['impact'] = impact
pyitems[str(key)] = pyitem
result = self(pytafs, pysiteinfo, pyitems, dataDir)
return JUtil.pyValToJavaObj(result)