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55 lines
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# ${itemName}.py
# Author: $author
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The MenuItems list defines the GFE menu item(s) under which the
# Procedure is to appear.
# Possible items are: Populate, Edit, Consistency, Verify, Hazards
MenuItems = ["Edit"]
import LogStream, time
from math import *
# The ToolList is optional, but recommended, if you are calling
# Smart Tools from your Script.
# If present, it can be used to show which grids will be
# modified by the Script.
## Double-pound starts a Velocity comment, so we have to use
## substitution for Python comments starting with a double-pound
#set($p = "#")
$p${p}ToolList = [("T_Tool", "T"),
$p$p ("PoP_Tool", "PoP"),
$p$p ("Wind_Tool", "Wind"),
$p$p ]
$p$p$p If desired, Set up variables to be solicited from the user:
$p$p If your script calls Smart Tools, this VariableList should
$p$p cover all the variables necessary for the tools.
VariableList = []
${p}VariableList.append(("Extrapolate:", "Forward in Time", "radio", ["Forward in Time", "Backward in Time"]))
${p}VariableList.append(("Movement Speed (Kts):", "15", "numeric"))
${p}VariableList.append(("This is just a label", "", "label"))
${p}VariableList.append(("5% Sky Cover threshold at RH percentage:", 60., "scale", [44., 74.],2.0))
import time
import AbsTime
import SmartScript
$p$p For documentation on the available commands,
$p$p see the SmartScript Utility, which can be viewed from
$p$p the Edit Actions Dialog Utilities window
class Procedure (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
def execute(self, editArea, timeRange, varDict):