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2018-06-20 17:39:08 -06:00
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# EnufCloudForPoP
# Author: Tom Mazza
# Last Submitted to Repository: Fri 25 Jan 02 1.0
# Last Modified: Fri 25 Oct 02 1.1
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
ToolType = "numeric"
from numpy import *
WeatherElementEdited = "Sky"
# You can screen the elements for which your tool will appear by using
# a ScreenList. For example:
#ScreenList = ["T","Td"]
#ScreenList = ["SCALAR","VECTOR","WEATHER"]
# include this line to use methods for Weather Keys
# from WxMethods import *
### If desired, Set up variables to be solicited from the user:
VariableList = [
## ("Greater or by factor ?" , "add", "alphaNumeric"),
## ("Variable name3" , ["default value1", "default value2"], "check",
## ["value1", "value2", "value3"]),
("Sky vs PoP Relationship:" , "add", "radio",
["add", "multiply", "Sky Limit"]),
("For add, multiply (smaller factor), by how much ?" , "20", "numeric"),
("For Sky Limit, only Sky less than Limit affected; it is raised to the Limit:", "", "label"),
("Enter Sky Limit: the minimum Sky cover needed to support Wx:" , 60, "numeric"),
# ("Enter minimum PoP for measurable precip:", 15, "numeric"),
("Enter Sky cover for 5% PoP:" , 30, "numeric"),
## ("Variable name5" , defaultValue, "scale",
## [minValue, maxValue]),
## ("Variable name6" , "", "model"),
## ("Variable name7" , "", "D2D_model"),
## ("Label contents" , "", "label"),
# Set up Class
import SmartScript
## For available commands, see SmartScript
class Tool (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
# Required Method: Execute
# Called once for each grid
# Fill in the arguments you want to use -- WeatherElement1, WeatherElement2...
def execute(self, Sky, PoP, varDict):
"Allows one to ensure there is enough cloud to support the corrsponding PoP. \
The user decides by how much, or by what factor, the cloud should be greater."
## # Set up Variables from the varDict (see VariableList below)
## var1 = varDict["Variable name1"]
## var2 = varDict["Variable name2"]
# Determine new value
if (self._operator == "add"):
mainAddMask = logical_and(greater_equal(PoP, 5), less(Sky, PoP + self._factor))
Sky = where(logical_and(less(PoP, 5), less_equal(Sky, PoP * self._lofactor)), PoP * self._lofactor,
where(logical_and(mainAddMask, less_equal(PoP, self._breathingRoom)), PoP + self._factor,
where(greater(PoP, self._breathingRoom), float32(100), Sky)))
elif self._operator == "multiply":
Sky = where(logical_and(less(Sky, PoP * self._factor), less_equal(PoP * self._factor, 100)), PoP * self._factor,
where(logical_and(less(Sky, PoP * self._factor), greater(PoP * self._factor, 100)), float32(100), Sky))
lowSkyMask = less(Sky, self._SkyLimit)
Sky = where(logical_and(lowSkyMask, greater_equal(PoP, self._PoPLimit)), self._SkyLimit,
where(logical_and(lowSkyMask, less_equal(Sky, self._SkyLimit - (self._PoPLimit - PoP) * self._slope)),
(self._SkyLimit - (self._PoPLimit - PoP) * self._slope), Sky))
# PoP = where(logical_and(curMask, greater_equal(PoP, (self._minPoP - abs(self._SkyLimit - Sky)/self._slope))),
# (self._minPoP - abs(self._SkyLimit - Sky)/self._slope),
# PoP)
# Return the new value
return Sky
# Optional Methods
## # These methods can have the additional argument:
## # ToolTimeRange -- selected time range over which we are running the tool
def preProcessTool(self, varDict):
# Called once at beginning of Tool
# Cannot have WeatherElement or Grid arguments
# Get thresholds for Sky cover
# Get method
self._operator = varDict["Sky vs PoP Relationship:"]
# For Add or Multiply:
# Idea is Sky is greater than PoP, either by a fixed amount
# (add), or by a factor. The value for sky, of course, cannot
# be greater than 100; this is where 'breathingRoom' comes in
# (for 'add'). Sky is left alone if it is already large enough.
self._factor = varDict["For add, multiply (smaller factor), by how much ?"]
# For Add:
self._lofactor = float(self._factor + 5) / 5.
# For Muultply:
self._breathingRoom = 100 - self._factor
# For Sky Limit:
# self._PoPLimit = varDict["Enter minimum PoP for measurable precip:"] ## 15
self._PoPLimit = 15
self._SkyLimit = varDict["Enter Sky Limit: the minimum Sky cover needed to support Wx:"] ## 60
self._SkyMin = varDict["Enter Sky cover for 5% PoP:"] ## 30
# Make sure minimum PoP for measurable precip is 15-25%
if self._PoPLimit < 15.0:
self._PoPLimit = 15.0
elif self._PoPLimit > 25.0:
self._PoPLimit = 25.0
# Make sure minimum Sky cover for Wx is 50-100%
if self._SkyLimit < 50:
self._SkyLimit = 50
elif self._SkyLimit > 100:
self._SkyLimit = 100
# Make sure Sky cover for 5% PoP is 10-100%
if self._SkyMin < 10:
self._SkyMin = 10
elif self._SkyMin > 100:
self._SkyMin = 100
# Make sure Sky cover for 5% PoP < minimum Sky cover for Wx
if self._SkyMin > self._SkyLimit - 15:
self._SkyMin = self._SkyLimit - 15
# Compute slope to use for this line
self._slope = (self._SkyLimit - self._SkyMin) / (self._PoPLimit - 5.0)
## def postProcessTool(self, varDict):
## # Called once at end of Tool
## # Cannot have WeatherElement or Grid arguments
## pass
## def preProcessGrid(self, varDict):
## # Called once at beginning of each Grid
## # Can have Grid arguments (T_Grid),
## # but not point arguments (T)
## pass
## def postProcessGrid(self, varDict):
## # Called once at end of Grid
## # Can have Grid arguments (T_Grid),
## # but not point arguments (T)
## pass
## What is "self"????
## "Self" refers to this Tool class instance. Don't worry much about it.
## All you need to do is:
## -- Make sure to list "self" as the first argument of
## method Definitions:
## def myMethod(self, arg1, arg2)
## -- When Calling your methods, use self.methodName omitting
## "self" as the first argument:
## x = self.myMethod(arg1, arg2)
## Error Handling
## Call self.abort(errorString) to stop execution of your tool and
## display a message to the user.
## For example:
## if x > 1000:
## self.abort("x is too large")
## Call self.noData(messageString) to stop execution of your tool
## and return a "NoData" error which can be checked by a Script.